Arturo Duran Spanish 1 Lesson Plans 8-27-12 to 8-31-12 Monday 8-27-12 Bell work: Students will copy down the NM Pledge from the board into their notes and copy down their weekly work on their agendas. Objective: I will introduce the lesson and we will discuss different subject areas of New York and its culture, population and compare celebrations from New York to other parts of the world. Standards: Practice and perspectives, compare cultures and understand language and engage in conversation with a partner. Use content knowledge learned in other subject area’s to get a better understanding. Demonstration: I will read out loud the new vocabulary words of the week so the students can see how each word is pronounced and what each word means. Guided Practice: Then we will say the words together as a class and I will answer any questions the students have of any word. Students will get a chance to practice with a partner saying the words back and forth while I walk around the classroom. Individual practices: The students will then write down the new words in English and Spanish, draw a picture and then us the words in a sentence. It will give them a better understanding of what the word means. We will take the assessment from Friday today over the greetings. Assessment: Students will have to answer the multiplication question asked correctly before leaving the classroom. Tuesday 8-28-12 Bell work: Students will translate words written in English into the Spanish Language. Objective: Continue practicing and working with greetings and goodbyes. Introduce formal and familiar greetings to the students. Learn to translate name from the English language into the Spanish language. Pronunciation: Learn about the letter H and it being silent in the Spanish language and give the students examples of it. Standards: Use content knowledge learned in other subject area to comprehend spoken and written content. Use practice and perspectives: compare cultures and different languages. The students will be able to engage in a conversation with another student in the classroom. Demonstration: I will give students examples of words that start with the letter H and of how names translate from the English language into the Spanish language. Guided Practice: We will review greetings together as a class and then go over words that begin with the letter H and the translation of names from the English Language into the Spanish language. Individual practices: Students will work on Activity 1 and 2 on page 4. Assessment: Students will be given a name in English and they will have to translate it into the Spanish language before leaving the classroom. Wednesday 8-29-12 Bell work: Students will have to translate names from the English language into the Spanish language. Objective: Learn how to make introductions in Spanish. Students will be able to introduce another person to someone in Spanish. Learn to use the technology on the computers and working on Standards: Use content knowledge learned in other subject area to comprehend spoken and written content. Communicate message when presenting rehearsed material on familiar topics. Demonstration: I will demonstrate how to get into and how to get into their activities. I will also so my students what the different icons do on the website. Guided Practice: I will pair up my classroom if I don’t have enough computers for each student and they will work on an activity from over the leccion preliminary. Individual practices: Students will work on the activities assigned to them from either by themselves or with a partner. Assessment: Students will have to translate a name from the English language into the Spanish language. Thursday 8-30-12 Bell work: Students will complete the blank with the correct word from the box. Objective: Continue on working on making introduction or presenting people to another person. Standards: Communicate message when and presenting rehearsed material on familiar topics. Demonstration: I will bring a couple of students to the front of the classroom present them to another group as an example of how to introduce someone. Guided practice: I will break up the classroom into small groups where the students will have to make a little dialog and where they will have to be presenting a person of their group to another person. I will walk around and help them with their dialogs. Individual practice: Students will go to the front of my classroom and act out and present their dialogs in front to the classroom. The dialogs will be in Spanish. Assessment: Students will be assessed in their participation on their skit and if they help their group members writing out the skit. Friday 8-31-12 Bell work: I will write a sentence on the board and students will have to copy them and then write by the sentence if It is familiar or formal. Objective: Being able to translate and understand the English language into the Spanish language. Standard: Understanding the Spanish language and being able to communicate in it. Use content and knowledge learned in other subject areas to comprehend spoken and written language. Demonstration: I will go over the words and their meaning before the students are assessed on them. Guided Practice: We will review together any questions students have about anything learned throughout the week or any questions they might have before they start their assessment. Individual Practice: Students will be able to practice by themselves for a few minutes and review words and phrases learned throughout the week. Assessment: Be able to understand the English language and translating and writing the words or phrases correctly in Spanish.