Model United Nations Student Contract Date: _________________ I, _____________________________________ (print name) am a member of the Model United Nations Club at Northern Arizona University. As a member of the MUN travelling team, I attest that the following required conditions are true: I am an enrolled student at Northern Arizona University for the semester that the travel will take place I have an overall GPA of 2.25 or higher I recognize that if I sign up for a conference and pay my student fees, any travel costs related to the conference (i.e., airplane tickets, hotel reservations etc.) that have been paid by NAU, the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Department of Politics and International Affairs or any other unit at NAU, must be reimbursed by me if I do not attend the conference. In addition, I promise to behave in a professional manner during my time at the conference. As a representative of NAU, I will behave in a manner that reflects positively upon my team and my school and will not violate any school, state, or national laws or policies. Signed, ____________________________________ (sign here)