National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Legislation, policies, standards and advice and your agency’s accountability This page lists whole of government sources, including legislation, policies, standards, advice and guidance, that impact on the information and records management responsibilities of most Commonwealth entities. The sources identify regulatory and sound information and records management practices, which enable agencies to meet legislative requirements and community expectations, and to promote accountability and transparency of government decisions and actions. The Australian National Audit Office recommended in its ‘Recordkeeping including the management of electronic records’ report that the Archives publish details of the legislation, policies, standards and guidance that impact on entities’ recordkeeping responsibilities (recommendation 1c). This list addresses that recommendation, and provides details of whole of government sources which outline various information and records management responsibilities. The sources, identified in consultation with other Australian Government agencies, have been grouped by: Source type o Legislation, Legislative Instrument and Standing Orders o Whole-of-Government Policies and Strategies o Records and Information Management Standards and Authorities o Guidance and Advice Category type: o Mandatory Legislation/Legislative Instruments and Standing Orders o Required practice Agencies must be aware of, and implement to the level required, the requirements of the relevant policy/standard/guideline o Recommended good practice Agencies are not obliged to comply and may adopt the advice/guidance as best suits their needs. However agencies are strongly recommended to follow, to the extent needed, the 1 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 advice/guidance in these products o Information resource Agencies may benefit by consulting this material which may provide information on records management issues and requirements Subject/Topic type (eg FOI, privacy, security, storage, cloud, preservation, disposal , standard etc) The list is not exhaustive and does not include sources relevant to entities responsible for unique regulatory or business functions. It reflects the Digital Continuity 2020 Policy, which was launched in October 2015. Legislation, Legislative Instruments and Standing Orders Title Description Archives Act 1983 This Act empowers the National Archives of Australia to oversee recordkeeping practices in the Australian Government and to set recordkeeping requirements for Commonwealth records (Section 2A). Agency Responsible National Archives of Australia (NAA) Category Type Subject/Topic Mandatory Disposal Access Under the Act, agencies are responsible for the: destruction, transfer, or alteration of Commonwealth records (section 24), subject to Archives’ authorisation transfer of archival resources of the Commonwealth into Archives’ care (section 27) following of records management standards and other obligations set by the Archives. 2 National Archives of Australia Archives Regulations The Regulations require Australian Government agencies to provide the Archives with specified documentation or advice supporting agencies’ dealings with their records, such as information for appraisal, notification or confirmation of destruction or other disposal, and notice of consent to destruction or other disposal. Privacy Act 1988 This Act regulates the handling of personal information about individuals. This includes its collection, use, storage and disclosure. The Act contains 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) which regulate the handling of personal information by most Australian Government agencies. APP 4 and 11 contain provisions for the destruction or de-identification of personal information where it is not contained in a Commonwealth record. APP 10 outlines the need to keep accurate, up-to-date and complete personal information. August 2015, revised November 2015 National Archives of Australia (NAA) Mandatory AttorneyGeneral’s Department Mandatory Privacy Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) The Act also regulates the use and management of Australian tax file numbers, personal information for medical research and credit information. Privacy Regulation 2013 Under the Act, agencies also need to take reasonable steps to destroy or deidentify personal information that they hold once it is no longer needed, unless an exception applies. This Regulation details the exceptions to the APPs and lists a number of agencies that may use or disclose personal information. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Mandatory 3 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Legally binding privacy guidelines and rules These are issued by the Australian Information Commissioner, under the Privacy Act. There are a number of rules and guidelines which cover the protection, use and disclosure of information relating to tax file numbers, credit research and medical research. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Mandatory Freedom of Information Act 1982 This Act provides a legally enforceable right of access to government-held documents, other than exempt documents. It enables individuals to request access to documents about themselves or other documents, such as documents concerning policy development and government decisionmaking and to seek amendment or annotation of personal records. It applies to Australian Government ministers and most agencies. The Act specifies which agencies and categories of documents are exempt. AttorneyGeneral’s Department Mandatory Office of the Australian Information Commissioner Mandatory FOI Part II of the Act establishes an information publication scheme (IPS) for agencies. Agencies are required to publish a plan detailing the information they propose to publish under the scheme and how and to whom it publishes that information. Agencies must publish 10 categories of information including the agency’s structure, functions, operational information and citizen engagement arrangements. Agencies are required to publish a disclosure log, which is a register of information released in response to FOI requests (subject to limited exceptions). These Regulations set out the charges applicable for searching for and Freedom of Information retrieving official documents. (Charges) Regulations 1982 4 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 (OAIC) Disclosure Log Determination No. 2013-1 (Exempt Documents) This determination prescribes two categories of documents that an agency or Minister is not required to make available to members of the public as part of a disclosure log published under Section 11C (3) of the FOI Act. The determination enables access to be provided to a document to a particular applicant without publishing the document more widely; or to provide access to a particular applicant to a document which might be an exempt document to another applicant, for example due to secrecy provisions. Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Mandatory The Australian Information Commissioner can make determinations under the FOI Act to exempt documents from publication either through the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) or the FOI Disclosure Log. The OAIC site provides advice on FOI determinations. Crimes Act 1914 This Act contains provisions relating to the protection of official information and sets out penalties for unauthorised disclosure. section 39 makes it an offence for a person to intentionally destroy or make inaccessible information known to be required as evidence in a federal judicial proceeding section 70 makes it an offence for a Commonwealth officer to publish or communicate information gained by virtue of being a Commonwealth officer, unless authorised to do so section 79 relates to receipt and communication of official secrets. AttorneyGeneral’s Department (AGD) Mandatory Public Service Act 1999 This Act sets out the Australian Public Service Values and Code of Conduct. These contain a number of sections which directly and indirectly relate to records management, such as: section 10 (4) - the APS is open and accountable to the Australian community under the law and within the framework of Ministerial Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) Mandatory 5 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 responsibility section 13 (4) – an APS employee must comply with all applicable Australian laws when acting in connection with APS employment section 13 (8) – an APS employee must use Commonwealth resources in a proper manner. Public Service Regulations 1999 Division 2.1 refers to the Code of Conduct and the APS employee’s duty not to disclose information. Administered by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Mandatory Australian Public Service Commissioner’s Directions 2013 These Directions outline the APS values and expand on the APS accountability and transparency in decision making under Section 1.5. Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 This Act establishes the governance, performance and accountability requirements for Commonwealth entities. Part 2-4 of the Act provides details on the use and management of public resources (eg Commonwealth records). Division 3-28 refers to the duty of each employee in relation to the use of information and Division 3-37 identifies the need to create and keep records documenting an agency’s performance. Department of Finance Mandatory Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs) By implementing the CPRs, agencies ensure accountability and transparency in their procurement activities. Part 7 outlines the need to: maintain and provide access to procurement records retain documentation in accordance with the Archives Act 1983 provide information to potential suppliers Department of Finance Mandatory Mandatory Administered by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet 6 National Archives of Australia Evidence Act 1995 August 2015, revised November 2015 take appropriate steps to protect the Commonwealth’s confidential information. This Act provides for documents created and maintained in paper and electronic form to be presented as evidence before federal courts: section 48 allows for presenting of original documents, as well as copies, extracts from, or summaries of, original documents section 51 abolishes the original document rule sections 155 and 156 refer to the production in court of Commonwealth records section 182 lists, in a table format, the relevant sections in the Act which apply to Commonwealth records. AttorneyGeneral’s Department (AGD) Mandatory General advice on the impact of the Act is given in National Archives of Australia publications Records in Evidence and Evidence law in Australia. Electronic Transactions Act 1999 The Act facilitates the use of electronic transactions and enables business and the community to use electronic communications in their dealings with government. Under section 8(1) of the Act, a transaction is not invalid because it took place by means of electronic communication. Section 11 refers to the production, integrity, retention and copyright of a document in electronic form. AttorneyGeneral’s Department (AGD) Mandatory Electronic Transactions Regulations 2000 Part 3 applies to electronic communications and describes the manner of giving or serving documents by electronic communication. Documents sent to a nominated electronic address must be in a format that allows them to be saved to an electronic file and to be printed (section 10(4). AttorneyGeneral’s Department (AGD) Mandatory 7 National Archives of Australia Fair Work Act 2009 This Act provides a framework for workplace relations in Australia. Section 535 sets out employers’ obligations in relation to employee records and sections 482 and 483 refer to a permit holder’s right to access and inspect records, and to make copies of records or documents. August 2015, revised November 2015 Department of Employment Mandatory Department of Employment Mandatory Senate Mandatory Further information about workplace rights and obligations under the Act is available on the Fair Work Ombudsman’s website. Fair Work Regulations 2009 Senate Continuing Order for the production of departmental and agency file lists (Harradine Motion) Division 3, Subdivision 1 outlines employers’ obligations in relation to employee records and payslips: regulation 3.31 states that an employee record must be in a legible form and readily accessible to an inspector regulation 3.42 deals with obligations for employers to facilitate the inspection and copying of records by employees regulation 3.44 sets out requirements to ensure records are accurate at all times. Australian Government agencies are required to publish, by tabling in the Senate and on their Internet home page, lists of relevant files (and new file parts