Minutes Campus Facilities Committee Meeting June 5, 2015 In lieu of a June meeting, voting on the campus Space Planning and Renovation requests below were handled via email since the majority of the projects will be funded in total or partially by the requesting departments. Email sent to the Following: Todd Ahlman, Margarita Arellano, Mickey Autrey, David Bisett, Britt Bousman, Doug Bynum, Stan Carpenter, Russell Clark, Don Compton, Lou DeVirgilio, Carol Dochen, Kyle Estes, John Fleming, Frank Gonzales, Juan Guerra, David Lemke, Mayur Mehta, Ralph Meyer, Laurie Moyer, Michael Petty, Kim Porterfield, Chris Reynolds, John Root, Barb Sanders, Ted Hindson, David Hunt, Mike Krzywonski, Dorinda Noble, Harold Stern, Jeremy Stolfa, and Tiffany Young. Twelve members of the Campus Facilities Committee endorsed the following projects: 2015-048 Alkek 6th floor Graduate Commons - cost estimate $545,280.50, VPIT funding. 2015-049 Alkek 3rd Floor RIO Suite - cost estimate $571,914.50, VPIT funding. 2015-065 Old Main #320 Classroom Renovation - cost estimate $79,572, Cabinet approved use of room changing to classroom, Department will provide $30,000, Institutional HEAF will provide $49,572. 2015-066 Alkek ITS Room 129-140 Flooring Project - cost estimate $13,130.81, VPIT funding. 2015-071 MCS 361-365 Renovation - cost estimate $70,709.62, VPIT funding. 2015-085 Pedernales 109 Renovation - cost estimate $49,600, department will provide $10,000, Institutional HEAF will provide $39,600. 2015-086 Evans Auditorium Stage Repair - cost estimate $13,284.39, institutional HEAF will fund.