Determination of source parameters at regional distances with broadband sparse network data November, 2005 No. 559/183/05 by Dr. Nadezda Kraeva Dr. Avraham Hofstetter Prepared for: Earth Sciences Research Administration Ministry of National Infrastructures Abstract Source parameters such as scalar seismic moment, source depth and focal mechanism are estimated for earthquakes from three component broadband seismograms registered by the Israel Seismograph Network using the moment tensor inversion method (Dreger and Helmberger, 1993; Dreger and Langston, 1995). The data set includes records of moderate-sized earthquakes occurred in Israel and nearby since December 1996. Calibrating velocity models to obtain a robust catalogue of Green’s functions was the most important step for successful seismic moment tensor estimations. In Israel, we have found in a trial and error process that two 1D velocity models are adequate for the recovery of the seismic moment tensor. The library of calibrated Green’s functions was precomputed for these velocity models as a function of source-receiver distance and source depth. The comparison obtained from focal mechanisms with those of first motions demonstrates that for sufficiently strong events (MW ≥3.7) moment tensor inversion method gives compatible or even more accurate solutions. It is shown also that a resolution of the source depth is being improved with increasing of the moment magnitude and number of stations taking part in inversion, and the local and moment magnitude discrepancy decreases with magnitude gain, from about 0.8-1.0 magnitude units at MW=2.9 up to about 0.1 at MW=4.0-5.1. The dominant style of faulting corresponding with the obtained moment tensor solutions is strike-slip. 2 Introduction The study of earthquake mechanisms is an attractive approach for a quick and inexpensive survey of the state of stress of areas in Israel (e.g. Hofstetter et al., 2005). The widely used fault plane solution method, based on P wave onsets for this purpose in regions with large and dense short-period seismic stations network, in some cases cannot be applied successfully here. The structure of the Israel Seismograph Network (ISN) is elongate from south to north parallel with Dead Sea rift and active nodal plane of the typical earthquakes mechanism solution. The oneside data may have poor takeoff angle and azimuth coverage and so not insure reliable source mechanism by the first-motion technique without additional phase data observed in neighbor countries. Besides, the small to moderate-sized earthquakes are too weak to be recorded teleseismically, and their mechanisms cannot be determined by the far stations. With the deployment of digital broadband network in Israel we are now capable of caring out regional distance moment tensor inversion of moderate-sized earthquakes using a few methods. Some of them (Wallace and Helmberger, 1982; Fan and Wallace, 1991) use body waves; others deal with surface waves (Patton and Zandt, 1991; Thio and Kanamori, 1995). Herein we will apply the method of the complete waveform inversion which incorporates both types of waves (Dreger and Helmberger, 1993; Dreger and Langston, 1995). The advantage of this method over others is that it provides very good constraint on the focal parameters even in the case when we have data just of a single station. The main drawback here is that there can be complex interference of multiple crustal phases leading to complex broadband waveforms which may be difficult to understand. However, at a low frequency approach used in this method for a point in space and time source representation, relatively simple 1-D velocity models may be applied to effectively model the data (Helmberger and Engen, 1995). It is important that in addition to a focal mechanism this method gives also other important source parameters such as seismic moment and centroid depth. Scalar seismic moment, derived from the moment tensor, is used as a common scaling parameter in the regional magnitudes calibration (Mayeda et al., 2003) and in seismic hazard, such as the relationship between seismic moment and fault rupture length (Wells and Coppersmith, 1994). It is also important for nuclear explosion monitoring which uses scaling of source parameters such as the relationship of seismic moment to radiated energy (Mayeda and Walter, 1996). The discussed moment tensor inversion routine