of existing files) created in each six-month period. The production of the list is intended to make the operations of government more transparent to the Australian public. Relevant files include policy, development of legislation, and other matters of public administration. Case files or files related to the internal administration of the department or agency (eg staff or personnel, accounts, training etc) need not be included on the list. 8 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Whole-of-Government Policies and Strategies Title Description Agency Responsible Requirement Type Digital Continuity 2020 Policy This is a whole-of-government approach to digital information governance. It complements the Australian Government's digital transformation agenda and underpins the digital economy. The policy aims to support efficiency, innovation, interoperability, information re-use and accountability by integrating robust digital information management into all government business processes. This whole of government policy aims to move Australian Government agencies to digital recordkeeping for efficiency purposes. National Archives of Australia (NAA) Required practice National Archives of Australia (NAA) Required practice Digital Transformation Office (DTO) Required practice Digital Transition Policy Subject/Topic Under the policy, the majority of records should be created and managed digitally, and where possible, incoming paper records should be scanned so new paper files are not created. Records that are created digitally after 2015 will be accepted for transfer to National Archives of Australia in digital formats only. Digital Service Standard The standard establishes the criteria that Australian Government digital services must meet to ensure government services are simpler, faster and Standard Access easier to use. Agencies need to apply the standard by: interacting with users and providing services online (criterion 1) 9 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 making and keeping accurate records of Commonwealth web resources (criterion 3) implementing open standards for software interoperability, data and document formats (criterion 5) Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) Cyber Security Strategy building digital services that are accessible and usable (criteria 7, 8 and 9). The PSPF provides the appropriate controls for the Australian Government to protect its people, information and assets, at home and overseas. The Information security core policy is central to the framework and contains a set of seven (7) mandatory requirements based on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. This strategy provides the framework to ensure online government services are available when needed and that personal and business information provided to government is protected. The document lists guiding principles, objectives and strategic priorities of cyber security policy programs. Attorney General’s Department (AGD) Required practice with a set of mandatory components Security Attorney General’s Department (AGD) Required practice Security Australian Government Information Security Manual (ISM) This standard refers to the security of government ICT systems. It provides agencies with a set of detailed controls that can be implemented to mitigate risks to their information and ICT systems. It lists a number of documents, including business continuity and disaster recovery plans, required in agencies for the protection of their information. Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) Required practice Security Australian Government Cloud Computing Policy The policy explains the Government’s vision, goals and actions in the use of cloud computing. Agencies are required to use cloud services for new ICT services when replacing any existing ICT services, whenever those cloud services are fit for purpose, offer the best value for money, and provide Department of Finance Required practice with a mandatory implementatio Cloud 10 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 adequate management of risk to information and ICT assets. n element Agencies are to evaluate and select cloud services commensurate with the requirements of the information. Records and Information Management Standards and Authorities Title Description AS ISO 15489 Records Management This Australian and international standard for records management provides guidance on creating policies, procedures, systems and processes to support the management of records in all formats. Agency Responsible Copies of AS ISO 15489 can be purchased from SAI Global. Note: The standard provides the basis for National Archives of Australia records management standards, policies and guidelines. AGLS Metadata Standard 2010 (AS5044) and Implementation Manual The standard contains a set of properties that describe the online resources (eg websites) of the Australian Government. The aim of the AGLS metadata standard is to improve the visibility, management, discoverability of, and access to, government resources. The Australian Government Web Guide requires the use of AGLS National Archives of Australia (NAA); AGIMO Requirement Type Required practice Endorsed for use by Australian Government agencies by the National Archives of Australia. Required practice Subject/ Topic Standard Standard Access 11 National Archives of Australia Australian Governments' Interactive Functions Thesaurus (AGIFT) AS/NZS ISO 16175 Principles and Functional Requirements for Records in Electronic Office Environments Australian Government Recordkeeping Metadata Standard (AGRkMS) Version 2.0 2008 and Implementation Guidelines Standard for the Physical Storage of Commonwealth Records This standard describes the business functions carried out across Commonwealth, state and local governments in Australia. It contributes to the discovery of online government information and services. AGIFT contains 25 high-level functions, each with second and third level terms, as well as non-preferred terms and related terms. The standard provides internationally agreed principles and functional requirements for software used to create and manage digital records. It assists agencies to assess the records management compliance of an existing system and to identify records management functionality to include in a design specification when upgrading or acquiring new systems. August 2015, revised November 2015 National Archives of Australia (NAA) Copies