Rainforest Organism Poster assignment frequently asked questions

Here are the most frequently-asked questions about the rainforest ecosystem
poster assignment.
Scientific Classification: There is a system of classifying living things into different
categories, depending on body structure and other features, using Latin names. For
example, the genus and species categories of the banana slug are Ariolimax and
columbianus: usually, only the initial of the genus is used, so you would call it A.
columbianus. We'll go more deeply into scientific classification when we study Diversity
of Life. If you research your organism on Wikipedia, you'll find the complete scientific
classification on the right side of the page. As I said, just use the genus and species
names, in order.
Position in the food web could be producer, the various levels of consumer,
detritivores, decomposers, or a combination of these -could they also be carnivores,
herbivores, or omnivores? Make sure that you qualify your answers.
Respiration means the way in which the organism exchanges gases within the
environment. Different organisms do gas exchange in several different ways - for
example, did you know that the pill bug breathes with gills? Have a look at how your
organism takes in gases, and how it gets rid of waste gases. If your organism is a plant,
then it should be easy.
Reproduction means the way in which the organism reproduces itself, in other words,
makes babies (I’ll use this word to describe all young versions of the parent organism),
and how they are cared for after birth (if that applies). Plant reproduction may include
the transportation of seeds or spores to other areas. In other organisms, how many
eggs are laid, or how many babies are typically in a litter? Why are so many babies
produced by some organisms?
Importance to the ecosystem: think about its place in the rainforest ecosystem - is it a
consumer, and at which level? What does it eat? With whom is it competing for food?
How does it support the ecosystem? If your organism was removed from the rainforest
ecosystem, what effect would that have on the rest of the organisms that live there?
This is a critical thinking question for you to think about. Review your notes, and give it
some thought.
Amazing Facts: Did you find anything that struck you as very interesting or unusual
about your organism that you think your classmates would find interesting as well? This
is the place for it. Feel free to name more than one.
Anything else? Send me an email.
Mr. B