Early Years Koorie Literacy and Numeracy Program School Reporting Requirements January 2014 Published by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Melbourne January 2013 © State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) 2013 The copyright in this document is owned by the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development), or in the case of some materials, by third parties (third party materials). No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 the National Education Access Licence for Schools (NEALS) (see below) or with permission. NEALS is an educational institution situated in Australia which is not conducted for profit, or a body responsible for administering such an institution may copy and communicate the materials, other than third party materials, for the educational purposes of the institution. Authorised by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002. This document is also available on the internet at http://education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/aboriginal/Pages/earlyliteracynu meracy.aspx Contents Overview 4 Reporting requirements 4 Summary 4 Process for submitting reports 5 Program Initiation Report 5 Program Evaluation Report 7 Monitoring progress and measuring success 8 School level measures 8 System level measures 8 Overview As the Early Years Koorie Literacy and Numeracy Program (EYKLNP) is a new initiative, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the program and to identify changes that may be required to improve the program’s implementation leading to better outcomes for students. Schools will be required to provide data for these purposes by submitting reports online prior to, and following the implementation of any EYKLNP funded intervention. The data required in the EYKLNP reports include assessment data for measuring progress of students in literacy and/or numeracy as well as information on program factors which have been shown by evidence, or reported by schools to improve outcomes for Koorie students. These include: the literacy and numeracy expertise and cultural awareness of staff providing the intervention; family engagement/involvement in determining support models and developing Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and; the use of assessment to identify student needs and specific focus areas for literacy and/or numeracy support. Collecting data on program factors such as the above, contributes to the collective knowledge base of what works to improve outcomes for Koorie students and their families. Reporting requirements Summary The following table summarises the key information required in the two reports required from schools. Report Date required Program Initiation By 4 April 2014 Program Evaluation Must be submitted to activate funding 30 November 2014 Information required Number of Koorie students per year level identified for support (literacy and/or numeracy) How students are identified for support Plan for how funding will be used IEP and family engagement information Confirmation of number of Koorie students per year level supported (literacy and/or numeracy) Pre and post-intervention assessments: AusVELS teacher judgment in Reading and Number and Algebra(i) Other pre and post intervention assessments (ii) Reflections on program and ideas for improvement EYKLNP 2014 – School Reporting Requirements | Page 4 Notes i. Schools will need to keep appropriate records of pre and post–intervention AusVELS teacher judgments to support system level evaluation of the EYKLNP. Pre-intervention judgments may be informed by assessments conducted early in 2014 such as English Online or Mathematics Online as well as 2013 end of year AusVELS teacher judgments. Post intervention judgments will be those used for reporting to parents at the end of 2014. ii. Students may make progress in specific areas of literacy and/or numeracy but this progress may not be reflected in global assessments such as AusVELS teacher judgments. For this reason schools need to maintain records of pre and post-intervention student achievement in specific focus areas (for example word recognition or counting), to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of EYKLNP interventions. These assessments need to be informed by relevant evidence–based frameworks or tools, for example English Online Interview, the Mathematics Online Interview or VCAA On Demand tests. Process for submitting reports Reports will be submitted online via Edugate. Information will be provided to schools via the EYKLNP website at http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/aboriginal/Pages/earlyliteracynumeracy.aspx by March 15, 2014. Program Initiation Report This report is required by the end of Term 1, 2014. To complete this report, schools will need to have: identified the Koorie students eligible for support for literacy and/or numeracy (see Student Eligibility in EYKNP 2014 Guidelines); made indicative pre-intervention AusVELS judgments of eligible students in Reading and Number and Algebra (see Note i. above and Sample Template - Program Evaluation Report, page 8) developed Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for eligible students in consultation with students’ families1 and; planned for how funds will be expended over the course of the year. Submission of the Program Initiation Report will activate funding for eligible schools. Schools may commence implementation of support programs/interventions, as soon as their Program Initiation Report is submitted. It is expected that implementation will commence no later than the start of Term 2, 2014 to ensure students receive a sustained program of support. The sample template overleaf provides further detail of the type of information required for the Program Initiation Report. 1 The Koorie Education Workforce can assist schools to engage with students’ families and in the development to IEPs. Contact the Regional Office for assistance. EYKLNP 2014 – School Reporting Requirements | Page 5 Program Initiation Report - Sample Template Note. The Program Initiation Report must be submitted by the end Term 1, 2014. Information on the process for submitting the report will be provided by 15 March on the EYKLNP website at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/aboriginal/Pages/earlyliteracynumeracy.aspx School Principal details Surname First name Email address 1. Number of Koorie students identified for support using EYKLNP funding Supported for: Year level both literacy and numeracy literacy only numeracy only Total F 1 2 3 Total 2. Identification of students Literacy: Please describe the assessment data and assessment tools used to identify students. Numeracy: Please describe the assessment data and assessment tools used to identify students. 3. Use of funding Literacy. Please describe how funds will be used. In relation to staffing include the model, for example release of teachers, hire of tutors etc. and describe the expertise of the staff identified to provide support. Numeracy. Please describe how funds will be used. In relation to staffing include the model, for example release of teachers, hire of tutors etc. and describe the expertise of the staff identified to provide support. 