1,2,3,4,5,14 First Packet * I will not cover everything in the chapters; it is your responsibility to keep up with readings. Chapter 1 The importance of public speaking Defining Communication Communication as Transactional: Working with an audience Communication as Sharing meaning: Making sense Defining Communication Competence in Public Speaking Ethics Chapter 2 Speech anxiety- SYMPTOMS -Fight or flight response- CAUSES of Speech Anxiety Dysfunctional speech anxiety- Functional speech anxiety- Two main causes: Self-defeating thoughts- Strategies for managing speech anxiety Wrap up ways to reduce anxiety CHAPTER 3 DELIVERING YOUR SPEECH What is good delivery? Methods of delivery1. Manuscript form- 2. Memorized speech- 3. Impromtu- 4. Speaking Extemporaneously The speaker’s voice 1. Volume 2. Pitch 3. Rate4. Pauses 5. Vocal variety6. Pronunciation7. Articulation- 8. Dialect- The speaker’s body - Question and Answer Sessions: CHAPTER 4 5 types of audiences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CaptiveCommittedContraryConcernedCasual- Audience Composition 1. Attitude2. Belief3. Value-. 4. Demographics- Ethnocentrism CREDIBILITY Choosing a topic Subjects you know a lot about and subjects you want to learn more about. Methods of creating topics-pick something youre passionate about. Clustering Problems, events, concepts, natural phenomena, things, people. Keep up with the news. Questions to ask yourself when choosing a topic CHAPTER 5 Attention: Getting People to listen Ways to trigger attention: Attention triggers: Ways to keep the presentation interesting GOAL is to work to continually engage the audience and keep their attention. CHAPTER 14 Informative Speaking Differences between informative and persuasive Informative Persuasive -Noncontroversial informative speech- -Precursor to persuasion- Types of informative speeches Reports- Explanations- DemonstrationsNarratives- Types of Informative Speeches-objects, processes, events and concepts