Welcome to International Business! MAN 4602 – P80, 90466 Thursday 6:25-9:05, Broward Pines Center 112 August 25, 2014 – December 6, 2014 Face-to-face, web-assisted GENERAL INFORMATION PROFESSOR INFORMATION Professor: Dr. Constance Bates Phone: 954-849-5622 Office: MANGO 436 Fax: 754-223-7315 Office Hours: Wednesday 9-10 am or by appt., email, cell Link to professor’s site: http://business2.fiu.edu/1237080/www E-mail: batesc@fiu.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION In this class you will be introduced to the challenges of doing business abroad. You will read about the environment, financial, marketing, management, and strategic issues involved in doing business with people from other countries. You will read 1 book covering the 3 main sections of the course: international environment, international institutions, and international business functional issues. As a research experience in learning how to do business in another country, you will create a Country Notebook as a group project, through 8 Homework Assignments. You will find websites, collect information, forecast the future business environment, and identify business opportunities for your country. It is important to understand how events in one country or industry impact other countries and industries. There will be an Oral Report, 5 Map Quizzes, and 3 multiple choice exams. This is a global learning course that counts towards your global learning graduation requirement. This is a face-to-face, web-assisted course. This means you will attend class, but will take quizzes online. COURSE LEVEL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES The overall goal of this course is to introduce the challenges of international business. After taking this course, students should be able to: 1. Recognize the rapidly changing environment and increasing globalization of business operations, plus the need to constantly scan the environment for changes and opportunities and be alert to increased foreign competition. 2. Describe international theories, institutions, and monetary systems and understand the context within which international transactions take place. 3. Evaluate a foreign, cultural environment and the impact on managerial and business practices. 4. Define the fundamentals of commercial transactions and financial activities supporting international exchanges. 5. Explain how firm activities, such as marketing and operations, change when a firm conducts international operations. 6. Identify and develop opportunities for profitable business activities in a new international business environment. MAJOR & CURRICULUM STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES TARGETED LO1=Students will be able to discuss the impact of globalization on countries, businesses and their citizens; LO2=Students will be able to explain the role of international organizations/agreements that affect business organizations including regional agreements, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund; LO3=Students will analyze the political, legal, economic, socio/cultural environment of multinational organizations in order to develop competitive strategies in a global environment; LO4=Students evaluate the impact of internationalization on company strategies and on the mode of entry chosen by a multinational organization. Curricular Communication Technology Global Critical Thinking Analysis Ethics TEXTBOOKS REQUIRED READING Wild, John, and Kenneth Wild. 2012. International Business. 6th Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN10: 0-132555-751 or ISBN13: 978-013-2555-753. Map Links http://sheppardsoftware.com http://yourchildlearns.com http://lizardpoint.com, http://ilike2learn.com http://edhelper.com TEACHING METHODOLOGY Major Learning Objectives: The textbook addresses all 4 Learning objectives. The Country Notebook gives students a chance to apply Learning Objective 3. The Map Quizzes aid students with Learning Objective 4. Curricular Learning Objectives: The Oral Report works towards the Communication goal. The Internet search on a foreign country fulfills the Technology, Global, and Analysis objectives. The map quizzes work on the Global objectives. The homework assignment of developing business ideas in a foreign country build the Critical Thinking and Analysis goals. A chapter in the textbook deals with the Ethics objective. UNDERGRADUATE COURSE PREREQUISITES COMMUNICATING WITH THE INSTRUCTOR Dr. Bates: Office: RB 337A; batesc@fiu.edu; Cell phone: 954-849-5622; Fax: 754-223-7315; available after class, contact hours, by appointment, other times by e-mail, text, or cell phone. The best way to reach Dr. Bates is by Blackboard course e-mail. If time is important you may use the FIU email: batesc@fiu.edu. You can expect a response within 48 hours. HELPFUL COURSE NUMBERS FIU Online Learning Support Team: http://estudent.fiu.edu. Go here to login. Click on Course Login. ULRL Online learning: http://cbaonline.fiu.edu, or http://online.fiu.edu. For technical support: online@fiu.edu. FIU online learning phone: 305-348-3630, 1-866-379-3835. Practice quizzes online from Prentice Hall: http://prenhall.com/wild. Dr. Bates: batesc@fiu.edu, and cell: 954-849-5622. EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES COUNTRY NOTEBOOK This is a major group project of the course. It requires you to thoroughly research 1 country. You are asked to find websites, retrieve information about the country, the business environment, and how to do business there. Then you are asked to forecast business conditions and develop opportunities for international business activities in your country. Going through this process for 1 country should prepare you for researching any country. Later in your career, you may need to find out more about a particular country. This project provides practical experience in doing that. 1. Follow the outline for each assignment. 