PANAGA JUNIOR TENNIS TOURNAMENT 2015 VENUE: DATE: EVENTS: Panaga Club Tennis Courts 27th November - 5th December 2015 Juniors (Yellow) / Munchkins Red, Orange and Green Singles & Doubles ELIGIBILITY: Panaga Club Members DEADLINE: Friday 20th November 2015 SUBMIT TO: or Coaches Domingo/Edward or Tennis Shop DRAW DATES: Saturday 21 November, 10am ENTRY FEE: B$ 10 1. TOURNAMENT FORMAT The tournament format will be given when the draw is advertised. 2. DOUBLES TEAMS can be made up of boys / girls / mixed partnerships. If your child doesn’t have a partner, coaches will help partner the children. 3. TOURNAMENT TIMES: will be scheduled taking into consideration school commitments (JIS / ISB etc). 4. TOURNAMENT AVAILABILITY: It is appreciated that children have other commitments during the tournament week. These will be accommodated if possible. However, in the event that there is a clash with another activity, it is expected that your child will be available to play in the tournament as a matter of priority. 5. UMPIRING: To ensure we maintain efficient scheduling and minimise the waiting time for matches, parents of Red, Orange and Green ball players are required to help in umpiring. Scoring Guidelines will be issued and no prior knowledge of tennis rules are required, only the ability to keep score and see if the ball is in or out! There will be a session prior to the tournament, held by Coach Domingo, to provide you with instruction on how to umpire if you would like to attend. Time will be announced. 6. FOR INQUIRIES: Email or Coach Domingo Panaga Junior Singles & Doubles Tennis Tournament 27/11 – 5/12 2015 I hereby authorize the Panaga Tennis Section to deduct the registration fee of B$ 10 for my child against my Panaga Club Account No. : CHILD’S NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: DOUBLES PARTNER: PARENT’S NAME (Person who will Umpire): HOME PH: MOBILE PH: EMAIL ADDRESS (Print): PARENTS indicate Day/Time Available to Umpire: Indicate times that CHILD is not available to play: SIGNATURE OF PLAYER SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN