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Hale Equine Veterinary Supplements
We all want the best for our horses and that includes ensuring a healthy balanced diet. However, not all horses are
perfectly healthy and some horses benefit from suitable additions to their diets. Whether they have mild stiffness or
lameness, problems with stress or a tendency to run out of puff, supplements added to the feed can help. At Hale Equine,
we have commissioned a range of supplements to meet some of the commoner problems encountered. We are very
confident in the usefulness of these products and all of them come with a manufacturer’s guarantee that the ingredients
are the best and purest available.
1. Blood Tonic - £27.83
Containing essential B complex vitamins (niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamine, folic
acid), iron, sorbitol and cobalt, this supplement is designed to help compliment the sometimes high carbohydrate diet fed
to performance horses and to help anaemic horses recover. Any horse with low haemoglobin or red blood cell counts will
benefit from taking this supplement. If your horse has been ill with a virus, has lost blood through surgery, injury or disease
or has been severely affected by gastric ulcers or worms then this is the product to use.
2. Probiotic Powder – £39.84
Probiotics are designed to help improve the gut flora and promote healthy digestion. At times of stress, after antibiotics or
worming and when your horse has digestive upsets, a probiotic can help restore the normal gut environment, speeding up
the recovery process. This supplement contains both prebiotics and probiotics to encourage the growth of “good” bacteria
in the gut and to increase the activity of certain desirable types of yeast. It also contains an amino acid, L-threonine, which
has numerous functions in the body and is needed for synthesising mucin, a barrier protein the gut, also essential for good
gut health. Vitamins C, E and B complex complete the mix.
3. Probiotic Paste - £14.62
As above but in a convenient paste form.
4. Gastric Supplement - £86.66
Equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS) is now well known in the equestrian community and most owners will be aware that
it is a common problem. Most racehorses and many sports horses are affected, even though there may be few symptoms.
Treatment for EGUS is very effective, using omeprazole, but it is a very expensive drug. Whilst our Gastric Supplement is
not a cure for EGUS, it has been shown experimentally to reduce the severity of ulcers as graded on gastroscopy over a 6week course. Ulcers are exacerbated in animals under stress, such as hard work, and on high grain diets so our supplement
can be used to help reduce the risk or severity of ulcers. If you are competing and your horse is on omeprazole to treat
known ulcers but you are forbidden to use it during competition, our supplement can be used to help bridge the period of
treatment. It also has a pre-biotic to aid digestion and calcium and magnesium salts which reduce stomach acidity.
Use this product when your horse is on high a carbohydrate diet or is under stress through work, change of yard or medical
interventions to reduce the risk of developing ulcers and to modify discomfort associated with existing ulcers.
5. Hoof Supplement - £67.50
The importance of hoof quality is obvious to all horse owners but some horses seem to produce weak, flaky horn that
breaks up easily and lost shoes are a problem. Whether this is due a dietary deficiency or to some metabolic quirk of the
individual, a good quality hoof supplement can go a long way to solving the problem. Our Hoof Supplement provides the
recommended daily amounts of biotin, calcium, methionine and zinc, all essential for healthy horn growth, as well as MSM.
The results are necessarily slow to see but we guarantee that there will be an improvement in horn quality in horses with
weak crumbly horn within a few months, or your money back.
6. Mobility Supplement - £66.96
Many people use joint supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin as their main ingredients. Research suggests
that dosage is important with these products so it is necessary to ensure that you give the right amount.
Investigation has shown that many of the over-the-counter products do not contain the amounts of active ingredients as
claimed on the label. In some cases this has been shown to be as low as 30% of the stated amount.
We guarantee to use the purest raw ingredients available, ensuring that what is claimed on the label is actually what you
get in the pot. Like most joint supplements, a loading period is recommended (in our case it is only 2 weeks), after which a
maintenance dose is continued. This will cost as little as £1 per day which may not be the cheapest on the market but you
can be sure that you are getting what you paid for.
7. Premium Joint Supplement - £80
This is the newest item on our list. We were very happy with the original Mobility Supplement but have added the
Premium Joint Supplement as it has the extra benefits of Boswellia serrata extract. Boswellia is one of the most potent
natural pain-killers that can be fed to horses and our formulation contains 3100mg of extract in each 15g scoop. We
recommend a 2 week loading period of 1 scoop a day for ponies up to 300kg in weight, 2 scoops for horses over 300kg.
Maintenance is ½ a scoop daily for all sizes. As far as we know, this product has the highest level of Boswellia on the
market. It also contains appropriate amounts of glucosamine and chondroitin, augmented with MSM and hyaluronic acid.
This is an exceptionally good value product, costing only 70p/day once on the maintenance level.
If you want advice on any of our products, please call the surgery on 01249 653561.