Waterama Tennis Tournament July 25

Waterama Tennis Tournament
July 25-27, 2013 (Thursday Eve, Friday and Saturday Morning as needed)
Minnewaska Area High School Tennis Courts
Boys & Girls Singles and Doubles (18/14 and under), Open Singles/Open Doubles
Singles will start play on Thursday evening 6pm or Friday morning depending on # of entries
and doubles will start following first round singles matches. Matches may be shortened as
tournament director feels necessary. Also the TD has right to adjust schedule based on # of
participants. Please contact Tara Reichmann at (320) 760-8567 or email reich@wisperwireless.com for schedule. Schedule will be completed by 9AM on July 24th, 2013. Emails or
text messages preferred, phone calls accepted.
$15.00 per event (DB-$30/team). Tennis Balls provided. T-shirt provided with entry fee.
Desired t-shirt size guaranteed if received by July 15th. No refunds due to weather. If weather
cancels tournament, profits will go to MAHS tennis program.
Monday July 22, 2013. Late entries may be considered based on draws however it will be at the
discrepancy of the tournament director and brackets. Make Checks payable to
Waterama/Tara Reichmann. Mail to: 14437 E. Amelia Dr. Villard MN 56385. Can pay the day of
tournament if prior arrangement made with tournament director.
Please contact or text Tara Reichmann at (320) 760-8567 or email reich@wisper-wireless.com
Male Events:
Female Events
____14 and under singles (Beginner)
____14 and under singles (Beginner)
____Championship Division singles (Intermed/JV)
____Championship Division singles (Intermed/JV)
____Open Singles (Advanced)
____Open Singles (Advanced)
Male and Female Doubles (doubles teams may be 2 males/2 females or mixed)
____Championship Division doubles (Intermed)
____ Open Doubles (Advanced)
Name: _______________________________ T shirt - YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, AXL
Email ________________________________ Phone __________________
Waiver Clause: I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages, I may
have against the tournament sponsors or their respective representatives for any and all injuiries suffered by me in connection with any
participation in this tournament.
Signature ___________________________________________ Parent Signature if under 18 _____________________________________