July - Wressle Parish Council

Wressle Parish Council
Clerk: Chris Worrall. 26 Chapelfields, Holme on Spalding Moor, YORK. YO43 4DH
c.p.worrall@btinternet.com Telephone 01430 860867
Dear Councillor
A meeting of Wressle Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 16th July 2013 at 7.30pm in
the Village Hall, Wressle. You are summoned to attend, if you are unable to attend, would
you please contact me in order that I can record your apologies.
Chris Worrall
Public session.
14/13 Minutes of the meeting dated 21st May 2013
Declaration of Interest. The Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2012. To record
any declarations of interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda.
15/13 Matters arising.
1. Wressle Train Station. Waiting to hear back from network Rail with info about
attending Parish Council Meeting.
2. Wellfield Bungalow. Email from ERYC saying a work ticket has been re issued for
this work.
3. Grass Cutting. New team changes hoping for an improved service.
4. Severe Weather plan and grant application. New plan has had to be submitted.
5. Village Hall Litter Bin. Has now been installed.
6. Village Hall.
7. Street lighting
8. Street Scene Schedule, General maintenance list has been completed. Spare land
behind Station Cottages.
16/13 Accounts
Community Account as of 24th June 2013 £5,666.73
Installation of new litter bin at the village hall.
Electric bill £41.27 VAT £1.02 recoverable.
Autela Payroll Services £14.92 VAT £2.49 recoverable.
Litter Bin £437.48 VAT £72.91 recoverable.
Clerks Salary £328.34
HMR&C £13.80
New grant scheme available from the ERYC £3,000 per Parish.
Grants available for commemorating the WW1. Upto £10,000
15/13 Correspondence.
East Riding Parish News June Edition.
East Riding Parish News July Edition.
Drax Power Station Correspondence.
Selby District Council Draft Affordable Housing consultation
Selby District Council Inspectors report into the Selby District Core Strategy.
Clerks and Council Magazine.
Wicksteed Playscapes.
Play and leisure leaflet.
Skyride posters and leaflets.
12/13 Councilors’ reports.
13/13 Date of Next Meeting