PhD Qualification Written Examination Courses

NCTU Civil Engineering Department - PhD Qualification Written Examination Courses
Structural Engineering Program
Choose 4 of 10 courses below for examination with advisors’ permission:
1. Advanced Mechanics of Materials
2. Advanced Structural Analysis
3. Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures
4. Advanced Steel Structures
5. Advanced Concrete
6. Advanced Mechanics of Concrete
7. Elasticity
8. Finite Element Methods
9. Structural Dynamics
10. Computer AIDED in Civil Engineering
Construction Engineering & Management Program
1. Choose 2 of 3 courses below:
(1) Project Scheduling and Control
(2) Cost and Value Engineering
(3) Public Works Investigation Theory and Practice
2. The rest two courses can be chosen by examinees with advisors’ permission.
III. Hydraulic & Ocean Engineering Program
The first 2 courses are mandatory and 2 of the rest 4 courses are optional.
1. Engineering Mathematics
Fluid Mechanics
Water Wave Theory
Ocean Engineering
Water Resources System Analysis and Planning
Open Channel Hydraulics
IV. Geotechnical Engineering Team
Chooses 2 of 3 courses below:
1. Soil Dynamics
2. Foundation Engineering
3. Rock Mechanics and Engineering Graphics
Surveying Engineering Team
Divide into two main subjects like basic subject and professional subject.
Basic subjects: Include Surveying and Adjustment Theory
Professional Subjects: Include Physical Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy, Drafting, Geographic
Information System, Digital Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and related dissertation with
other students. The exam subjects are determined by advisor.
VI. Information Technology Program (Revised by program meeting in Sept. 18, 2012)
Choose 1 of 2 set of courses for written examination with the advisors’ permission.
A. Professional courses of above academic program or information technology related
courses held by Civil Engineering Department as below:
(1) Construction Management Information System
(2) Geographic Information System
(3) Applied Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering
(4) Constructability and Construction Business Intelligence
(5) Computer-Aided Design and Analysis
(6) Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geotechnical Eng
(7) Global Positioning System
(8) Construction Enterprise Resource and Management
B. 4 major courses held by NCTU but not Civil Engineering Department:
(1) Databases and Data Mining
(2) Artificial Intelligence
(3) Computer Vision
(4) Mathematics and Management