Skeletal System Differentiated Instruction Menu Chapter 6 Educational research proves that students learn in different ways. With this in mind, you will have an opportunity to select from various learning activities that best suit YOUR particular strengths and preferences as a student. Complete the student and parent agreement and place this sheet in a 3 pronged-2 pocket folder of the designated color by class period. All assignments must be kept in your folder. 5st-Red Folders 6h-Blue Folders 7th-Green Folders Instructions: Each student will complete assignments that will reinforce and assess their mastery of learning and for learning regarding the Cardiovascular and Circulatory Systems. Assignments are divided into three categories: Level A (assessments-labs & tests), Level B (assessments-project), Level C (practice-homework & classwork). Items with ** indicate that those assignments are mandatory in each level. In addition to the mandatory assignments, student will select assignments that result in the total number of required points without going over for level C. Agreements I understand that this unit requires more independent work than usual and I will utilize class time effectively to complete assignments. I understand that I will be responsible for bringing materials that are needed daily. I understand that if I do not adhere to the deadline given, I may be in jeopardy of not receiving credit for my assignments. Student Name (print) ____________________________________________ Date ________ Class Pd_____ Student Signature ______________________________________________ I understand that my child will be expected to use class time efficiently and that they must adhere to the deadlines given in order to receive credit for the assignments in this unit. Parent/Guardian Name (print) ____________________________________________ Date ________ Parent Signature ______________________________________________________ Current Phone or email _______________________________________________________________________ Menu Listing Level C (120 pts max). Mandatory assignments (worth 60 pts). Student’s choice assignments (totaling 60 pts). Assignment (Daily Work) All illustrations should be in color. All tables, charts, etc. should be original in design… do not copy tables or charts from the text book. 1**. Copy/print notes on "The Skeletal System." ** 2. **Complete “Juicy Jargon” for Chapter 6 (options: written in JJ spiral notebook, make a flip book/foldable/graphic organizer, flash cards, typed AND printed, etc. )** 3. Illustrate and label the parts of the Long Bone (Refer to page 115) include the following labels: proximal epiphysis, metaphysis, diaphysis, distal epiphysis, articular cartilage, periosteum, medullary cavity, compact bone, endosteum, epiphyseal line, red marrow, spongy bone 4. Create a chart that summarizes the general functions of bone tissue. 5. Complete the word organizer about paranasal sinuses. Diagram is posted on the Evans DHS Anatomy page. 6. Illustrate and label the following parts of compact (osseous) tissue: Osteon, osteocyte, lacunae, lamellae, canaliculi, matrix 7. Read chapter 6 and answer the following questions (write questions or answer in complete sentences) pg. 153: Self Quiz # 1-9; 12-16 8. Design a pictorial document that shows the four classes of bones. The document should describe each classification type and include 2 examples of illustrations of bones that belong to each group. This assignment should be created using BYOT and printed, provide photo credits. 9. Create a Venn Diagram that compares and contrasts the components of the axial and appendicular divisions of the skeletal system. 10. Write a 2-3 paragraph summary that explains the homeostatic regulation of blood calcium levels. You must include the following terms in your paragraph: feedback mechanism, thyroid, parathyroid, calcitonin, parathyroid hormone. Type and print, 12 point font; Be certain to check your spelling and grammar! 11. Label the diagram of the skeleton and the skull. Diagram is posted on the Evans DHS Anatomy page. Possible 0-5 0-15 0-15 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-20 0-20 0-5 0-15 0-20 Teacher initials Earned 12. Create a check list for a forensics investigator that could be used to differentiate the remains of a female pelvis from that of a male pelvis based on anatomical differences. 13. Create flash cards that show the levels of organization for each region of the vertebrae- tell about the number in each group, and the basic description of each group. Flash card titles/Front word: Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, Coccyx 14. Make a stepped out chart or flow chart the shows the relationship between true, false, and floating ribs. 15. Write a 3-5 paragraph comparison of the adult skull versus the fetal skull. Discuss the variation in structures, size ratios to body, and absence and presence of fontanels (be sure to tell what fontanels are and explain their purpose) Type and print, 12 point font; Be certain to check your spelling and grammar! 16. **Quiz on skeletal system –Video and Quiz: The Skeletal System** Student may take quiz while watching video segment Biology: Learn about Human Skeleton and Types of Joints; posted on the Evans DHS Anatomy page. 17. ** Mini-lab: Label a life size juvenile skeleton. ** Diagram is posted on the Evans DHS Anatomy page. Pre-print the pages (will require 8 pages). Work in groups of 24. Group Members ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 0-10 0-15 0-10 0-20 0-15 0-15 18. ** Parent and student signatures (see above). ** 0-5 19. **Determine the standards that correspond to this unit**-write them on the left pocket of the folder 0-5 Total Level C Points Earned __________ Level B (100 pts max). Complete the mandatory assignment in class. Choose ONE additional assignment from this section. Assignment (Projects) Possible 1. **Complete the Skeletal System T-shirt. The t-shirt must be long sleeved in order to include an ANATOMICLLY correct design of both the anterior and posterior skeleton.** Instructions, materials, and rubric are posted on the Evans DHS Anatomy page 2. Design an informational brochure using Microsoft Publisher. It should provide information on a disorder that affects the skeletal system. Select one of the following: Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Leukemia, Osteomalacia (Rickets), Osteoporosis, Swan Neck Deformity, Snapping Scapula Syndrome, TMJ, Trevor Disease, Kyphosis, Lordosis, Scoliosis. This brochure should be suitable for a doctor to give to a patient who is newly diagnosed with the disease. INLCUDE: disease name, treatment options, frequency of occurrence, populations affected, support groups or websites where the patient can get more info. 3. Create an anatomically correct model of any of the following bones: humerus, femur, scapula, atlas and axis, tibia, (no perishable items) Teacher initials Earned 0-100 0-100 0-100 Required Labels: Label the appropriate HIGHLIGHTED bone markings for each bone as labeled in the chapter power point. 4. Complete Unit 5 Packet 0-100 Total Level B Points Earned ___________ Level A (200 pts max). All assignments in this section are mandatory. Assignment (Assessments of Learning) Possible 1. **Skeletal System Bone Identification Practical (TBD). ** 0-100 2. **Unit Test on Skeletal System. ** 0-100 Teacher initials Earned Total Level A Points Earned ___________