is tested and applied to the earthquakes occurred in different countries (e.g. Pasyanos et al., 1996; Kim and Kraeva, 1998, 1999; Fukuyama and Dreger, 2000; Kim et al., 2000; Pinar et al., 2003). At the UC Berkley seismographic station this method was automated to work in real-time manner for events in northern and central California (Thio and Kanamori, 1995; Pasyanos et al., 1996) which can help emergency officials assess potential damage after an earthquake as well as provide immediate tectonic interpretation of the faulting process. This method was already successfully applied at GII recently for waveform inversion of the aftershock sequence of the 22/11/1995 Gulf of Aqaba earthquake (Hofstetter et al., 2003) from data of one station. Now we investigate the possibility to use for calculations all Israeli broadband stations simultaneously comparing result focal mechanisms with those of the shortperiod local network. Inversion method In order to solve the equation of motion resulting from slip in the fault plane of an earthquake source, the source should be represented in terms of body forces acting within the Earth. The theorem of representation (Aki and Richards, 1980) gives a general equation relating 3 the observed displacement field u n x, t to the Green’s function Gnk and the density distribution of the equivalent body forces fk within the source volume V: u n x, t Gnk x, t; r , f k r , dV r d (1) V To simplify this equation to a form suitable for inversion, the following assumptions should be made (Dreger, Langston, 1995). First, we assume that the Green’s function varies smoothly within the volume V; then, it can be expanded into the Tailor series relative to the centroid of the source. Farther, if the seismic signal has a wavelength much greater than the source size R, only the zeroth term of this expansion may be retained (spatial point-source approximation), and the equation (1) can be approximately rewritten as u n x, t Gnk ,i x, t M ki , if R (2) The convolution (2) is the fundamental system of equations, the solution of which is searched by the seismic moment tensor inversion, and may be written in the matrix form as u GM , (3) where u is the multi-component and multi-station vector of data, M is the solution vector of the moment tensor, G is the kernel of the Green’s function. In the case of synchronise source, each element of the moment tensor has an identical time function which, as a consequence of the long-wave approximation, may be approximated by function (point-source approximation in time), M kj M kj and convolution (2) – (3) becomes a simple matrix product. The displacement field generated by an arbitrarily oriented double couple (DBC) representing a shear source, can be expressed as the sum of the products of scalar weights Ai and Green’s functions (zss, zds, etc.) calculated for the fundamental dislocations (Dreger, Langston, 1995; Langston, 1981): u z r , t A1 zss r , t A2 zds r , t A3 zdd r , t u r r , t A1 rss r , t A2 rds r , t A3 rdd t , t , u t r , t A4 tssr , t A5 tdsr , t (4) where z, r, and t denote, respectively, the vertical, radial and tangential components in a cylindrical coordinate system. The following dislocations are referred to as fundamental ones: a strike-slip fault on the vertical plane (ss), a dip-slip fault on the vertical plane (ds), and a dip-slip fault on a plane inclined at an angle of 45 (dd). The Green’s functions for 45 dd faults are calculated with a fault plane striking at an azimuth of 45, and those for ss and ds faults, with fault planes striking at a 0 azimuth. The scalar weights Ai in (4) depend nonlinearly on source parameters as the strike, dip and rake, but they are linear combinations of five independent deviatoric elements of the moment tensor M xx , M yy , M xy , M xz , M yz (for the shear source, M zz M xx M yy ): 4 A1 M yy M xx cos2 M xy sin 2 A2 M xz cos M yz sin 1 M xx M yy 2 1 A4 M xx M yy sin 2 M xy cos2 2 A5 M yz cos M xz sin A3 , (5) where is the back epicentre azimuth. Introducing the Green’s functions of an isotropic source rep and zep into the G matrix, one can obtain a system of linear equations that provides the solution of the forward problem for an arbitrary source. The linearity of this solution, which results from the above assumptions, makes it easy to obtain the solution of the inverse problem: M G TG 1 G Tu , (6) using the standard least-squares