20015 LUMBEE GAMES DOUBLES TENNIS TOURNAMENT PART OF LUMBEE HOMECOMING THURSDAY JULY 2, 2015 AT 5:00 PM AT UNCP VARSITY TENNIS COURTS Format: Doubles Open Tournament will consist of a 10 game pro set and you are guaranteed 2 matches. Registration: Deadline is Monday, June 29 at 5:00 pm and you may register with David Leek by email at orioles2@msn.com or by phone at 521-3253 Tournament Fees: $10 per participant. Checks should be made payable to LRDA. Please bring your own tennis balls for play Players will be grouped by age. For any questions contact David Leek at 910-521-3253 or email at orioles 2@msn.com Participants Name: ____________________________ Age: _______________ Address: ____________________________ City: _____________________ State: __________ Zip: __________ Phone: ____________________ In consideration of your acceptance of my entry, I and my legal heirs do hereby waive and release any and all claims for damages I/we may have against UNC Pembroke, LRDA sponsors, and administration for any and all injuries suffered in connection with said tournament. __________________________________________________ Signature of Participant and or Parent if under 18 Date