Elon Elementary School School Improvement Team Meeting Minutes Date of Meeting: 4-20-15 Time: 3:00 Location: Media center Members Present: Principal: Jack Davern Assistant Principal: Tracy Perkins Chair: Emily Moore EC/ESL/AIG: Donna Davis Specials: Ardan O’Brien Media/Technology: Ashley Geise Student Services: Usha Verma Classified: Parent: Shea Joyce Kindergarten: Tracy Dix First Grade: Matthew Agner Second Grade: Jill Shambley Third Grade: Regina Kellis Fourth Grade: Charlotte Hoy Fifth Grade: Karyn Parsons Other: REPORTS Chairperson: Committees: Student Council: dance this Friday 2:30-4:30, Send your envelope to the office with money and permission slips, could use some help, wrist bands will be given to teachers on Friday with a list of who gets them…the 3 different colors will help manage when each group gets their snack, Yearbook: on sale now… 150 to sale, please help get pictures returned or money sent in as well National Honors Socitey: looking for new beach towels for charity project---we have 3 and are looking for 60 PTO: please help get time slots filled to help with the games first…then, bouncers, food, set up & clean up at Spring Fling on May 1st and help donating items for the baskets to raffle off, or if they want to make a basket…see Shea if you have questions, no teacher bags being done this year for Spring Fling, if you know of any groups who need to accumulate some volunteer hours…see Shea Clean Up on Saturday—one wrist band per household for helping out for the Spring Fling Email PTO your ideas for People/Staff to recognize Email Shea a list of consumables that you may want/need for the rest of the year Leadership Reports Jack Davern: get your info together for the next Elon Newsletter and turn in by May 13th, Elon Elementary School School Improvement Team Meeting Minutes Great job to all who helped out with the multicultural event, Science Olympiad—Fantastic!!!, Looking at using Data Notebooks at the beginning of next year for each student, gathering supplies and hope to have ready at the beginning of the year which will also be good to help with conferences School Supplies: our budget from central office may go up, but we will need to be more cautious about what we ask parents for at the beginning of the year, Each Grade Level needs to look at what they actually use (as a supply list that normally goes out to parents) and give 1) a sample/example of the supply list to give to Jack, the actual items, AND 2) the supply list as well…by May 29 th. Beta Club: still trying to see if we can get that started by the beginning of next year…it may allow more students to participate than the National Honors Society, if you would like to help, see Tracy Perkins Clubs: running, step team, strategy, dance, & possibly chess have started…more welcome to join in, with these clubs or new ones…they don’t have to go the whole year, possibly even just 4 weeks at a time Global Schools Update: there is a Global Team and they are people who will get info from VIF and they will have an after school webinar to gather more to share with the rest of staff, we want to know before we leave for the summer and inform our parents at our last awards program where the regions will be for each grade level in hopes of obtaining artifacts for each area, We are hoping to receive additional funding that may allow us to hire an International teacher, waiting to hear more about this. With staffing--Allotments are looking low for Kindergarten, and right now we are planning on 4 Kindergarten classes next year, and also 4 classes in 1st grade next year. Summer Camp: have about 24 kids committed, hoping to get more…hope to still have a program…it may just be a small group for our first year and able to handle staffing through our current After School Staff, will let our staff know if we need more help Will need to look at who will make up SIT for next year, and make up guidelines so we can have our team ready Elon Elementary School School Improvement Team Meeting Minutes Tracy Perkins: Unfinished Business: New Business: Staff concerns: Do we want to Adopt a Grade for EOG testing?...Tracy Dix will help get it in place and get the items ordered Help for suggestions for discipline: we are still using the discipline forms, be consistent in using them so Tracy Perkins has a history to pull info from when she needs to contact a parent, Clubs, Dance, and any optional afterschool activities are a good example where conduct has to be good to attend, Use tickets, not only for PBIS events, but to trade for additional luxuries—special equipment to take out to recess, to buy special pencils or trips to your surprise box, special seating, etc. We need space for out tutors: can we get tables and chairs, whiteboards, designated places? …we have the volunteers, but not really an ideal place to use them efficiently, --Jack will meet with Sue and see if we can better the situation Laminator: new one ordered and delivered…was damaged and will have to be returned End of Year dates: will inform staff as soon as any changes are locked in Technology: if you have questions, you can have one person on the grade level see Ashley, or use the Technology Thursday after schools to get training or answers, or even check you Google Drive for other questions that may have already been answered Field Trips: if you’re able, avoid trips on the same day as other grades, also trips cannot be scheduled to return after 2:30 simply because the lack of drivers (they’re driving school routes at that time), Background Checks take 2-3 weeks and must be the form that has the social security number required…see Tracy Perkins if you have a question about the form Adjournment: Motion to Adjourn by: Ardan Seconded: Hoy Next Meeting: May 11, 2015 at 3:00 in the media center