you can here.

The Pitch
Present your ART + SCIENCE project during ‘the knowledge
festival’ at Oxford House 2014 and participate in
Fan Palaces
Application form
The knowledge is the Oxford Houses annual art festival, running this year from 18th to 20th of
September. This year we are also celebrating the Oh! 130th anniversary and our continuous work in
the community and arts since 1884. During the Festival, Oh! Pocket Park will be launched with a
variety of events and street food.
The Pitch, very succesful last year, is an excellent opportunity for individuals and organisations who
have a project or idea that involves arts and science with the community. Within the annual
knowledge festival, on Friday the 19th of September, the selected entries will present their work at
How to apply:
All the competition entries must be submitted before Monday 11th of August by 2pm via e-mail to
Alaitz Arregi: stating Pitch application and your full name in the
“subject” with the attached application form.
The prize:
One prize of £500 cash and two of £250
The three of them also get the opportunity to deliver the work to the community during Fun Palaces
happening on the 4th- 5th of October 2014. Fun Palaces is a movement, putting cultural participation
and public engagement at the heart simultaneously and nationally, together – across the UK and
beyond, linked nationally and internationally, virtually and actually.
All the selected ideas will be contacted before the Wednesday 13th of August.
If you have been one of the 6 finalists, you will need to create and submit before Wednesday 9th of
A presentation of your idea using Power Point - 20 slides to be presented in 4 min - within
the Pitch evening on Friday the 19th of September at 5pm.
Please, only enter in this competition if you have availability on the following days:
Submit your presentation before Wednesday 9th of September before 2pm.
Friday 19th of September 2014 from 4pm until 7pm presentation at Oxford House
Friday the 4th and Sunday the 5th of October 2014 form 3.30pm to 9pm
Artist/Company Name:
Please indicate if you are going to be available to present your Pitch on Friday 19th of
September presentations day at Oh!
Please indicate if you are going to be available to deliver your Pitch at Oh! during Fun
Palaces on the 4th and 5th of October 2014
About you
Please tell us about you or your company/organisation and the work you develop (max
250 words)
Pitch competition and Oxford House
Why would you like to participate on the Pitch Competition? Please tell us more about
your idea. (Max 500 words)
Your idea for the Pitch
How do you think your idea will benefit the community? How will Oxford House and Fun
Palaces help you on the development of your project? (max 500 words)