Lab: Matching Rock Layers Introduction: Correlation is the process of matching rocks of the same age at different locations. Outcrops separated by hundreds of miles can be correlated by using similarities of rock type, rock thickness, rock color, and the presence of fossils know as index fossils. Index fossils existed for a very short time (Example: only in the Devonian) but were distributed over a large geographic area. Usually, these animals and plants are marine (ocean) organisms. Another way of correlating is using volcanic ash markers which represent a single event which can be traced over a large area. Objective: Student will be able to correlate outcrops from different localities and describe the processes involved in correlation. Procedure: Cut out and correlate the four outcrops. You will find several unconformities. Glue an example of each layer in Procedure A column. Do likewise to the four outcrops containing index fossils. Glue an example of each in Procedure B column. Vocabulary: Correlation___________________________________________________________________ Index fossil___________________________________________________________________ Unconformity_________________________________________________________________ Contact Metamorphism_________________________________________________________ Questions: 1. Explain why some layers are missing from some outcrops? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. These gaps in the rock record are called _______________________. 3. List the three ways to correlate: a. ___________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. List the two characteristics of an index fossil. a. ___________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. In outcrops A and B in procedure A, how do you know the basalt was molten? ______________________________________________________________________ Cutouts