THINGS OF IMPORTANCE 1 Things of Importance Gabriela N. Garcia Central Arizona College THINGS OF IMPORTANCE Abstract The Holland Codes assessment is a test that divides career occupations into six basics categories known as the acronym, RIASEC, which stands for Realistic (Doers), Investigative (Thinkers), Artistic (Creators), Social (Helpers), Enterprising (Persuaders), and Conventional (Organizers). This test allows its users to reflect upon their highest and lowest personality types upon completion of the test. This assessment directly correlates to a deeper understanding of one’s personality and their values. For example, if someone got the code SER, meaning, they are strongly sociable, entrepreneurial, and realistic, their given personality reflects values such as interaction between diverse groups, time-management, and so on. THINGS OF IMPORTANCE Things of Importance After completing the Holland Codes assessment I got the resulting code of AES, which means my strongest personalities include, artistic, entrepreneurial, and sociable. From the given code I can illustrate my values and momentous aspects of my life. There are many facets that pertain to importance within my life, the list goes on, but to be brief, I’ve made a list of my top ten important things, which include, my family, boyfriend, friends, innovation, success, education, respect, time-management, hard work, and last but not least passion. Based on my personalities, linking them to my top ten important things is quite facile. My artistic personality corresponds to innovation and passion, my entrepreneurial personality relates to success, education, respect, time-management, and hard work, while my sociable side relates to my family, boyfriend and friends. Artistic Personality (A) To begin with, both innovation and passion are both things of importance relating to my artistic personality. Innovation motivates me to think outside the box to create extraordinary projects or ideas, such as a collage or a book idea. Along with innovation is passion. My passion for art motivates me to acquire a profession in the realm of creativity, for example, a career in interior design would allow my passion for the arts to shine through by expressing my artistic abilities through creating an appealing space for a customer. Overall, my artistic personality seems to stand out the most and is a huge influential factor on my motivation level. Entrepreneurial Personality (E) In addition to my artistic personality, there is my entrepreneurial personality. Success, education, determination, time-management, and hard work are all important factors in my life that have greatly influenced this particular personality. Both success and my education are THINGS OF IMPORTANCE essential to have because without it finding a suitable job will be difficult without the necessary prerequisites. These motivate me because in order to be successful I must get a proper education by attending and graduating college. Determination and hard work are crucial because when entering a workplace, that’s what employer’s look for. Both of these come hand in hand and motivate me to never give up and to always go the extra mile to achieve all of my goals. Finally, time-management is important, especially now that I’m attending college. Having timemanagement skills allows myself to balance homework, my social life, and work. On the whole, my entrepreneurial personality works in my favor of accomplishing goals and being successful. Sociable Personality (S) Furthermore, my sociable personality relates to my top three significant attributes in my life, which are my family, boyfriend, and friends. My family is a vital resource in my life who shelter me with love and support. When it comes to my family, they are my biggest motivators because each and every day they always remind me how proud they are of my accomplishments and always encourage me to keeping going a step further. Next, is my boyfriend, Paul. Paul is extremely important to me because he’s been my best friend since tenth grade and he’s the only one who understands my goofy self. He motivates me just as my family does. Although most of my friends are away for college, they are still important to me because they accepted me as one of their own and helped me break out of my shy shell. They motivate me to be a better person. Clearly, my family, boyfriend, and friends, are my biggest motivators. Conclusion In conclusion, my Holland Code, AES, definitely establishes relevancy to my top ten important things in my life. In my opinion, I believe the Holland Code was completely accurate because it classified my personality in a way that I would as well. It was surprising to see how THINGS OF IMPORTANCE greatly my personality types went along with my list of my important things. All in all, everything included on my list are my main motivators.