Suggested Format for Paper Outlines

Paper Outline 2012
Paper Number and Title: 159.741 Intelligent Robotics
Credits value: 15
Semester: 2
Mode: Internal
Campus: AL
Calendar Prescription:
Topics in the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to robotics and mechatronic systems. Including
mobile robot case studies, robot programming, real time interfacing and intelligent control.
Pre-requisites: 159.234 (Object-Oriented Programming)
Restrictions: Graduate Status and Permission AD
E-Learning Category: None
Paper Coordinator: Dr. Napoleon Reyes, IIMS, QA2.56, x9512,
Other Contributing Staff: None
To understand and implement the different methodologies for building Intelligent Systems
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion a student will be able to:
1. Describe the main algorithms used in building intelligent systems.
2. Design and implement selected algorithms for control, classification and optimization problems.
3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of applying various AI techniques in solving real world problems.
Assessment: Two assignments and a final examination.
Alignment of Assessment to Learning outcomes
Assessment Description
Contribution to Paper
Final Exam
Deadlines and Penalties:
40 %
30 %
30 %
100 %
Due Date / Deadline
Each assignment will clearly state the
deadline for handing it in.
Seminars will be scheduled at the last
few weeks of the semester
1 mark per hour or fraction of hour it is
late. Programs that do not compile or
run in Massey laboratories – 0 marks.
A power point presentation (10%) must
be delivered in front of the class, a typewritten report and sample program
submitted (20%). Deductions will be
made accordingly for any missed
It is each student’s responsibility to check their assignment marks and notify in writing any errors they might find no
later than 10 days after the day the marks were made available. After that period all marking problems will be solved
after the lectures end. Any complaints about the marking of any assignment must be addressed in writing (email may be
used) and an appointment must be made with the tutor/lecturer to discuss what was put in writing. The assignments may
be completed in groups of up to three students. If the assignment is the product of group-work, then all members of the
group should be named in the source/output file of each assignment they contributed. Each group member must work
on every piece of the assignment. The group should stay the same for the whole semester. All group members are
jointly responsible for the entire assignment. Generally, each group member will receive the same grade. However, in
some cases, additional credit may go to those who make an exceptional contribution to an assignment solution and
reduced credit to those who contribute little to a project. Students in a team have the authority (in consultation with the
lecturer) to "expel" any member that does not meet obligations or contribute to the overall group effort and that student
will be required to proceed alone. The collaboration is limited only to members within each group. Similar solutions
submitted by two or more different groups will be considered plagiarism and all parties involved will be awarded a
mark of zero. Disciplinary action will normally be taken. Deadlines must be adhered to as a solution to assignments will
be reviewed in lectures usually two weeks after its deadline.
Requirements to Successfully Complete the Paper:
To pass the paper with a C grade, an aggregate of 50% of the total assessment is required including at least 30% in the
final examination.
Learning Programme and Schedule:
Approximate Due Date /
Last few weeks of the semester
Seminar (presentation, report with program)
Student Time Budget:
Exam preparation
Final Exam
24 hours
12 hours
25 hours
25 hours
75 hours
24 hours
3 hours
188 hours
Mon, 10:00-12:00, QA5
Proposed Feedback and Support for Student Learning:
The turnaround time for assignments will be no more than three weeks from the due date. It is important to
note that the specified timeframe applies only to those assignments submitted by the due date, and does not
necessarily apply to those submitted late.
Textbook and Other Recommended Reading:
AI Notes from MIT Open Course Ware
Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Applications in C/C++ by Stephen T. Welstead (John Wiley & Sons 1994)
Russell, S. and Norvig, P., Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, Second Edition, (Prentice Hall 2003)
Software: GCC/G++ C++ compiler for Windows; the GCC C++ compiler and editor is available on the IIMS CD and it
can be installed on PCs at home. Mac users can obtain the GCC C++ compiler for System OSX from the Apple
Developer CD, available from Apple.
Additional Costs: None
Conditions for Aegrotat Pass and Impaired Performance:
If you are prevented by illness, injury or serious crisis from attending an examination (or completing an element of
assessment by the due date), or if you consider that your performance has been seriously impaired by such
circumstances, you may apply for aegrotat or impaired performance consideration. You must apply on the form
available from the Examinations Office, the Student Health Service or the Student Counseling Service.
To qualify for an aegrotat pass on the final examination, you must have attempted at least 40% of the total formal
assessment and your performance must be well above the minimum pass standard, so that the examiners can be
confident that you would have passed the paper if you had completed the final examination. You may also apply for
aegrotat consideration for other compulsory assessment elements (such as Semester Tests) that occur at a fixed time and
place if you are prevented by illness, injury or a serious crisis from attending.
Massey University, College of Sciences, has taken a firm stance on plagiarism and any form of cheating. Plagiarism is
the copying or paraphrasing of another person’s work, whether published or unpublished, without clearly
acknowledging it. It includes copying the work of other students. Plagiarism will be penalized; it is likely to lead to loss
of marks for that item of assessment and may lead to an automatic failing grade for the paper and/or exclusion from
reenrollment at the University.
Grievance Procedures:
A student who claims that he/she has sustained academic disadvantage as a result of the actions of a University staff
member should use the University Grievance Procedures. Students, whenever practicable, should in the first instance
approach the University staff member concerned. If the grievance is unresolved with the staff member concerned, the
student should then contact the College of Sciences office on his/her campus for further information on the procedures,
or read the procedures in the University Calendar.
Paper Outline submitted by Dr. Napoleon Reyes
Appendix One:
See Website