
Lesson Plan
Class: 9
Date: 29th March to 4th April 2015
Subject: Physics
Teacher(s): Mahmud Ashraf Shamim, Mamunur Rashid
Practical Electricity
Name of the Unit/Chapter/Topic
Lesson Objectives
Learning Standard/Targets
Uses of electricity in daily life.
Use of electricity
describe the use of electricity in heating, lighting, motors.
• do calculations using the equations
power = voltage ×current,
energy = voltage× current× time.
• Calculate the cost of using electrical appliances where
the energy unit is the kW h.
Knowledge Harvest/Existing Knowledge Check Activities/Pre-lesson task
Learning Prompt/Pre-teach activities/Ice breaking
At the beginning of the class, students will be encouraged to talk about their
experiences and ideas about the application of electricity in daily life. How it is
influencing our life.
Retrospect of the last lesson
To greet students and discussing about previous lecture and
starting the new topic.
Web Activity
A good internet website related to this chapter is the
Body of the Lesson
Main Contents Delivery/key points
Use of electricity, Understanding the key Demonstrating students how to calculate
the power used by an electrical
equations P = VI, E = VIt, Kilowattcompliance.
Hour. Power rating.
Home Work/Assignment
Assigning some CIE exam standard MCQ and structured questions.
Assigned problems will be solved in the help class.
Text Book
Resources (handouts/worksheets/PPP/VP/Website)
Federal Physics
Will be given in the class
Randomly asking questions to students to know whether
the objectives are fulfilled or not.
Wrap-Up activities
Diary writing as well Summarizing today’s lesson
White Board, Marker, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Resistor
Students will be asked to give two examples of household
appliances that are based on the heating effect of a current.
Observer’s Comments
Lesson Plan
Class: 9
Date: 29th March to 4th April 2015
Subject: Computer Science
Teacher(s): Mahmud Ashraf Shamim, Mamunur Rashid
Practical Electricity
Name of the Unit/Chapter/Topic
Lesson Objectives
Learning Standard/Targets
Dangers of electricity,
Dangers of electricity
State the hazards of damaged insulation, overheating of cables, damp
Knowledge Harvest/Existing Knowledge Check Activities/Pre-lesson
Learning Prompt/Pre-teach activities/Ice breaking
At the beginning of the class, students will be encouraged to talk about
their experiences and ideas about the application of electricity in daily life.
How it is influencing our life.
Body of the Lesson
Main Contents Delivery/key points
Safety requirements, role of fuse to
Calculating the heat loss. Some real life
Randomly asking questions to students to know whether
protect electrical appliance, earthling,
examples will be given based on common the objectives are fulfilled or not.
double insulation
Home Work/Assignment
Wrap-Up activities
Learn all task has been completed in the class
Diary writing as well Summarizing today’s lesson
Text Book
Click Start-6
Resources (handouts/worksheets/PPP/VP/Website)
Will be given in the class
Students will be asked to give two examples of household
appliances that are based on the heating effect of a current.
White Board, Marker, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Resistor
Observer’s Comments