A SEASON FOR CHAPTERS A COMMON CORE UNIT FOR ELA Second Grade CommonCore.org/maps Overview: 6 Week Unit In this unit, students focus on the beauty of the language in poetry and fiction, learn poetry terms, and the beginnings and endings of stories. Students identify responsibility and responsible behavior. (This is the first activity to “teach to” responsibility.) FOCUS STANDARDS: RI 2.2, RL 2.1, SL 2.1, RL 2.4, W 2.7, and SL 2.2. OBJECTIVES Among the objectives of the unit, notice “Define responsibility and identify responsible behavior.” The unit contains Literary and Informational Texts, Art, Music, and Media Poems (included) Stories Nonfiction Books SAMPLE ACTIVIES Art, Media, Informative Writing, Character Education Give a purpose for watching the video: Ask them what they think responsibility means and then go over the definition of responsibility. Video: http://responsibilityproject.libertymutual.com/films/lighthouse#fbid=he4 h5CyR2LV RESPONSIBILITY Video Discussion Students write a two or three sentence of how the video showed responsibility. Students could draw their favorite scene from the video, making sure to add details. W2.2 TPEP Criteria #2 (Instruction: The teacher uses research-based instructional practices to meet the needs of all students.) ADDITIONAL ACTIVIES 1. Art, Speaking and Listening 2. Art, Informative Writing 3. Reading Literature, Speaking and Listening 5. Research, Informative Writing 6. Art, Language Usage 7. Research, Informative Writing 8. Reading Informational Text, Language Mechanics 9. Reading Informational Text, Informative Writing 10. Music, Language Usage, Writing Poetry 11. Reading Literature, Speaking and Listening 12. Reading Literature, Speaking and Listening 13. Reading Poetry, Performance Reading Foundations Are Attached