GUIDE 1 qq -

Due Friday, January 24th, 2014
Work in your homework notebook
Convert and write the type of unit:
52.5 in to cm
e) 450 mi to ft
150 oz to lb
f) 30 gal to ml
3.1 kg to g
g) 750 in to ft
13,000 m to km
h) 925 km to m
h) How many kilograms are there in 30 pounds?
i) How many m/s are there in 70 km/h?
j) 80 mi/h to km/s
k) 528 m/s to mi/h
2. Define:
a) Atomic mass
b) Subatomic particle
c) Proton
d) Nucleus
e) Unit of atomic mass
f) Electron
g) Neutron
h) Ion
3. Draw the shape of:
a) An s orbital
b) A py orbital
c) A px orbital
d) a pz orbital
4. Write the complete electron configuration of:
a) H
e) Mg
b) Li
f) Ca
c) K
g) Sr
d) Be
h) Ba
5. Write the abbreviated electron configuration of:
a) B
e) Pb
b) Ga
f) N
c) C
d) Si
h) O
6. For an element of the periodic table with Z= 20, find the following:
a) Name and Atomic number of the element
f) Third quantum number for electron # 6
b) Complete electron configuration
g) 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Q.N. for electron # 12
c) Abbreviated electron configuration
h) Orbital diagram
d) Principal quantum number for electron # 14
i) Period to which it belongs
e) Third quantum number for electron # 20
j) Group and Period to which it belongs
k) Number of valence electrons
7. For the element nickel, find:
a) Symbol and Atomic number of the element
f) Third quantum number for electron # 7
b) Complete electron configuration
g) 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Q.N. for electron # 18
c) Abbreviated electron configuration
h) Orbital diagram
d) Principal quantum number for electron # 6
i) Period to which it belongs
e) Third quantum number for electron # 11
j) Group and Period to which it belongs
k) Number of valence electrons