Personal Project: Assessment Criteria A break down of each criteria Criterion A: The Process Journal The three areas below you MUST be aware of: Organization: Are your thought processes documented in a manner that your supervisor can follow? Are you meeting deadlines? Communication: Are you taking initiative to meet with your supervisor and collaborate about ideas? Information: Does your process journal demonstrate the process of thinking and reflecting? Criterion B: Define the Goal Students must: Identify and explain a topic based on a personal interest Justify your global context for the project What lens did you pick and why? Outline a clear and challenging goal Establish a success criteria How will you know if your project is successful? Criterion C: Select Sources For this criteria students will need to: Select a variety of sources including primary and secondary Evaluate sources by determining what type of information you want and where to look for that information Sources will need to be documented on a bibliography page at the end of your paper Criterion D: Apply Information Keep in mind that this criteria will be demonstrated primarily in your report. Students will need to: Apply information to make decisions and create solutions Your rational for each decision should be recorded in your process journal and report Criterion E: Achieve the Goal This criteria is strongly connected to your product or final outcome. Students and their supervisors will evaluate the final product against the established design specifications Your design specifications should already be recorded in your process journal (Remember you could use a rubric, checklist, tally sheet, etc. as a means for measuring success) Criterion F: Reflecting on Learning Evidence for this criteria will be demonstrated in your final report. Students will need to: Share what they learned about the topic as well as their global context Identify how they have grown as a learner Criterion G: Report the Learning As stated in previous slides, students will write a final personal project report. Guidelines for this report will be given 2nd semester. In the meantime, students should keep in mind: The report will need to be organized according to the format provided Strong communication skills and acknowledgment of sources need to be in the report