Bradford County Conservation District



S t o l l N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e C e n t e r , 2 0 0 L a k e R o a d , S u i t e E , T o w a n d a , P A 1 8 8 4 8

T e l e p h o n e ( 5 7 0 ) 2 6 5 - 5 5 3 9 E xt . 6 - F a x ( 5 7 0 ) 2 6 5 - 7 4 3 5


The February meeting of the Bradford County Conservation District was called to order by Keith

Heimbach, Chairperson of the BCCD, on February 9, 2015, at 12:30 PM, at the Stoll Natural Resource

Center, Wysox, PA.


Committee Assignment – Amy Gilbert, from Talisman Energy, has requested to be a part of our

Public Relations and Outreach Committee. She will be promoting Green Career Day. Les Bresee made a motion to add Amy Gilbert to our Public Relations and Outreach Committee. Daryl Miller seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.


Strategic Planning Committee – The committee is recommending we not try to rush through the process of developing a Strategic Plan. The grant funding needs to be used by the end of June this year. They would rather we deny the funding at this point so it can be utilized in some other way, then reapply for funding for next year so we can take a year to develop a plan. Les Bresee made a motion to deny the funding and take a year to develop a Strategic Plan. Scott Lackey seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.


Computer Inventory Update – Scott Lackey made a motion to remove the following from our

Equipment Inventory and dispose of them:

Joe Quatrini’s printer (Hewlett Packard SG0BP130ZR DeskJet 1220C)

Joe Quatrini’s monitor (Accu Sync 120 Model # AS120-BK Serial #2300090LQ)

Kristin Pepper’s monitor (Serial #TW-09E249-46635-247-1059)

John Sullivan seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Stephen Foster Forebay Update – The contractor was not able to finish the dredging of Stephen

Foster Lake’s forebay last Fall due to equipment failure. He is planning to complete the first phase as soon as the ice is out in the Spring, then come back in the Fall to do the second phase. The wetland cells in the forebay are not all covered in vegetation. If there is any funding left in the project, we might want to consider using some for these cells.

Key Request – One of the users of our Conference Room has requested they be able to keep a key to the front door, as none of their members are able to pick up a key during office hours. Daryl Miller made a motion to get a lock box to hold a key for the short term, and then research getting a key pad for the front door.

Chamber of Commerce Dues – Daryl Miller made a motion to pay the $100.00 membership dues to be part of the Central Bradford County Chamber of Commerce. Les Bresee seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Team Retreats – The Tech Team decided at their Retreat that it is time to hire another Dirt & Gravel

Roads Program employee. John Sullivan made a motion to move forward with the process of hiring another person for the Dirt & Gravel Roads Program. Les Bresee seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.


The Ag Team Leader has resigned, and the Ag Team will be restructuring.

PALMS Conference – Five staff members would like to attend the PA Lake Management Society

Conference on March 18 & 19 in State College. Les Bresee made a motion to spend $1,300.00 to send

Mike Lovegreen, Joe Quatrini, Tess Flynn-Belles, Dan Rhodes, and Cathy Yeakel to the PALMS

Conference. Daryl Miller seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Sales Training – Kevin Brown reported that most of the District and NRCS staff are in favor of holding a training session to help us know how to “sell” what we do to landowners. It could cost

$3,000.00 to $4,000.00. We could bring in people from other Conservation Districts.

Fish Stocking – Cathy Yeakel reported for Jeremy Yohe that the stocking schedule is out.

Clean Water Farm Award – Application deadline for the Clean Water Farm Award is April 30 th .

Daryl Miller made a motion to submit our Cooperator of the Year, Brian Zeidner, for the Clean Water

Farm Award. John Sullivan seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Connecting Soils to Profits – A soil health conference will be held March 19 at the Wysox Fire Hall.

Gabe Brown, from North Dakota; and Bern Sweeney, Ph.D., Director of Stroud Water Research Center, will be the speakers. Topics to be covered include no-till, crop rotation, cover crops, grazing and healthy streams. There are several funding sources involved in this conference, so John Sullivan made a motion for the Conservation District to pay for conference expenses and then request reimbursement from grant funding sources. Scott Lackey seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Project Learning Tree – Chad Gadsby, from the Bureau of Forestry, is assisting in putting together a

Project Learning Tree workshop and requested assistance from Cathy Yeakel and Dan Rhodes, who are both trained Facilitators of this program. This is a national continuing education program. John Sullivan made a motion to assist the Bureau of Forestry with this Project Learning Tree workshop. Les Bresee seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.


Manure Managment – Since we have not had good participation in manure management workshops, the Ag Team has decided to hold another “Open Door Day” on March 3 rd and on April 9 th from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.

Bentley Creek – Mike Lovegreen reported that the Chemung County Soil & Water Conservation

District would like to hold an event for the 50 th anniversary of the application for the Bentley Creek

PL566. They want to invite Federal legislators and would like Bradford County to co-sponsor and invite our legislators. Daryl Miller made a motion to co-sponsor this event. John Sullivan seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed.

Thank You – District Manager, Cathy Yeakel, expressed her appreciation for the staff members who painted, etc. to refurbish the building.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:40 PM by Keith Heimbach, Chairperson.

The next meeting of the Bradford County Conservation District will be on March 2, 2015, at

12:30 PM at the Stoll Natural Resource Center, Wysox, PA.

