Spellings – Group 1 Week M -ui, -ua and –ue patterns, aero- prefix disguise biscuit guidance guitar bilingual catalogue monologue dialogue rogue tongue unique guard guarantee guillotine guessed guest language aerodrome aerodynamic aeroplane Week N -ible suffix Week O Pairs/groups of words with same pattern Week P -our spelling pattern accessible audible destructible edible flexible illegible inaudible chemist neighbour behaviour harbour contour encourage journey flourish tournament courgette courier nourishment flavour tourist appreciate average convenience nuisance restaurant stomach twelfth incomprehensible indestructible inedible invincible invisible irresistible irresponsible irreversible legible responsible reversible susceptible visible choir ache machine brochure accompany according fascinate crescent scissors veins neighbour prey sleigh courageous mathematician discussion misunderstand indirect misconnect Week Q -ory, -ity spelling patterns factory laboratory lavatory history sensory repertory refectory dormitory explanatory category density publicity ambiguity morality mortality activity extremity continuity disastrous exaggerate Week R Tricky words and silent letters amateur yacht competition desperate develop hindrance identity pronunciation correspond vehicle dictionary library definitely miserable interested doctor secretary original frightening queue Remember to practise these spellings each day: Break the words up into syllables to make it easier - mark them on this sheet Look, Cover, Write, Check Write any tricky ones out ten times (or more!) Try to think of any mnemonics (word memory tricks) to help you, e.g. ‘Dr. Doolittle’s address’ to remember the double d in ‘address’ Use the following websites to help you (they’re on the school website, in the Pupils’ Page) http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/spellits/activities_y6/activity1.shtml - BBC Spellits http://primarygamesarena.com/spelling - lots of spelling games