method. Thus, if the Green’s functions for the fundamental sources and for an isotropic source are known, it is possible to reconstruct all elements of the moment tensor from seismograms recorded at one or several stations. In practice, owing to the noise in data, the lateral heterogeneity of the earth, and deviations of the real earthquake source from the point-source model, the seismic moment tensor is always more complex than in the DBC case (Stein, 1987), after the diagonalization, it takes the form M 1 2 3 (7) with the eigenvalues 1 2 3 and the eigenvectors n1, n2, n3. The latter describe the orientation of the principal stress axes in the source. If the tensor M were consistent with a simple DBC, the following relations would be valid: 1 2 and 3 0 . In reality the seismic moment tensor М obtained as a result of inversion (6) is close to the double couple representation but not entirely. To provide a physical interpretation of the tensor obtained, we decompose it into three parts, representing an isotropic source, a major DBC, and a minor double couple (compensated linear vector dipole CLVD): 1 E M 0 0 E M 0 M 1 , 2 3 E 0 M 1 (8) where E 1 2 3 3 , M 0 1 E and M 1 3 E . The eigenvectors of initial and deviator tensors are the same. The mechanism of a given earthquake is assumed to be the orientation of the major DBC, whose percentage in the moment tensor can be calculated from the equation (Dreger and Langston, 1995) PDC 1 2 3 1 100% (9) Dreger and Langston (1995) implemented this method of seismic moment tensor inversion in the TDMT_INV software package, which uses the whole waveforms recorded at local and 5 regional distances, including both body and surface waves; as a result, it is possible to adequately reconstruct the source parameters by using data from only one station (Dreger and Helmberger, 1993; Fan and Wallace, 1991). To calculate the regional Green’s functions, the TDMT_INV package was supplemented by a module of Saikia (1994) based on a modified reflectivity method (Fucks and Muller, 1971; Kind, 1979), which employs the formalism of propagator matrices in the frequency-wavenumber domain for constructing complete synthetic seismograms of wave fields in a model of horizontally homogeneous plane-layered isotropic crust lying on a half-space. Saikia improved the reflectivity method by applying Filon's interpolation scheme (Frazer and Gettrust, 1984) to integrate rapidly oscillating functions emerging in calculations, thereby lowering the wavenumber sampling rate and essentially reducing the computation time. The source depth h is determined iteratively by performing inversions with Green’s functions calculated for a number of depths. The source depth can be found by studying the behaviour of a parameter VR (variance reduction), which is a measure of coincidence of the observed (di) and synthetic (si) seismograms: d i si 2 VR 1 100% . d i 2 (10) VR = 100% means complete coincidence (in the given frequency range). The depth yielding a maximum measure of coincidence is considered to be an optimal source depth for the given model. Israel Seismograph Network We use here broadband waveform data recorded by the Israel Seismograph Network (ISN) during all its installation period since 1996 (Table 1, Figure 1). At the waveform inversion we should be sure that all the three channels, EW, NS and Z, have correct polarities. In other case we will never work out a correct moment tensor inversion solution. So the first stage in our project was testing of polarities of broadband stations, results of which, being important enough, were published in the report (Kraev, 2005). We used for testing the records of 10 strong teleseismic earthquakes with known focal mechanisms based on NEIC and Harvard CMT, which occurred during the last decade. The knowledge of the mechanism gives us the true direction of the vertical first P-wave motion in the point of observation, and the known relative stationepicenter geometry gives us an opportunity to predict directions of the horizontal P-wave onsets. The comparison of the probable signs of EW, NS and Z projections of the P-wave first arrivals with the observed ones recorded by ISN from these 10 earthquakes has shown that: - stations EIL, JER, CSS and MRNI have correct polarities; - stations KSDI, AMZI, HRFI, MMLI and KZIT have reverse polarities at all of the three channels, so every time we use data of these stations, we should change their polarities. The additional investigation made after that report publication have shown also that the broadband station JER had reverse polarities at all the three channels some time after its installation, at least in the first quarter of 1997, and the broadband station MRN had the reverse polarity at EW component at least on March 8, 1999. These conclusions were made after studies of P-wave polarities of 5 supplementary teleseismic events (Table 2) recorded by Israeli stations with known mechanism solution (Table 3, Fig. 1). 6 Table 1. Location, start and end times of Israeli broadband stations Station code Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E) Start time mo/dy/yr (Julian day) End time mo/dy/yr (Julian day) EIL 29.6712 34.9520 11/21/1996 (326) - JER 31.7724 35.1981 08/07/1996 (220) 06/30/2003 (181) CSS 34.9620 33.3310 12/10/1998 (344) - MRNI 33.0118 35.3921 03/11/1998 (070) 01/24/2002 (024)1 KSDI 33.1920 35.6585 12/09/2001 (343) - AMZI 31.5491 34.9123 02/26/2002 (057) - HRFI 30.0364 35.0370 02/11/2002 (042) - MMLI 32.4379 35.4216 12/09/2001 (343) - KZIT 30.9067 34.3978 12/09/2001 (343) - _______________________________________________ 1 Station MRNI has been replaced by the array of broadband stations acting nowadays. Table 2. Locations and magnitude parameters (from USGS/NEIC) of 5 additional earthquakes used for testing of polarities of broadband stations Event Date O.T.(UTC) Latitude Longitude Depth Mw ID (mo/dy/yr) (hr:mn:sec) (°N) (°E) (km) Location 1 03/08/1999 122548 52.056 159.520 21 6.8 Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia 2 12/27/1998 003826 -21.632 -176.376 147 6.8 Fiji-Islands 3 10/10/1998 163219 -0.403 119.840 11 6.0 Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi 4 03/26/1997 020857 51.277 179.533 12 6.6 Aleutian Islands 5 02/27/1997 210802 29.976 68.208 7 7.0 Pakistan Table 3. Focal mechanism solutions (from NEIC and Harvard CMT database) of earthquakes listed in Table 2 Nodal planes Event ID 1 Principal axes 2 T N P Strike Dip Slip Strike Dip Slip Az Plg Az Plg Az Plg 1 169 27 51 31 70 108 328 61 205 16 108 23 2 230 10 -58 18 81 -95 112 36 18 5 281 53 3 338 32 13 236 83 122 177 43 52 31 301 31 4 250 19 101 59 72 86 323 63 60 3 152 26 5 334 7 145 98 86 85 3 48 99 5 194 41 7 Figure 1. Location of the Israeli broadband stations (triangles) acting nowadays and in the nearest past (Table 1) and of earthquakes studied in this work (stars). The red stars highlight those events for which it was possible to find focal mechanism solution making moment tensor inversion. These solutions are shown left- and rightwards from their epicenters on the map. 8 Table 4. The P-wave ray parameters for the earthquakes (Tables 2-3) observed by broadband stations in Israel Station code Back azimuth (°) Azimuth Distance Takeoff (°) (°) angle (°) Predicted sign of P-wave first arrival Observed sign of P-wave first arrival EW NS Z EW NS Z Event 1 EIL 31 314 85.3 20 - - + - - + MRN 31 315 82.1 20 + - + - - + CSS 30 318 81.4 21 - - + - - + Event 2 EIL 81 292 150.7 10 + + - + + - CSS 71 303 150.8 10 + + - + + - Event 3 EIL 93 300 85.8 18 + + - ? ? - MRNI 93 303 85.6 18 + + - ? + - JER 93 301 85.7 18 + + - + ? - Event 4 EIL 21 330 93.2 15 - - + - - + JER 21 330 91.2 15 - - + + + - - ~0 + + ~0 - Event 5 JER 85 282 28.3 29 Event 1 Event 2 CSS MRN EIL CSS EIL Event 3 MRNI JER EIL Event 4 Event 5 JER EIL JER Figure 2. Focal mechanism solutions of the teleseismic earthquakes (Tables 2-3) registered by the Israeli broadband stations in 1997-99. Solid and open triangles represent the position of Israeli stations with positive (up) and negative (down) signs of the P-wave first arrival (Z component), respectively. 9 Data preparation The discussed method deals with digital 3-components broad band data. Due to the point source assumption being the base for Dreger's inversion method, three work frequency bands depending upon the magnitude are usually used: 0.02 to 0.10 Hz (3.5MW<4.0), 0.02 to 0.05 Hz (4.0≤MW<5.0), and 0.01 to 0.05 Hz (MW5.0). The higher the magnitude of the event the lower the frequency of filtering should be in order to move away from source corner frequency complications. Furthermore, low-pass filtering allows us to escape source-finitness and path propagation effects. The minimum magnitude reflects the limits imposed by the background noise in the frequency passband used by