Aligarh Alumni Association, Washington DC PO Box 1877, Ellicott City, MD 21043 The Association that has been serving the community since 1975 We sincerely thank our patrons for supporting us all these years Trustees: Tariq Farooqi (Chairperson); A Abdullah, Aftab A Ansari, S Rafat Husain, Aisha A khan Executive Council: Razi Raziuddin (President); Wazir H Qadri (Treasurer); Zafar Iqbal (Secretary) February 21, 2014 Dear Friends: The Annual General Body Meeting and election of the Aligarh Alumni Association, Washington, DC, will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2014, at the auditorium of Montgomery County Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850, starting at 2:00 PM. You are welcome to bring your friend; however, only eligible members can vote. Dr. Syed Amir is appointed as the Election Officer. In addition, the attached amended Constitution and Bylaws document will also be voted upon. Light refreshments will be served. Should you have any questions, please call the election officer (301-424-8352), any of the Trustees or Executive Council officers. With best regards, Sincerely, Razi Raziuddin Tariq Farooqi President Chairperson Attachments: Meeting Agenda Nomination Paper Constitution & Bylaws document showing the original and proposed amendments AGENDA FOR ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING Date: March 22, 2014 Time: 2:00 PM Venue: Montgomery County Executive Office Building (EOB) Auditorium 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850 Payment of membership dues - $30 (family) and $20 (single) Call to order Tilawat Welcome by the outgoing President Minutes of the last General Assembly meeting Annual report by the outgoing President Annual Report by the outgoing Chairperson Treasurer's report Trustees’ Financial Report Report of the Scholarship Committee Report of the Investment Committee Wazir Qadri Razi Raziuddin Elections: EC, Trustee Election of Chair of the BOT (by BOT members only) Amendment of Bylaws Syed Amir Transfer of Council’s Operating Account checkbook from the outgoing Treasurer to the new Treasurer Transfer of files and records from the outgoing Council to the Board of Trustees Adjournment Razi Raziuddin Zafar Iqbal Razi Raziuddin Tariq Farooqi Wazir Qadri Rafat Husain Aftab Ansari Wazir Qadri ____________________________________________________________________________ Directions: From I-270, take exit# 6A, W. Montgomery Ave, (Rte. 28) towards Rockville. Drive 1.2 miles. Bear right on Jefferson St. Go 0.5 miles. Turn left on Monroe St. The Executive Bldg. will be on your left. Public parking is available at the intersection of Jefferson St. and Monroe St. NOMINATION PAPER 2014 PAGE 1: RULES (2014) Election Date: March 22, 2014 Nomination Receipt Deadline: March 17, 2011 WHERE AND HOW TO SUBMIT NOMINATIONS: Nominations may be submitted to Dr. Syed Amir, Election Officer, by mail (402 Ritchie Highway, Rockville, MD 20852); by phone (301 424 8352), or by Email ( DEADLINE FOR THE NOMINATION: Nominations must reach the election officer five days prior to the election date (on March 17, 2014). Floor nominations on the election date will be allowed only for those positions for which no valid nomination is received by the deadline. Thus, for the Council positions even if one valid nomination for a particular position reaches the Election Officer by the deadline, floor nominations for that position will not be allowed; and for the single Trustee position floor nominations will not be allowed if a valid nomination has been received by the deadline. VALID NOMINATIONS: In order for a nomination to be valid: (a) the nomination must be endorsed by two voting members (a proposer and a seconder) — the two endorsements may reach either separately or together; (b) the proposer and the seconder must both be eligible voters; (c) the candidate must be eligible for the position; and (d) the candidate must express consent for the nomination. ELIGIBILITY TO PROPOSE/SECOND/VOTE FOR ALL COUNCIL POSITIONS: Two-month Regular or Life membership in the Association—each eligible person will carry one vote. ELIGIBILITY TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT-ELECT: Current Regular (or Life) membership for 2 consecutive years; plus 1 year service on the Council; plus alumnus (former AMU student or