Outstanding Graduating Senior Award This award will be presented to an undergraduate student who is graduating with a first bachelor’s degree this spring. The award recognizes a first generation college student with strong leadership skills, a demonstrated care and concern for fellow students, and a history of involvement at NAU. Nominee: Last Name: Student ID# Email Address: Hometown: First Name: Phone: ( MI: ) - High School Attended: (NAU Public Affairs uses above information to send press releases to recipients’ hometowns) Major(s): (if a double major, list both) Minor: (“none” if no minor) Cumulative GPA: Nominator: Last Name: Title: First Name: Department: NOMINEE’S BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Describe how this student exemplifies the success of a first generation college student. Include program/club/organization involvement, leadership roles, scholarships, awards/recognitions, community service activities. Limit to 300 words. Please return completed applications to Wendy Bruun by e-mail: wendy.wallace@nau.edu DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 22, 2013 by NOON