Check Agenda & Assignments! 7th GRADE SCIENCE Mr. Stock/Ms. Quirk/Mr. Sheffield Potter Junior High (760) 731-4150 COURSE DESCRIPTION This is a required one-year course. The course is changing as we start incorporating the standards of NGSS, Common Core, and STEM. Study units will include: Intro to Science, Changes of State, Atoms & Reactions, Cell Biology, Photosynthesis & Respiration, Ecosystems & Energy Transfer, and Life Decisions. The program draws special attention to scientific inquiry. Major attention is given to presenting a balanced approach to all science areas and their application in the everyday world. Science reading and writing skills will be stressed throughout the year in a variety of ways. Students will be required to develop an Interactive Science Notebook that demonstrates the use of higher level thinking skills. EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS AND ACTIVITES The textbooks used in the classroom are Focus on Life Science and Focus on Physical Science, published by Prentice Hall Company. Each student will be issued a copy of the Focus on Life Science textbook to use at home. The curriculum will include: teacher lecture and demonstrations, class discussions stressing the use of inquiry and collaboration, and hands-on lab activities emphasizing safety and application of the scientific method. Scientific models, specialized equipment, educational videos, and other relevant activities will be utilized to enhance the total program. GENERAL EXPECTATIONS Be on time, be READY, be RESPECTFUL, and be RESPONSIBLE. PREPARATION FOR CLASS Students need a pencil, completed homework, science notebook, and planner for class each day. Everyone has the right to, and should expect to, learn. Each individual is worthy of respect. Classroom orderliness is necessary for an effective classroom. Hard work is necessary for learning. Thinking critically and asking questions creates problem solvers! EARNED CONSEQUENCES Refer to the student handbook procedures for discipline. Poor choices in behavior will result in a verbal warning and/or completion of the intervention-writing prompt (thinking questions) that may require a parent signature and/or detention. Infractions during labs will result in dismissal from the lab activity for the remainder of the day and possibly future lab activities. Parent/teacher communication is highly encouraged. MISSED WORK It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the homework assignments, notes & any other pertinent information that is missed during an absence (not during regular class time). GRADING Academic: The grade is earned by student achievement on assignments (50%) and assessments (50%). The majority of assignments should be completed in class. Any work not completed in class is expected to be completed as homework. Students are responsible to make-up missed assignments due to absence. Students will have until the following Friday to make-up missed assignments for each day of absence without penalty. Additionally, any work which is less than a C, other than tests and quizzes, may be submitted by the following Friday to raise the work’s grade to a C. Citizenship: The grade is based on the rubric in the Potter Planner. MORE INFORMATION Google Classroom will be utilized as a 21st Century educational tool. Students will need the class code and their Google account to access assignments, announcements, resources and full version syllabus. Students and parents are encouraged to use Infinite Campus to check grades. TEACHER CONTACT INFO (email is preferred) Mr. Stock: Ms. Quirk: Mr. Sheffield: Please complete the section below and return to your teacher. Keep the syllabus in your binder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name (print): ____________________________________________________ We have reviewed and understand the 7th grade Science syllabus and procedures. PARENT SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________ DATE: __________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________ DATE: __________________ CURRENT CONTACT INFORMATION Student email address: ___________________________________________ Parent email address: ___________________________________________ Parent phone number: ___________________________________________ Grading and missing work procedures Your grade is earned by student achievement on classwork/homework (50%) and assessments (tests, quizzes, and projects) (50%). The majority of assignments should be completed in class. Any work not completed in class is expected to be completed as homework. Grades are based on the traditional: A=100-90% B=89-80% C=79-70% D=69-60% F= 59% and below Students are responsible to make-up missed assignments due to absence. Students will have until the following Friday to make-up missed assignments for each day of absence without penalty. However, an assignment missed due to absence receives zero points until it is made up. Once it passes the grace period the zero is permanent. Please see me for extra time if you need it. Additionally, any work which is less than a C, other than tests and quizzes, may be submitted by the following Friday to raise the work’s grade to a C. There are no excuses for having any zeros for missing work as you have extra time to complete it. Once the work passes the grace period the zero is permanent. There is no extra credit. Your extra credit is the extra week that I give you to complete and turn in your missing work. Grades are posted weekly on Infinite Campus. It is your responsibility to check your grade, and see what work that you can make-up. Absent work may be obtained from the absence folder or on Google Drive. You may also ask your classmates. If you cannot find the work, or need clarification about your work see me. Work is turned in the first part of 16 minute passing or the first part of lunch. Help and work on previous assignments are never given during class time. Citizenship grades are based on the Potter Citizenship Rubric found in your planner. Not doing homework/classwork affects your citizenship grade as well as your academic grade. Rules: Follow all Potter and FUESD Rules Treat others with respect at all times. Respect all school property You have been in school long enough to know what you can and can’t do. If you do something you should not I WILL respond appropriately. Teacher will tell you when to pack up, we may need to finish up. The teacher dismisses you not the bell. Procedures: Coming into the classroom Handouts will be picked up as you enter the class. Once in class you will be orderly and respectful. Pencils will be sharpened BEFORE class starts! If you need a pencil or pen you will get one BEFORE class starts. (ask a friend) Tardy You are TARDY if you are not in class and ready to begin when the bell rings. Bathroom visits: Raise your hand; I will let one student go at a time (if it is a good time) or soon after. You MUST sign Bathroom Log, put date, & Times.