Bachelor of Science Degree

Program listings under the international program
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available subjects and alternative study areas
School of Technology and Applied Sciences
Concrete Technology
Bachelor of Science Degree
For study areas or subjects not listed kindly contact the International Program Director.
First year
Engineering Chemistry, Calculus I, Calculus II, Advanced Algebra and Differential Applications, Matlab,
Mechanics, Statistics and Probability, Engineering Physics, Engineering Drawing, Strength of Materials
Second year
Structural Mechanics, Theory of Structures, Structural Reliability Analysis, Reinforced Concrete Design,
Pre-stressed Concrete, Formwork for Concrete, Steel, Concrete and Composite Design, Environmental and Water Management,
Waste Water Management
Third Year
Building Materials Science, Geology, Concrete Constituent Materials, Concrete Testing and Quality,
Environmental Science, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Applied Water Chemistry,
Fourth Year
Concrete Technology, Unit Operations, Concrete Properties, Transfer Processes, Corrosion Science, Construction Project
Management, Construction Planning, Construction Contracting, Construction Safety,
Engineering Management, Engineering Economy,
For master’s and doctoral degree studies kindly refer to the civil or structural engineering fields of endeavour.