American Revolution Project

American Revolution Project
Take the 10 major events of the Declaration of Independence, and create a wordle with
all of the points.
You will have ONE wordle with the ten events. The more you enter an important wordthe larger it will appear on the wordle. You should NOT have words like “the” “an”
“with” etc. Those are not important. Only use (and reuse) important words in the
paragraphs you will read in this link!
Pick 1 of the following topics from this bullet and complete:
 People Important to the American Revolution
 Pick an important person from the American Revolution and tell their
significance in the war. You will have to do some research to find a
person. Draw a portrait of that person (at least a 5X7), with a little blurb
about them underneath your portrait. Why were they important, what
caused them to make their decisions in the war, if you could meet that
person today what would you ask him/her that relates to the Revolutionary
war? This could also include Women of the Revolution.
 Use your knowledge of your leader to create a brochure about him/her.
You can find brochure templates under Microsoft Publisher .The
Informational Brochures are your best options. It needs to be typed.
 Make a wordle from your famous person. Use adjectives to describe
Pick 2 of the following from this bullet and complete:
 Battles of the American Revolution
 Pick a battle from the American Revolution and do research on it. Find out
dates, what happened, where, major generals/leaders, etc. Then create a
diary entry for that day of the battle. Pretend you are a soldier, nurse,
commander, etc. and describe what you see and what happens.
 American Revolution Timeline
 Create a timeline with the date and pictures of the important events of the
American Revolution. DO NOT COPY any timeline that is on the
internet! You MUST make it yourself!
 Important Readings from the American Revolution
 You can type up a response to a famous American Revolution quote. (you
will have to research famous quotes from the American Revolution) What
does that quote mean? What does it mean for liberty and freedom for our
country? Answer must be typed.
 Historical Flags of the American Revolution (best one), or American
Revolutionary War Flags
Continued on next page……..
 Research the kinds of all the different types of flags from the American
Revolution, and create them. You can do this with material or on paper.
 On the back, you have to explain all of your choices for color, formatting,
and design.
 Make sure you are NOT Plagiarizing any
 When your project is complete, you should have a total of 4
items in your folder.
name and your partner’s
name on the front cover. The title should be “The American
Your folder should have your