2. For your write-up, use the question numbers and titles and subtitles of the homework assignment in your syllabus or your homework will be returned to you. 3. Write something for each section for full credit. 4. Use single space, 1-inch margins, and number the pages. 5. Each assignment may be 2-6 pages long, not including charts and pictures. 6. Do not define anything. Every sentence should be about your country. Summarize the material you find on the internet. This report is an executive summary. It should be brief, precise, and useful for a manager. Do not copy written work. You may copy charts if you give credit. Do not include downloads in your write-up. Downloads are an intermediate step in the research process. Summarize the downloads and present your own written work. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Sep 4 1. A. Download or make 9 pictures about your country. Can be any kind of picture from any source. B. Find 6 maps: 1) map of world, put an X on your country; 2) map of region, label surrounding countries; 3) map of country, label main cities and features (15 pts) *This can be the most important homework assignment. Sep 11 2. Find 8 websites providing information about your country; summarize the type of material that is available on each website. B. Briefly Describe Demographics in your Country 1. Population: # of people, rural/urban, ethnic groups, age groups 2. Language (s) 3. Income per capita; income distribution 4. Nature of Economy: agricultural, industrial, products/services, export-based, amount of international trade and FDI, products/services traded 5. Type of Political Structure: open/closed, stable, representative (15 pts) Sept 25 3. A. Describe Climate 1. Regional temps and rainfall 2. Describe seasonal or monthly averages B. Describe Geography 1. Rivers, mountains, deserts 2. Natural Resources: what is known, what is being extracted, exported Type of resources, amounts 3. Farmland: amount, what is grown, exported, % unarable land (15 pts) Oct 2 4. A. Language issues (15 pts) B. Education Issues 1. Literacy level 2. Primary, secondary, post-secondary graduates C. Available Skills in Labor Market: hi-tech, lo-tech, farming, industrial, service? D. Religious customs 1. Basic beliefs of religion 2. How religion affects business 3. Religious do’s and don’ts E. Values 1. Work, Achievement, Materialism 2. Change, risk-taking, scientific method 3. Honesty, family, elders Oct 09 5. Describe the Economy (15 pts) A. Identify type: predominately agricultural, industrial, or service? Give percentages B. Describe major products/services products, exported, imported: USE NUMBERS C. Economic indicators: GDP, GDP/capita, GDP growth, inflation, interest rate: NUMBERS D. Stability/risk: be sure you discuss economic stability here E. Special economic issues: specific to your country (could be recession or inflation or debt or something else) Oct 23 6. Describe Political Structure (15 pts) A. Type *B. Stability/risk: be sure you discuss political stability here C. View toward business and international business D. Special political issues: specific to your country, (could be strikes, conflicts/war, elections, corruption) Oct 30 7. Forecast Future Business Environment in your country: Make predictions! DO NOT SUMMARIZE MATERIAL ABOVE. USE PREDICTIONS ONLY. Points deducted for material that is not a prediction. A. Political environment: more, or less stable? B. Economic Environment: changes? C. Level of Competition in foreign country: sophisticated? –global? D. Type of Customers in foreign country: educated, income, life style E. Technology in Industry of foreign country: latest? -old? (15 pts) Nov 8 8. Create 3 businesses to engage in international business with your country. The first business should be an example of trade: describe a new, foreign firm in your country that is based on exporting or importing. The next 2 businesses should be examples of FDI; this means a foreign will will set up operations in your country. You will create an idea for a firm in which you establish operations and manage in the foreign country. No joint ventures, no licensing, no portfolio investment, no franchising, no existing firms are allowed. Write a brief business plan for each of the 3 businesses. Describe the firm so that I can picture it. Imagine you are talking to a banker and are asking for a loan to establish your business. Use 1 paragraph to discuss the set-up, 1 to discuss the the operations to be performed by your