helpful hints and things to remember

Extreme Weather Film
Broadcast Project and Research
Objective: You have been asked to join the National Weather Team. Your job is to report on one the extreme weather
conditions we have studied in class. You and your partner will become a weather expert, helping to educate others
and to protect your community. The goals of the research project are to identify and explain the patterns and forces
that shape a particular atmospheric weather phenomena; to expand your knowledge of weather forecasting, symbols
and instruments; and to extend your capabilities with computers. Following the research portion of the project, you
and your partner will prepare a TV broadcast presentation to present to your classmates.
My broadcast co-host is: _____________________________________________________________________
Our extreme weather condition that we will be researching is: _______________________________________
My brochure will be due on: __________________________________________________________________
Our broadcast and display board will be due on:___________________________________________________
Part 1: Your first task is to keep a weather journal. You must have five separate days of entries. Three of these entries will need
to come from television weather forecasts. You must include the following information in your journal:
____/ 2 pts. Date of when you watched and the name of the meteorologist that you watched.
____/8 pts. The channel or source of information, high and low temperature information, rainfall, wind speed, and the
overall forecast. (Include any information that the meteorologist includes (Description of how weather was described,
impact on the day being forecast, any other information that may help to describe how a weather forecaster provides
the weather.)
*These note should be typed in their final form before turned in.
Part 2: Your meteorologist team will write a script for the evening news discussing your specific type of weather. Using a map of
the United States, graphics, and weather symbols, you and your partner will describe a 3-5 minute weather report, and the
explanation of your extreme weather condition. Prepare a type of display for the position of fronts, areas of precipitation, and
areas of dangerous weather patterns to display during your broadcast. You will need to remember to include an explanation
about why these forms of weather occur in your weather broadcast. The items below will be turned in after you have
____/30 pts. A written and formatted brochure that introduces viewers to your extreme weather phenomena.
____/20 pts. A visual display that will help explain weather patterns for your broadcast.
____/10 pts. A bibliography of online and text resources (at least five) used for your brochure & presentation – you
will turn this in typed on a separate sheet of paper. The website below with help with formatting correctly.
The TV script to your presentation should include these components:
Introduction: Introduce you and your co-host. Tell audience what TV station you are a part of and where you are
located. The introduction of your broadcast should get the viewers attention. You can use a joke or obscure weather
term. In the introduction, you may want to report on what’s happening with the weather at that time. (5 pts.)
Review: A review of current weather conditions in the area you are forecasting. Report on the current temperatures in
the area. Report on highs and lows of that day- Describe how and what is causing these temperatures. Report on any
precipitation or chance of storms. Describe what high and low pressure is and how it affects the chance of
precipitation. Report on any precipitation or chance of storms. (5pts.)
Future/Prediction: A detailed forecast for the rest of the week. This includes expected highs/lows, fronts, participation,
temperatures, Wind Speeds and Sky Conditions. (5pts.)
Local Activities: Your advice on preparing for the weather can be very important to your viewers. You need to report
on what the viewers can do to prepare for the upcoming weather. You can mention the local activities that were
reported on earlier, and report to the viewers weather preparations they can make for their event. (5pts.)
Advice: Give advice to your audience about preparing for the weather. Each member of your team should be
responsible for one of the components. (5pts.)
Display Board: After your board has been created, you will use it to help guide your weather broadcast. (5pts.)
Total points: _____/30pts.
Total value for this quarter project: ______/100pts.
*****Your team will be present your broadcast to Ms. Whitehair or Mr. Morse and will be videotaped for your classmates to watch
at a later date. Each team member is required to participate and be actively involved in the presentation and research.
Costumes are strongly encouraged in your video. (costume extra credit: 10 points)
Learning Advice:
Watch the local weather on any television station to see how it’s done.
Be patient and have fun!