Lehman College, City University of New York Department of Latin

Lehman College, City University of New York
Department of Latin American and Puerto Rican Studies
Upon completion of a Bachelor’s degree in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, graduates
will be able to:
Goal I - Understand Latin American and Caribbean cultures through an appreciation for the
diversity of the region
Learning Objectives:
To achieve this goal, students will be able to:
A. Explain the role of migration in the formation of the region’s diverse cultures
B. Compare and contrast the historical development of the region
C. Explain the economic forces impacting the region’s economies
D. Critically analyze the Latino/a experience in terms of significant issues, theories,
current problems, and solutions
Goal II - Conduct original research on a current important issue facing Latin America
Learning Objectives:
To achieve this goal, students will be able to:
A. Incorporate ideas from sources and use them appropriately
B. Develop a well-written thesis
C. Analyze various viewpoints
D. Support evidence applying historically-based and culturally-informed arguments as
indicated by the instructor in each discipline covered by the program: history;
politics; anthropology; literature/the arts
Goal III - Explain the main developments in Latin American history and culture, from the
colonial period to the present
Learning Objectives:
To achieve this goal, students will be able to:
A. Explain the main historical periods
B. Analyze how political transformations shaped the region
C. Analyze the role of migration in Latin America and the US
D. Explain the major belief-systems of the region
Lehman College – Latin American and Caribeña Studies
January 2010
Goal IV - Show competence in the artistic expressions of Latin America and the Caribbean
Learning Objectives:
To achieve this goal, students will be able to:
A. Show competence in at least one of the major artistic expressions of Latin America:
music, film, visual art, performance art, and literature
B. Demonstrate knowledge of Latin American and Caribbean art’s political and
historical contexts
C. Analyze the role of the arts in Latin American and Caribbean societies
Goal V - Demonstrate competence in Spanish
Learning Objectives:
To achieve this goal, students will be able to:
A. Read works in Spanish for a research paper
B. Read major works of literature in Spanish
C. Write one brief essay in Spanish with correct punctuation, basic grammatical
competence, and a basic conceptual grasp of the Spanish language
Lehman College – Latin American and Caribeña Studies
January 2010