Name/Block: Level 3 Design –Unit 1 Project Criterion B: Developing

Level 3 Design –Unit 1 Project
Criterion B: Developing ideas
At the end of year 3, students should be able to:
i. develop design specification which outlines the success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data collected.
ii. present a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others.
iii. present the chosen design and outline the reasons for its selection.
iv. develop accurate planning drawings/diagrams and outline requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.
You are expected to generate several (at least three) feasible designs that meet the design specification and to evaluate these against
the design specification (checklist - "test"). You are then expected to select one design, justify your choice and evaluate this in detail
against the design specification (checklist - "test").
Evidence of Work
Classwork and Homework
Design Cycle Questions
Directions: Thoroughly follow instructions and answer the following questions thoroughly with specifics. (Criterion B objectives are
referenced in parenthesis).
1. Brainstorm the possible solutions (products). (Criterion B, Objective 2: Present a range of feasible design ideas, which can be
correctly interpreted by others).
a. List five or more different ways (including a hybrid or a combination of two ways) about how this assignment may be created.
b. Listen in class for examples.
c. Include the solution (product) assigned for this project: a multimedia presentation/spreadsheet hybrid).
2. Check the solutions (products) you have brainstormed, using a test (checklist) and also write an overview about each of your
three solutions (products). (Criterion B, Objective 1: Develop design specification which outlines the success criteria for the design
of a solution based on the data collected. Criterion B, Objective 2: Present a range of feasible design ideas, which can be correctly
interpreted by others).
a. Check three of the solutions (products) you have brainstormed, using a test (checklist).
b. One of the three must be the product that is assigned to research, plan, create, and evaluate (for this project a multimedia
presentation/spreadsheet hybrid).
c. Specifically, check each design against your test (checklist).
d. Your checklist will itemize (list) several (ten or more) specific things you will need to do to create your product.
e. Your answers will compare three of the solutions (or products).
i. Will that design meet your test?
ii. Analyze carefully whether every component of your checklist can be covered in each possible design.
f. Also, write an overview – a thorough, detailed description of each of your three solution (product) ideas.
i. This should be at least three paragraphs or as long as a page or so per solution (product), fully describing and developing
each solution (product) idea.
3. Provide the pros and cons of each solution (product). (Criterion B, Objective 1: Develop design specification which outlines the
success criteria for the design of a solution based on the data collected. Criterion B, Objective 2: Present a range of feasible design
ideas, which can be correctly interpreted by others).
a. Analyze and evaluate your test (checklist) that you designed for number two.
b. Be thorough and cite specifics.
c. Use at least three pros and cons per solution) product.
d. Please note: if the solution (product) will not meet one of the points on your checklist, then it would be a con.
4. Choose the best solution (product) and explain why? (Criterion B, Objective 3: Present the chosen design and outline the
reasons for its selection. Criterion B, Objective 4: Develop accurate planning drawings/diagrams and outline requirements for the
creation of the chosen solution).
a. It can be a hybrid or a combination of two different design ideas.
b. Also, explain (justify in detail) why it is the best.
c. Be sure to discuss the use of your test (checklist) in discussing why you made your choice.
d. Draw a sketch or diagram (e.g., storyboard, flowchart, etc.) and create an outline for your created solution. These are your
initial plans for your product (e.g., iMovie) about your organization of data, main ideas, and important details. Review the
amount of data you have in your research from criterion A and decide how many frames or slides do you think you will need?
For your diagram and outline, we only need to know enough information and there is no need to spell out and explain every \
detail until your Plan part of Criterion C.
There is no form to complete this time for this but please have a peer review your work (optional but recommended), revise
it as necessary (based on their comments), proofread and edit your Criterion B document, sketch or diagram, outline, and
process journals.
Before you print, please delete any excess directions/information not needed (to save paper and ink). Then turn in your work
with the process journals.