of AS/NZS ISO 16175 can be purchased from SAI Global. This standard describes records and the contexts in which they are captured and used. Recordkeeping metadata collected at the point of capture of a record into the system should document the content, structure and the context in which the record was created. National Archives of Australia (NAA) The standard represents a voluntary code of best practice for the storage of government records. It provides a benchmark for assessing storage facilities for physical records. National Archives of Australia (NAA) Required practice Recommende d good practice Endorsed for use by Australian Government agencies by the National Archives of Australia. Recommende d good practice Recommende d good practice Standard Standard Access Standard Storage 12 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Agency-specific Records Authorities (issued to cover the retention and destruction of records relating to agency specific core business) General Records Authorities (issued to cover the retention and destruction of records relating to agency common business activities) This source lists a set of Records Authorities which give permission to individual or nominated agencies to destroy or transfer records of their unique business activities. Records Authorities are issued by the Archives under section 24 of the Archives Act 1983. National Archives of Australia (NAA) Required practice Disposal The source lists a set of General Records Authorities which give permission to agencies to destroy or transfer records of certain activities that are common across the Australian Government. General Records Authorities are issued by the Archives under section 24 of the Archives Act 1983. National Archives of Australia (NAA) Required practice Disposal Records Disposal Freezes or Retention notices This source lists the disposal freezes in operation. These state that agencies National Archives must not destroy any relevant records even where a current records of Australia (NAA) authority exists. Disposal freezes usually relate to a judicial inquiry to protect records which may be required as evidence. Required practice Disposal Email Protective Marking Standard for the Australian Government and Email Protective Marking Standard Implementation Guide for the Australian Government The standard defines how protective markings (ie requirements to protect the information in a message) are to be formatted for email messages. It allows systems, such as an agency email gateway, to control the flow of information into and out of the agency. Department of Finance Required practice Security This document guides agencies on implementing the protective marking system for email. It contains recommendations for achieving a coordinated and consistent protective control of email across government. Department of Finance Required practice 13 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Note: The standard and implementation guide are also available under eSecurity at the Whole-of-Government ICT policies and circulars page. Guidance and Advice Title Description Check-up Digital This is a practical online survey developed to help Australian Government agencies gauge their digital information management maturity and set clear direction for improved digital practices. Digital continuity The source explains the elements of digital continuity and lists the Digital Transition Policy requirements. The aim of digital continuity is to ensure that digital information can be used in the way that is required, for as long as required and no longer. These guidelines are issued under section 93A of the FOI Act 1982. While they are not legislative instruments, under section 93A of the FOI Act, Australian Government ministers and agencies are required to have regard to them when undertaking activities under the FOI Act. FOI guidelines Agency Responsible National Archives of Australia (NAA) Requirement Type Required practice National Archives of Australia (NAA) Required practice Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Required practice Subject/Topic FOI The guidelines refer to processing matters, charges, exemptions, amendment or annotation of personal records, decisions and reviews on FOI requests, complaints, the information publication scheme, disclosure log responsibilities, and reporting requirements. FOI guidance notes These notes help agencies consider the application of two access 14 National Archives of Australia exemptions in the FOI Act 1982 when dealing with FOI requests. The exemptions are: cabinet document exemption deliberative document exemption. Privacy Act 1988: Guide to securing personal information Note: The notes should be read in conjunction with the FOI guidelines. The guide provides information on the steps agencies are required to take under the Privacy Act 1988 to protect holdings of personal information from misuse, interference and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. PSPF Protocols and Guidance: Information Security Management This protocol specifies the information security controls that are needed to satisfy the information security mandatory requirements. The protocol covers all information assets owned by the Australian Government. Information Security This source contains advice on cloud security, ICT security products evaluation and enterprise mobility. It also includes a number of strategies to mitigate targeted cyber intrusions. Cloud Computing Security August 2015, revised November 2015 Required practice Attorney General’s Department (AGD) Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Attorney General’s Department (AGD) Required practice Privacy Required practice Security Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) Required practice with a set of mandatory components Security Required practice Cloud Note: As of April 2013, the top 4 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions are mandatory for Australian Government agencies. This source describes the information security risks that need to be Australian Signals considered by agencies wishing to adopt cloud services. It also includes a Directorate (ASD) list of Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) certified cloud services. 15 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Implementing machinery of government changes This source helps agencies to implement machinery of government (MoG) changes. It includes a section on records management , which expands on the general principle that records follow functions when MoG changes occur within the APS. It also lists a number of services provided by the National Archives of Australia and AGIMO. Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) Required practice APS Values and Code of Conduct in practice: A guide to official conduct for APS employees and agency heads Information governance This guide assists APS employees to understand the practical application of the APS ethics framework. Includes sections on: Managing official information Managing personal information Using Commonwealth resources This advice focuses on digital information governance and outlines accountability, roles and responsibilities, as well as ways to achieve effective digital information governance. Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) Required practice National Archives of Australia (NAA) Recommended good practice National Archives of Australia (NAA) Recommended good practice National Archives Recommended Access Some of the key information governance documents include: an information and records management framework an information and records management strategy an information and records management policy. Conducting an information review This source provides practical advice on conducting an information review. An information review is a process for identifying and evaluating the ability of an agency's core information to meet its business needs. It focuses on the value of information and it is the basis for an effective information governance regime. An information review is a key action identified in Archives’ Digital Continuity Plan. Digitising accumulated The document provides advice on a range of issues that should be 16 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 physical records considered when planning digitisation projects, and explores records management and records handling issues that arise for both the source records and the digitised records. of Australia (NAA) good practice Preserving physical records This page provides advice on the physical preservation of records, including recovery of fire and flood-damaged records. National Archives of Australia (NAA) Recommended good practice Preservation Outsourcing digital data storage The advice details some of the potential risks associated with storing Australian Government records in data centres, digital repositories and the cloud. National Archives of Australia (NAA) Recommended good practice Storage Keep the Knowledge – Make a Record This training package helps Australian Government employees, contractors and consultants to understand their records management responsibilities. The package includes an e-learning module which can be used to provide self-paced learning to staff. National Archives of Australia (NAA) Recommended good practice Training eLearning Modules These modules assist in building digital information and records management knowledge and capabilities across the Australian Government. National Archives of Australia (NAA) Recommended good practice Training Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Recommended good practice Privacy Privacy Act 1988: Advisory privacy guidelines and Guidelines on datamatching in Commonwealth Administration Note: eLearning modules are only available for purchase by Australian Government agencies. These privacy guidelines can assist agencies to ensure business is transacted in accordance with sound privacy practices. The guidelines aim to assist Australian Government agencies to use data matching as an administrative tool in a way that complies with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the Privacy Act. Office of the Australian Information Recommended good practice 17 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Commissioner (OAIC) Privacy Act 1988: Privacy and Cloud Computing for Australian Government Agencies This guide was developed to assist agencies better understand how to comply with privacy laws and regulations when choosing cloud-based services. Agencies must take contractual measures to ensure the contracted service providers do not do anything that would breach the Australian privacy principles so that personal information is protected from unauthorised access or disclosure, misuse, interference and loss. Department of Finance – AGIMO Recommended good practice Privacy Cloud Negotiating the Cloud – Legal Issues in Cloud Computing Agreements This is a better practice guide designed to assists agencies navigate typical legal issues in cloud computing agreements, including security and confidentiality of information. Department of Finance – AGIMO Recommended good practice Cloud Advice on managing the recordkeeping risks associated with cloud computing This guideline provides a checklist for agencies to determine which records could be kept using cloud computing applications. It also details the potential risks that need to be considered, and offers a list of useful contractual arrangements. Recommended good practice Cloud FOI Act 1982: Principles on open public sector information These eight principles provide a set of core concepts to guide publication of government information, including information released under the Information Publication Scheme (IPS). They complement the provision of the IPS and guide agencies on the release of Public Sector Information more broadly, beyond the requirements of the FOI Act. Council of Australasian Archives and Records Authorities (CAARA) Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) Recommended good practice FOI Australian Government Information Interoperability Framework and This publication provides the principles that underpin sound information management and establishes the concepts, practices and tools that will drive the successful sharing of information across government boundaries. Department of Finance Recommended good practice Access 18 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Australian Government Technical Interoperability Framework Department of The framework provides the first step in establishing compatibility at the Finance technical level for the exchange of data and harmonisation of related business transactions within a trusted environment. It contains details on the principles behind technical interoperability, and relevant case studies and patterns within the Australian Government. It also contains a comprehensive set of standards to be referred to when developing