4. Models of support Literacy. Describe the planned model/s of support and the rationale for selecting these models Numeracy. Describe the planned model/s of support and the rationale for selecting these models 5. Individual Education Plans Do all Koorie students who will be supported by the EYKLNP have an IEP? If no, how many don’t have an IEP why? Have all families been involved in the development of IEPs of students funded by EYKLNP? If no, how many don’t have an IEP why? 6. Reminder Pre-intervention assessment. Pre-intervention assessment data, as described in the EYKLNP School Reporting Requirements, has been collected in readiness for the program evaluation report. 7. Agreement I have read the information in the EYKLNP 2014 Guidelines and EYKLNP School Reporting Requirements and agree to the accountability requirements. SUBMIT FUNDING APPLICATION EYKLNP 2014 – School Reporting Requirements | Page 6 Program Evaluation Report Note. The Program Evaluation Report must be submitted by 30 November, 2014. Information on the process for submitting the report will be provided on 20 September on the EYKLNP website at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/aboriginal/Pages/earlyliteracynumeracy.aspx Schools will need to provide pre and post AusVELS data for each student provided with additional support. This data will be used for system level evaluation of the effectiveness of the EYKLP program in lifting the achievement of Koorie students towards expected levels in literacy and numeracy. Data on other measures of student progress and general feedback from schools is also included in this report. Sample Template - Program Evaluation Report School ID School Name 1. Number of Koorie students identified for support using EYKLNP funding (Confirmation or adjustment of Program Initiation Report. ONF Supported for: Year level both literacy and numeracy literacy only numeracy only Total F 1 2 3 Total LITERACY Student name (school use only) Year level English Online Reading Indicative score March 2014 NUMERACY AusVELS (Reading) PreIntervention PostIntervention AusVELS (Number and Algebra) Pre-intervention Postintervention Reflections, comments and suggestions for improvement EYKLNP 2014 – School Reporting Requirements | Page 7 Monitoring progress and measuring success School level measures Students supported by the EYKLNP may make progress in specific areas of literacy and/or numeracy, for example word recognition or counting, which may not be reflected in more global assessments such as AusVELS teacher judgments. For this reason schools are requested to maintain records of pre and postintervention student achievement in specific focus areas that have been supported through the EYKLNP. This data will support schools to make adjustments to the program delivery in response to student needs and to evaluate the effectiveness of the EYKLNP for particular students, year levels and the school as a whole. System level measures To reduce the literacy and numeracy achievement gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, the progress of Koorie students who are below expected levels2 in literacy and numeracy must be accelerated so they can ‘catch up’ with their peers who are continuing to make further progress. For a student who is achieving below the expected level – for example in Reading and/or Number and Algebra – reducing the gap between the student’s level and the expected level requires a rate of progress greater than one AusVELS level per year. If this accelerated rate cannot be achieved, the gap will remain the same or increase over time. The rate of progress of students can therefore be used as measure of the overall effectiveness of the EYKLNP. This requires a consistent measure of student achievement prior to and following the period during which EYKLNP funded interventions occur. For this reason, AusVELS teacher judgments provided by schools before and after the implementation of EYKLNP interventions will be used at the system level to measure the effectiveness of the EYKLNP. Years 1 – 3 For students in Years 1 to 3 the indicative3 measure of success of the EYKLNP at the system level is defined as follows: literacy: the proportion of supported Koorie students at each year level who progress more than one AusVELS level in 2014 in Reading. numeracy: the proportion of supported Koorie students at each year level who progress more than one AusVELS level in 2014 in Number and Algebra. The above measures reflect both the challenge and the aspiration of the EYKLNP for students in Years 1–3. It is expected that students will progress at different rates depending on their age, confidence and self efficacy as learners and prior learning experiences in the home and school. It is also recognised that the further below the expected level a student is, the more challenging it is to ‘close the gap’. The challenge and aspiration of the EYKLNP is to increase the rate of progress for students who are below expected levels beyond a rate of one AusVELS level in Reading and/or Number and Algebra in 2014. A different measure is required for students in Foundation as explained below. 2 The achievement gap is measured at national and state levels using NAPLAN data in relation to National Minimum Standards. Since NAPLAN data is not available for all year levels AusVELS data is used to provide an ongoing measure of student achievement against ‘expected levels’. 3 The measure is indicative only since achievement in Reading and/or Number and Algebra are not comprehensive measures of literacy and numeracy achievement. EYKLNP 2014 – School Reporting Requirements | Page 8 Foundation Students enter their first year of schooling with a range of different skills and understandings in literacy and numeracy. This presents a challenge when identifying students who are below ‘expected levels’. Teachers will need to use appropriate assessments at the start of the Year (such as the English Online Interview) and exercise their professional judgment to identify those Koorie students who will require additional support as they work towards the expected levels in literacy and numeracy. For the purposes of evaluating the EYKLNP for students in Foundation, the following points have been taken into consideration. At the start of the year all Foundation students are working towards AusVELS level 0.5 – the expected level at the half-way point of the year – except for students who are consideraably advanced and already at or beyond 0.5. The pre-intervention AusVELS score in Reading and/or Number and Algebra for students assessed as eligible for the EYKLNP (i.e. by being below the expected level) will be zero, since there are no incremental AusVELS scores between 0 and 0.5. The zero pre-intervention score carries a greater uncertainty than non-zero scores, since it cannot adequately reflect the range of skills and abilities of students entering their first year of schooling. Due to the above factors, an alternative measure of success is required for students in Foundation. Consequently the indicative measure of success of the EYKLNP for students in Foundation is defined as follows: literacy: the proportion of supported Koorie students who achieve Foundation level by the end of 2014 in Reading. numeracy: the proportion of supported Koorie students who achieve Foundation level by the end of 2014 in Number and Algebra. EYKLNP 2014 – School Reporting Requirements | Page 9 EYKLNP 2014 – School Reporting Requirements | Page 10