The Diary of Anne Frank Holocaust Timeline: WebQuest Directions: This study guide is to be used as a companion for completing The Diary of Anne Frank Holocaust Timeline WebQuest. To begin the Quest, click on the link below. Click on the link below and answer the following questions: Once you have reached the Anne Frank History sight, read through each section under the Anne Frank tab. You can use the arrow to the right at the top of the page to navigate to the next section. Answer the following questions for each section. Life in Germany 1925 1. Why are Otto and Edith Frank “deeply worried” (2 reasons)? 2. Who takes over the German government in 1933? 3. What are the names of Anne’s parents? Her sister? Emigrating to the Netherlands 1933 1. Where does Anne attend school in May of 1934? 2. What happens on May 10, 1940? The German Invasion 1940 1. When do Otto and Edith decide that it is too dangerous and that they must take their family into hiding? 2. Name two of the anti-Jewish restrictions placed upon Anne and her family. The Hiding Place 1942 1. Name the four other Jews who hid in the Secret Annex with Anne and her family. 2. Why does Anne begin writing her diary? 3. What is the general feeling held by all of those living in the Annex? A Diary as a Best Friend 1. When did Anne start keeping her diary? 2. Why does Anne start rewriting her diary? 3. Why does Anne never manage to finish her work? The Arrest 1944 1. What happens on August 4, 1944? How are the Franks discovered? 2. What famous concentration camp were Anne and her family sent to? 3. Who was the only person to survive? 4. What happens to Anne? Otto Frank Returns 1945 1. What does Otto discover about the others? 2. Who gives Anne’s diaries to Otto? What does she tell Otto about them? The Diary of Anne Frank 1947 1. In Otto’s conclusion of his letters, what are the two things that he hopes all people work for? 2. What two entertainment genres has Anne’s diary been adapted to?