firm, and 1 paragraph for your marketing approach. Do that for 3 original firms. (10 pts) ORAL REPORTS In your group, research your Notebook topic area during the semester. For example, if your topic area is Australia, your Oral Report will be on Australia. In this case, do online research on Australia. All of your homework assignments will be on Australia. By the end of the semester you should be an expert on how to do business in Australia. You have 20 minutes to present. Write on the homework assignments you find interesting in your country. Do not use all the notebook assignments; there is too much material in a Country Notebook to present in 20 minutes. Pick 3-4 main ideas and talk about them, using examples. You may also include topics not in the Notebook, like current events that affect managers. Use visual aids, hand-outs, or other supporting materials to reinforce your message. Most people remember better what they see than what they hear. Write out detail in your Powerpoints so we can take notes. Please bring in artifacts or other materials to aid in our understanding and hold our interest in your presentation. Your goal is to be so well-informed and present such a well-designed report that we will be able to remember key points when we find ourselves on a plane to your country, wondering how to manage when we get there. ORAL REPORT EVALUATION I. Content – 9 points - This is a grade on substance. How well does this group understand the overall topic area? How well did they research? What is the quantity of information presented? Be sure you don’t duplicate material from class. II. Presentation – 9 points - This is a grade rating the effectiveness of the presentation. How well is the report organized? How well does the communication work (Powerpoints)? How well do I understand their main points? Is the group able to accurately show how much work they did on the subject? III. Other – 9 points - This is a grade rating the visual aids (not Powerpoints) and support materials. Can I imagine doing business in this country? How easy is it to pay attention? What will help me remember it when I am thinking about it later? Artifacts? -Costumes? Music? – Video? Snacks? Skit? - Other? IV. Staying on Time (20 minutes) – 3 points SELECT ONE OF THE COUNTRIES BELOW You will sign up for a group on the first day of class. Choose a leader. There is a group homework assignment due the 2nd week of the course. You must be in a group to get a grade for this assignment Group 1. Group 2. Group 3. Group 4. Group 5. Argentina Chile China Egypt France QUIZZES Group 6. India Group 7. Italy Group 8. Russia Group 9. Saudi Arabia Group 10. South Africa MAP QUIZZES There will be 5 map quizzes on regions of the world. You will be given a map with country boundaries and asked to identify the name of the countries. The regions are Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, and South America. You can prepare for map quizzes by going to the following websites and practicing. http://sheppardsoftware.com, http://yourchildlearns.com, http://lizardpoint.com, http://ilike2learn.com, http://edhelper.com ONLINE TEXTBOOK QUIZZES Click on Assessments to open quizzes. Make sure you open all quizzes. There are 3 Textbook Quizzes. Textbook Quizzes are multiple choice. They cover the chapters of the textbook. You have 60 minutes to answer 66 questions. There are no make-ups for quizzes; you have 1 week and 2 chances to take the quizzes. If you have technical difficulties, e-mail online@fiu.edu . Do not e-mail me as I will not be able to help you with technical difficulties. It will waste time. Online will send me a report. You have been given 1 week so that you have adequate time to resolve problems that arise. The quiz opens 1 week before the quiz is due, and closes at 11:50 p.m. the day the quiz is due. . There are practice quizzes available for the Deresky book on the publisher’s website. Go to http://prenhall.com/Wild. Then click on Companion Website/Instructor Resources next to the picture of our text. Then click on Study Guide. Then click on Chapter 1. Notice the objectives and practice quizzes. You can then work your way through all the chapters. 2 CHANCES Let’s discuss “2 chances.” A chance means attempt. “2 chances” means you have 2 attempts to go online, take the quiz, and save your score. If you accomplish this only 1 time, that score counts. If you manage it 2 times, then the highest score counts. You will not be given additional attempts if you have technical difficulties, no matter whose fault it is. That is why you have been given 2 chances, to account for technical difficulties. If Blackboard goes down, notify Online, wait awhile, and then ask them if it is back up BEFORE you attempt to take the quiz again. Don’t try to find out if Blackboard is back up by attempting to open a quiz. You will lose another attempt. If you have technical difficulties, contact online@fiu.edu and try again. You have been given 1 week so that you have adequate time to remedy technical difficulties. Don’t wait until the last day or the last hour to take a quiz. Your failed attempts to take a quiz on the last day will not receive sympathy from me. The very best thing