CAMBRIDGE SCHOOLS LESSON PLANNING TEMPLATE NAME: Erin Bzdawka SUBJECT: Advanced Communications WEEK OF: April 14-18 LESSON OBJECTIVE OR LEARNER OUTCOME BELL ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT HOMEWORK OTHER NOTES MONDAY Students will: Use notes to take a quiz Understand newspaper jargon TUESDAY Students will: Understand the structure of a news story Find and identify newspaper jargon Discuss Lecture 9 Continue talking about the structure of a news article Mass Media Law Go to the lab. open note quiz Find a webpage Newspaper jargon and take a screen Structure of a shot – print and news article label using newspaper jargon WEDNESDAY Students will: Analyze the structure of a news story Write their own news story Quiz Discussion Vocabulary sentences Labeled news story Turned in labeled screen shot THURSDAY Students will: Watch Lecture 10 Lecture 10 Find a news story, print, analyze, and label the structure Lecture 10 of Effective Communication Answer questions over Lecture 10 FRIDAY No School!