technical interoperability. Recommended good practice Web Publishing Guide This guide aims to assist Australian Government agencies manage their online presence. It covers a number of subjects, including mandatory and recordkeeping requirements relating to websites. Australian Government Department of Finance Recommended good practice Better Practice Checklists & Guidance for the provision of online services These documents have been created to help executives, business Department of managers, web managers and others to improve their understanding of a Finance range of issues associated with the provision of services online. Better Practice Checklists include the use of metadata for web resources, archiving web resources, management of online content and email address naming standards. Recommended good practice Access APS Induction Program This is an online program which provides important information for working in the Australian Public Service (APS). Setting the Record Straight module examines the importance of accountability and transparency to the operation of the APS. Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) Training Whole-of-Government This source lists a number of mandatory and other business policies, and Department of Recommended good practice on how to meet a range of expectations and obligations Information Note: the listing of mandatory requirements supplements any agencyspecific guidelines relating to websites, it does not replace them. 19 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 ICT policies and circulars a list of ICT circulars. Policies include: business continuity e-Security (cyber security, PKI framework, e-authentification framework) ICT capability ICT procurement online engagement ICT sustainability web standards. Finance resource The Australian Public Service Big Data Strategy This strategy sets out the actions that the Australian Government is taking to harness the opportunities afforded by big data without compromising the privacy of individuals. It provides a whole-ofgovernment approach to big data in order to enhance services, deliver new services and provide better policy advice, while incorporating best practice privacy protections and leveraging existing ICT investments. Department of Finance Information resource Big data supports agencies operations and is recognised as a government and national asset. Australian Government Data Centre Strategy 2010 – 2025 This strategy aims to aggregate agencies’ demand for data centres space in order to: ensure agencies adopt modern technologies and practices which will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the data centre use share data centre sites and services to reduce duplication and unnecessary cost of infrastructure match the business needs and requirements of the agencies. Department of Finance Information resource Business Process The Business Process Interoperability Framework (BPIF) promotes a Department of Information Access 20 National Archives of Australia August 2015, revised November 2015 Interoperability Framework whole of government approach to the management of business processes and a consistent way of tackling common issues across multiple agencies. It provides a series of tools to support agencies undertaking business process interoperability initiatives. Finance resource Gatekeeper Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Framework This source provides information on the Australian Government’s strategy for the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) as a key enabler for the delivery of online government services. The strategy ensures a whole of government framework that delivers online integrity, interoperability, authenticity and trust for agencies and their clients. Department of Finance Information resource Security National eAuthentication Framework The National e-Authentication Framework (NeAF) assists agencies, jurisdictions and sectors in authenticating the identity of the other party to a desired level of assurance or confidence. The NeAF encompasses the electronic authentication (e-authentication) of the identity of individuals and businesses dealing with the government, on one side of the transaction, as well as the authentication of government websites on the other side. Department of Finance Information resource Security The source includes a best practice guide to authorisation and access management for the provision of online services to Australian businesses. Web Accessibility National Transition Strategy This Strategy paves the way for a more accessible and usable web environment. It outlines a phased work plan for archiving/decommissioning non-essential or outdated websites, assessing risks and infrastructure, upgrading websites and implementing the new conformance requirements. Department of Finance Information resource Access Copyright Act 1968: Commonwealth Library Under this scheme, Australian Government departments and agencies are required to provide one copy of each publication that they publish to Department of Finance Information resource Copyright 21 National Archives of Australia Deposit and Free Issues Schemes (LDS) August 2015, revised November 2015 each participating deposit library. The scheme supplements the legal deposit, which is a statutory requirement under the Copyright Act 1968. The page also provides a link to the websites of the participating libraries in the ‘Library deposit and Free Issue Schemes’. Cabinet Handbook – 8th edition and Federal Executive Council Handbook The Cabinet Handbook outlines the procedures designed to ensure that the Cabinet observes a set of conventions and principles and fulfils its central purpose of informed decision-making. Lessons for public administration: Ombudsman investigation of referred immigration cases As a result of an investigation into immigration detention cases in 2005/06, the Commonwealth Ombudsman highlighted ten lessons relevant to all areas of government. The first lesson outlined was ‘Maintain accurate, comprehensive and accessible records’. Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Information resource Commonwealth Ombudsman Information resource The Federal Executive Council Handbook is produced as an aid for departmental officers and ministerial staff in the preparation of papers for consideration by the Governor-General in Council. A summary of the investigation is also available in the Ten principles for good administration – Fact Sheet 5. 22