to do to prevent technical problems is to open the practice quiz and take it and save your score EACH TIME YOU ARE READY TO TAKE A QUIZ. Especially do this if you change computers or something on your computer. Taking the practice quiz does not count as an attempt. But it will let you know if you are encountering technical problems with quiz taking. My advice: don’t start by opening a quiz to see what is on it. If you have technical difficulties later and are not able to score again, you will have to accept the first score. EXCUSES THAT DON’T WORK I added the class late. Consult your group and syllabus to catch up. I couldn’t get the textbook on time. Borrow a book from someone in your group. I had to work. Work is not an excuse for missing a quiz that is open 7 days. The electricity went off or Blackboard went down. The electricity and Blackboard are generally not down for 7 days; use your remaining attempts after Blackboard comes back up. Make sure you are using correct internet browser before using program to help ensure no failed connections. My computer failed. Go to the public library or university computer lab to take quizzes. My Internet Connection failed. Go to library or computer lab and take quiz, using your remaining attempts. I forgot to look at the syllabus to see when quizzes were due. Knowing dates on syllabus is your responsibility. I didn’t scroll down to find the quiz page. Open all pages and account for all quizzes in the syllabus for the full semester. I had to go abroad for work/family and I couldn’t use the Internet there. Have work done in advance with approval or use other internet sources, i. e., internet cafes, work computers, or family/ friends computers. ONLINE ACTIVITIES 1. Required Time Period: quizzes are available for 1 week. For example, for Textbook Quiz 1, you will have from 1:00 a.m. Friday, until 11:50 Thursday, to take the quiz. Quizzes must be submitted within the required time period to receive credit. Keep track of how much time you have as you take the tests. 2. Getting Started: Start by taking the Online Learning Practice Quiz. This will tell you if you have problems connecting. You must use Internet Explorer and you must disable all Pop-up Blockers. Also, you must make online.fiu.edu a trusted site. 3. To avoid technical problems: take the Online Learning Practice Quiz. Answer some questions, save them, and see your score. If you have problems, notify Technical Support. 4. If you change your computer or computer station, take the Online Learning Practice Quiz. Answer some questions, save your answers, and see your score. If you encounter problems, notify Technical Support: online@fiu.edu . This way, you will know if you are able to take a quiz BEFORE you open the quiz. TAKE THE PRACTICE QUIZ WHEN YOU CHANGE COMPUTERS OR COMPUTER STATIONS. 5. Online Map Quizzes: open quiz when available, answer questions and submit online. You have 2 chances to take map quizzes. 6. Textbook Quizzes: open exam when available. This is closed-book, closed-note exam. Record answers and submit within required time period. You have 2 chances for Textbook Quizzes. To prepare, take practice quizzes online from Prentice Hall: http://prenhall.com/Deresky. 7. Integrative Term Project: have meetings online and work together on developing information for this assignment. DISABILITY NOTICE If you have a disability and need assistance, please contact the Disability Resource Center (University Park: GC190; 305-348-3532) (North Campus: WUC139, 305-919-5345). Upon contact, the Disability Resource Center will review your request and contact your professors or other personnel to make arrangements for appropriate modification and/or assistance. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS The University's policy on religious holidays as stated in the University Catalog and Student Handbook will be followed in this class. Any student may request to be excused from class to observe a religious holy day of his or her faith. ASSURANCE OF LEARNING The College of Business cares about the quality of your education. More on the College's commitment to Assurance of Learning can be found at the following link: http://businessonline.fiu.edu/course_addons/Learning_Commitment.pdf RULES, POLICIES, AND ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Assignments from the text and other resources are listed below for each class session. Students are expected to pace their learning according to the posted course assignments. It is expected that interactive learning and teaching will enrich the learning experience of all students, and that each student will work in partnership with the professor to create a positive learning experience for all. Student engagement is a necessary condition for an effective learning experience, and includes contributions to debate and discussion (if any), positive interactive learning with others, and an enthusiastic attitude towards inquiry. Everyone is expected to be a positive contributor to the class learning community, and students are expected to share the responsibility of teaching each other. Statement of Understanding between Professor and Student Every student must respect the right