Letter of Application Final 5.27.13

Connecting Generations 2013
Letter of Application
Day Phone #:
Evening Phone #:
Email address:
Your response to each question should not exceed 1,500 characters(no spaces).
1. What experience do you have with non-profit organizations and working with a Board of
2. What experience do you have with budgets, accounting and other financial issues?
3. What experience do you have writing grants?
4. What experience do you have with fundraising?
5. What experience do you have with Program Development and/or Program Evaluation?
6. What experience do you have with Staff Supervision?
7. What experience do you have with Public Speaking?
8. Why are you superbly qualified to be the next Executive Director of Connecting Generations?
9. Please give your salary history for the last 10 years and your salary requirements for this position.
Please save this document as LastName.month.date.year
E.G. If your last name is Smith and you are emailing the document on June 22, 2013 the
document title should be
The document should be sent to edsearch@connecting-generations.org
on or before June 25, 2013