the inversion. So we can use as input broad-band BBand long-period LP-channel data with preliminary long period filtration. The original digital records should start well before the first P arrivals from the earthquake studied and include all wavelets (P, S and surface wave groups). The first step before inversion is to produce the ASCII, three-component data files used by TDMT_INV. This step involves using SAC to demean, deconvolve instrument response, change incorrect polarities, integrate to displacement (cm), rotate to transverse and radial components, bandpass filter, resample to 1 sps, and finally write the ascii data files. All of this may be done using a single script “data-prep” written for ISN data (see Appendix 1). The command line arguments of the script “data-prep” are the station name, name of channel, the latitude and longitude of the event, and the highpass and lowpass filter parameters in Hz. We can use any frequency passband we wish provided that both the data and Green’s functions were processed using the same filter. Running the “data-prep” script makes a note of the azimuth and distance in the file “azim.dat”, which we need to point as parameters in further inversion, and creates the files “<station name>.data” which are input in the inversion. Note that the broadband ISN is equipped by the STS-2 seismometer which parameters such as response constant, poles and zeros are listed in the file “sts-2.pz” (Appendix 1). Note farther, that the SAC utility “transfer” using this pole-zero response changes only the form of a signal if it has frequency components outside the flat part of the seismometer amplitude response and does not convert data from counts to velocity in m/s. To make this conversion, we need to divide our digital velocigrams by the sensitivities which values depend of the model of datalogger; the one Q380-M is installed at the EIL station, while other ISN broadband stations are equipped nowadays by the Q4120-M datalogger. Sensitivities of two kinds of systems formed by these dataloggers and the STS-2 seismograph slightly differ (see Appendix 1). Green’s function calibration In general, the search of Green’s functions providing the best fit to observational data is the most important and time-consuming part of the problem. The crustal structure may be very complex and poorly studied, so that only a zeroth approximation of the real cross section can be constructed a priory. Therefore, one is frequently faced with the need to go through a long fitting procedure to select an effective model of the medium whose synthetic seismograms would coincide, within a reasonable accuracy, with the observed seismograms. Undoubtedly, this model can be non-unique. Note that it does not necessary represent the real crustal structure but rather a model that better represent the overall source to receiver ray propagation path. On the other side, the found model and its corresponding Green’s functions can be considered suitable only if the inversion solution of the source mechanism computed using this model is confirmed by other methods. This time-consuming procedure is referred to as the Green’s function calibration. Fortunately, relatively simple velocity models can be used at low frequencies, which this inversion method is intended for (Helmberger and Engen, 1980). 10 The measure of coincidence (10) can also serve as a quantitative criterion for assessing of the particular model effectiveness while calibrating Green’s function. Note that the consequences of an incorrect model of the cross-section are usually compensated for by the source-depth variation if the errors in parameters of this model are small (Fan and Wallace, 1991; Dreger and Helmberger, 1993; Walter, 1993). As a result of this compensation, an incorrect source depth can be associated with a reasonable estimation of the source mechanism. In this work, the 202004/02/11 Dead Sea earthquake (ML=5.2) was chosen as the calibration event because it is the strongest event occurred on the land territory of Israel and the only one which mechanism was estimated by Harvard University during the last decade. Calculations have shown that among existing velocity models of Ginzburg and Folkman (1980), BenAvraham and Ginzburg (1990) based on gravity and seismic refraction data, and variations of these models, the one of Feigin and Shapira (1994) is the best for the Dreger's moment