of all to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students must adhere to a standard of academic conduct, demonstrating respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. As a student in the College of Business taking this class: I will not represent someone else's work as my own I will not cheat, nor will I aid in another's cheating I will be honest in my academic endeavors I understand that if I am found responsible for academic misconduct, I will be subject to the academic misconduct procedures and sanctions as outlined in the Student Handbook Failure to adhere to the guidelines stated above may result in one of the following: Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the University, preventing readmission to the institution. This sanction shall be recorded on the student's transcript. Suspension: Temporary separation of the student from the University for a specific period of time. By taking this course I promise to adhere to FIU's Student Code of Academic Integrity. For details on the policy and procedure click here. NOTE: Intensive Auditing of the course will be conducted to prevent academic misconduct. GRADING POLICY Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF Range 279-300 270-278 261-269 249-260 240-248 231-239 219-230 210-218 201-209 189-200 180-188 0-179.99 ASSIGNMENT POINTS Course Requirements Individual Grade Map Quizzes (5 x 10 pts) Textbook Quizzes (3 x 33 pts) Group Grade Homework Assignments (8 x 15 pts) Oral Report Points 50 100 120 30 300 pts STUDENT PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS GROUP POLICY If you have a problem with a group member, try to implement the functions of management: motivation, communication, organization, and control. If you have a group member that is underperforming the standards set by the group, the leader of a group may send a name of a group member back to me. If the leader is underperforming the group’s expectations, the majority of group members may send the name back to me. If you choose to do this, address the e-mail to both the student and me, and include in the e-mail at least 2 reasons why you are sending the name back to me. I will then place the student in a new group. If that group sends the same name back to me, I will then assign all the remaining group work to be done by the individual whose name I have received twice. If you send a name back to me, please know that the student will receive the old group’s grade the week they leave the group and the student will receive the new group’s grade the following week. So students cannot cause another student to lose points. The student just gets moved. Practice management techniques and if necessary, move the social loafers out of your group – this is better done sooner than later. You may not do this the last 3 weeks of semester. COURSE CALENDAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE – INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS – MAN4602 DUE DATE MAN 4602 ASSIGNMENTS Week 1 Sign up for a Country Group in Class* August 28 Introduction: Group Assignments* Wild, Wild 1: Globalization Supports Learning Objectives: Lo1, Technology, Internet, Global Week 2 Septembe r4 Wild, Wild 2: Cross-Cultural Business HW 1 Due: Pictures Supports Learning Objectives: LO3, Global, Cultural Variation Week 3 Septembe r 11 Wild, Wild 3: Politics, Law, and Business Ethics Wild, Wild 4: Economics HW 2 Due: Websites Map Quiz 1: Europe Supports Learning Objectives: LO3, Global, Cultural Variation Week 4 Septembe r 18 Week 5 Online Textbook Quiz 1 due: covers Wild, Wild 1-4 Septembe r 25 Wild, Wild 5: International Trade Wild, Wild 6: Business-government Trade Relations HW 3 Due: Climate and Geography Map Quiz 2: Africa Supports Learning Objectives: Lo2, Lo4, Global Week 6 October 2 Wild, Wild 7: Foreign Direct Investment Wild, Wild 8: Regional Economic Integration HW 4 Due: Cultural Values Supports Learning Objectives: Lo2, Lo4, Global Week 7 October 9 Wild, Wild 9: International financial Markets Wild, Wild 10: International Monetary System HW 5 Due: Economy Map Quiz 3: Middle East Supports Learning Objectives: Lo2, Lo4, Global Week 8 October 16 Week 9 October 23 Online Textbook Quiz 2 due: covers Wild, Wild 5-10 Wild, Wild 11: International Strategy and Organization Wild, Wild 12: Analyzing International Opportunities HW 6 Due: Political Structure Map quiz 4: Asia Supports Learning Objectives: Lo2, Lo4, Global Week 10 October 30 Wild, Wild 13: Selecting and managing Entry Modes Wild, Wild 14: Developing and Marketing Products HW 7 Due: Forecast Map Quiz 5: South America Supports Learning Objectives: LO4, Global Week 11 November 6 Wild, Wild 15: Managing International Operations Wild, Wild 16: Hiring and Managing Employees HW 8 Due: New Businesses Supports Learning Objectives: LO1, LO4, Global Week 12 November 13 Textbook Quiz 3: covers Wild, Wild 11-16 Supports Learning Objectives: LO1, LO4, Global Week 13 November 20 Oral Reports Groups 1-5 Turn Notebooks in Supports Learning Objectives: LO3, LO4, Global Week 14 November 27 Week 15 December 4 Thanksgiving Holiday – No Class Oral Reports Groups 6-10 Turn Notebooks in Supports Learning Objectives: LO3, LO4, Global