DUAL ENROLLMENT REGISTRATION (Please Print Clearly) 3 College ID (Required): Legal Last Name: First: Middle: Mailing Address: City: Email: Date of Birth: Home Phone: ( ) - Alternate Phone: ( State: Zip: / / ) (STAFF USE ONLY) Course prerequisites Grade Level (circle one): 9th 10th 11th 12th High School: COURSE CLASS # PERIOD INSTRUCTOR CREDITS COST (Ex: ENG101) (Ex: 12345) (Ex: 4th) (Ex: Johnson) (Example: 3) $76/credit hour* Registra on Fee $15 TERM YEAR: Fall Spring Applying for Tui on Assistance? N A Course or Test Name A S A P Test Score *Based on in-county residency tui on rate. See the course table for your school for more informa on. Total Cost Students Applying for Tui on Assistance sa slZed by course or test score. Enter N/A, course, or test score as needed. AS = ASSET and AP = ACCUPLACER YES No Received date: If you are applying for tuition assistance, we will hold the enrollment packet un l the status of the application has been determined. If tuition assistance is not awarded or available, please indicate your choice: Do not enroll me Enroll me anyway Contact me Contact telephone # Contact e-mail: STUDENT SIGNS HERE: I cer fy that the informa on on this enrollment form is true and complete, and I understand that PC cannot release informa on about my enrollment, fees or grades to my parents and /or guardian(s) unless I list them here. (To receive informa on, these individuals must know my College Student ID.) Student Signature Printed Names of Parents /Guardians: Date PARENT SIGNS HERE: As parent or legal guardian, I give permission for the above-named student to enroll in the courses listed, and I accept financial responsibility for tuition, fees and textbooks. I acknowledge that all tui on and fees are owed once this form is submi t t ed and that tui on and fees are due on or before Friday, February 6, 2014. I have read the informa on provided and understand that the above named student will be establishing a college academic record and will be required to report such enrollment to future colleges or universiti es. He/she will be subject to all of the requirements, policies, regula ons, and deadlines delZned in the dual enrollment paperwork provided, the College Catalog, the Schedule of Classes and the Student Handbook and that this informa on can be accessed via the Phoenix College Dual Enrollment website: www.pc.maricopa.edu/pcdt/dual Parent/Guardian Signature Parent Email HIGH SCHOOL OFFICIAL SIGNS HERE: Under 18 Admissions qualification: students must meet one of the following: PSAT ≥ 93 SAT ≥ 930 ACT ≥ 22 AIMS Test scores: Reading ≥ 674 Writing ≥ 678 Math ≥ 683 College Placement Test: ACCUPLACER Score: Supporting documentation Transcript a ached Test Scores a ached I have reviewed the informa on on this form, and the student is eligible to participate in these dual enrollment courses. Signature of High School Official Date A.R.S. 15-901 requires students to be currently enrolled at the school for a full me instruc onal program in addi on to the college course. NOTE: High school seniors who sa sfy high school gradua on requirements are exempt. For more informa on : www.pc.maricopa.edu/pcdt/dual White: College Copy Yellow: PCDT Copy Pink: Student Copy