staff). ELIGIBILITY TO SERVE AS SECRETARY-ELECT or TREASURER-ELECT: Current Regular (or Life membership) for 2 consecutive years. LIMIT ON THE CURRENT “ELECTS”: A person who holds an “Elect” position is not eligible to run for any Council seat. TERM-LIMIT FOR COUNCIL: A person may serve on the Council for no more than 4 consecutive terms. ELIGIBILITY TO SERVE AS A TRUSTEE: A total of 15 years of Regular or Life membership, plus alumnus (non-alumnus allowed if alumnus not available). TERM-LIMIT FOR TRUSTEES: A person may serve as a Trustee for no more than 2 consecutive terms. ____________________________________________________________________________ Note about the Rules: These are abbreviated guidelines, and should be considered in context of the current Bylaws NOMINATION PAPER 2014 PAGE 2: NOMINATIONS (2014) Nominations for the following positions are sought; you may nominate for all the positions or for fewer positions: COUNCIL: (Nominate or vote for one candidate for each of the following SIX positions. You may nominate or vote for all the positions or fewer.) 1. PRESIDENT __________________________________ 2. SECRETARY __________________________________ 3. TREASURER __________________________________ 4. PRESIDENT-ELECT __________________________________ 5. SECRETARY-ELECT __________________________________ 6. TREASURER-ELECT __________________________________ TRUSTEE: Nominate or vote for ONE candidate on each nomination paper. Two trustees will be elected for 5-year. _______________________________________________ PROPOSED BY: __________________________________ Date _________ SECONDED BY: __________________________________ Date _________ CURRENT & RETIRING OFFICERS OF THE COUNCIL 2014 President Secretary Treasurer Dr. Razi Raziuddin term expires. Dr. Zafar Iqbal’s term expires. Mr. Wazir Qadri’s term expires. CURRENT & RETIRING TRUSTEES 2014 Dr. A. Abdullah (until March 2013). A new Trustee will be elected Mr. Tariq Farooqi (until March 2014). He was elected to fill Dr. Raziuddin’s position. A new Trustee will be elected Dr. S. Rafat Husain (until March 2015) Mrs. Ayesha Khan (until March 2016) Dr. Aftab A. Ansari (until March 2017) APPENDIX 4—SUCCESSION OF COUNCIL All transfer of responsibilities, power, files, records, and checkbook(s) shall take place on or about April 1 as decided jointly by Council and BOT. Irrespective of the election date, the Elects will be considered in power effective April 1, even if the transfers are done on a different date(s). a. The outgoing Council shall transfer bank checkbook(s) to the new Treasurer; and all files, documents, records, assets and liabilities to the Trustees. The Trustees and the Council Officers shall meet for the required amount of time and ensure that all items are in order. b. The Trustees shall bring to the election meeting the necessary documents (for example, a corporate resolution from the Trustees and a bank signature card) that may be required to change the mailing address and signatures for the Council’s Operating Account. The corporate resolution will authorize that: i) the bank statements be sent to the Trustee of Funds and a duplicate to the new Treasurer; ii) the Trustee of Funds, new Treasurer and the new Treasurer-Elect will have signature authorities on the Council’s Operating Account, with only one signature required on checks; and iii) only the Board of Trustees, and no single individual, has the authority to close or freeze the account or change its mailing address. The corporate resolution shall be signed by at least half of the Trustees as signatories of the resolution. c. The Trustee of Funds, the new Treasurer and the new Treasurer-Elect shall provide their sample signatures on the corporate resolution and/or signature card, as may be required by the specific bank of the Council’s Operating Account. The duly signed corporate resolution/signature card/any other documents required for the three purposes stated in Section 1.b of this Article shall be transmitted to the bank promptly. d. The Trustees shall provide to the new Council Officers printed guidelines and samples showing how record keeping and finances are to be handled. APPENDIX — SUCCESSION OF BOT BYLAWS: X.9.f. Immediately following the election of the Trustees, the latter shall elect from amongst themselves a Chairperson. END