Informative Speech

Grade 8
Ms. Reynolds
Demarest Middle School
DUE DATE: _________________________
Your next assignment will be to deliver an Informative Speech in which you will educate
the audience on a topic of your choosing. For instance, you may opt to tell us about your
favorite book, hobby, celebrity, interest or any other subject that would be appropriate for
school. If that does not interest you, feel free to get as creative as you would like and
teach us all about an invention of your own imagination.
Let your audience know the topic you have chosen and provide us with a detailed
description of its different parts so that we can better understand it ourselves. In addition,
let us know why you find the subject interesting or, if it is fictional, tell us about how you
developed your idea. Remember, you are the “teacher” for this presentation, so paint a
clear picture of your topic in order for us to see it the way that you do.
This particular speech will be prepared and performed individually. It should be 5-10
minutes in length and you may use note cards to help you during your presentation.
Remember to include visual aids and to submit both a copy of your speech and evidence
of the pre-writing process on the day it is due. Good luck!!