The United States Congress Mr. Smith Goes to Washington – Questions Name: ________________________________ Directions: As you are watching the film, answer the following questions. * Bonus Question #1: What song is playing in the opening credits? 1. What happened to Senator Sam Foley? 2. What is the scandal being discussed? 3. Who do the governor’s children want nominated for Senate? 4. What should the governor do according to the coin toss? 5. Could a “simpleton” be nominated to the Senate today? Why? 6. What is presented to Mr. Smith as a gift by the boys? * FORSHADOWING! In the train they talk about one man fighting an entire corporation! Remember this! * 7. What “causes” did Mr. Smith’s dad say were the only causes worth fighting for? 8. Where did Mr. Smith go when they lost him at the train station? What is symbolic about this? 9. Where does Mr. Smith think he needs to go before he attends his first session of Congress? 10. How do the newspapers portray Mr. Smith? 11. Who’s desk does Mr. Smith inherit? 12. Who is most “honest” today? Politicians or Press? Explain. 13. Why does Mr. Smith want to investigate bills? Write his own? 14. How is Mr. Smith kept from attending the Senate session when the Willet Creek Dam is meant to be discussed? 15. Why does Saunders say Mr. Smith doesn’t belong in Washington? * GRAFT is an illegal personal financial gain, a “kick back” * 16. In the Senate, of what does Senator Paine accuse Mr. Smith? 17. Where does Mr. Smith go after the committee hearing? Who is there? 18. Briefly compare Mr. Smith’s fight against the corrupt political machine of Washington to the Founding Father’s fight to create America. 19. When looking around the Senate, who is missing? (think 1939 Senate vs. 2007 Senate) * Let the FILIBUSTER begin! * 20. How does the “boss” Taylor keep Mr. Smith’s words from the rest of the country? 21. What are the other senators doing while Mr. Smith talks? 22. What is the reaction of the gallery to Mr. Smith’s speech? * Bonus Question #2: How does the fictitious name “Jefferson Smith” symbolize America? 23. If someone were to filibuster today, would so many Americans be as interested as those who sent 50,000 telegrams in the movie? Why? 24. Who finally cracks at the end? 25. What do you think of the ending? Too abrupt? Are you left wanting more? Or is it appropriate?