tensor inversion when using all the broadband stations except for CSS (Table 5, Figure 3). The variance reduction in this case is very high, VR=83.5-94.1% when this model is employed for inversion of data recorded by the every station from 6 ones acting nowadays in Israel (Table 6, Figure 3). This model being routinely used to locate Israeli earthquakes, works the best also in our case, because it was constructed using P and S crust onsets recorded by short-period ISN stations from five calibration explosions located so that most of propagation paths used in our study fall into the net composed by multi-cross calibration traces (Feigin and Shapira, 1994). Table 5. 1-D velocity model in Israel (Feigin and Shapira, 1994) Depth of bottom layer km 2.59 9.79 31.43 Layer thickness km 2.59 7.20 21.64 60 Vp km/s Vs km/s Density g/cm3 QP QS 4.36 5.51 6.23 7.95 2.41 3.1 3.6 4.45 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.26 600 600 600 600 300 300 300 300 Velocity, km/s 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 0 10 Depth, km 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 Figure 3. P- and S-wave velocity profiles for the two 1-D models used in the moment tensor inversions: (1-2) Feigin and Shapira (1994) model for traces inside Israel; (3-4) the model for traces between the Cyprus station CSS and Israeli stations based on the studies in (Makris et al., 1983). 60 11 Table 5 lists the model parameters, layer thickness, P-velocity, S-velocity, density and attenuation parameters QP, QS. Note that when computing Green’s functions, the source must be located at an artificial boundary where the velocities above and below are the same. Densities in this and a following model were fit on the base of numerous gravity data of Israel (e.g. Hofstetter et al., 1990; 1991; 2000). Parameters QP and QS were set equal to their averages over the entire crust (Lay and Wallace, 1995). Note that tests of the moment-tensor inversion using a wide range of Q values made in (Pasyanos et al., 1996) showed that attenuation is a highly insensitive parameter. The reason is that this method works for such large wavelengths that the number of cycles over the local and regional distances used is small. Table 6. Results of the calibration moment tensor inversion of 2004/02/11 ML=5.2 Dead Sea earthquake name of station AMZI CSS EIL HRFI KSDI MMLI KZIT All 7 together delta (km) 65 415 230 190 165 85 140 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.3 5.3 M0 x1023 (dyne cm) 6.96 6.36 7.66 7.99 7.59 16.5 8.94 9.05 strike (°) 90 / 350 75 / 339 250 / 342 251 / 344 245 / 338 253 / 160 76 / 346 78 / 344 dip (°) 77 / 52 82 / 53 80 / 75 81 / 71 81 / 72 69 / 81 89 / 87 79 / 71 rake (°) -141 / -16 -143 / -10 164 / 10 161 / 10 162 / 10 -170 / -21 -177 / -1 -161 / -12 5.31 11.01 80 / 3401 79 / 501 -139 / -151 depth (km) 18 30 24 21 18 24 27 24 MW 261 %VR 94.1 79.9 93.0 89.7 94.2 83.5 89.2 67.1 % dc 80 70 88 74 78 52 98 37 871 ________________ 1 HRV CMT-solution Table 7. 1-D model of the crust for traces between the Cyprus station CSS and Israel based on studies in (Makris et al., 1983) Depth of bottom layer km 2.5 13 25 Layer thickness km 2.5 10.5 12 60 Vp km/s Vs km/s Density g/cm3 QP QS 2.5 4.75 6.7 7.95 1.45 2.63 3.75 4.42 2.0 2.42 2.9 3.38 200 600 600 600 100 300 300 300 The mismatches in phase and misfit in amplitude between observed and synthetic waveforms contain useful information about corrections needed to better calibrate the velocity models. This principle was used during the search of the effective velocity model for traces between Cyprus and Israel. We tested a lot of variations of the Levant Basin models resulted from the data of a seismic refraction and reflection experiment (Ben-Avraham et al., 2002), but every time synthetics misfit to the real seismograms. We have found that the best velocity model is the one that we constructed on the base of Makris et al. (1983) seismic refraction profiles between Cyprus and Israel in their central ocean-type part of the crust (Table 7, Figure 3). The variance reduction for this model is 79.9 % for the only station CSS and 67.1% in the case of combine solution for 7 stations acting nowadays (Table 6, Figure 4). Both these solutions are very close to the Harvard CMT (Table 6), and to that obtained from data of the short-period 12 Figure 4. (a-c) Calibration single station cross-correlation results and best-fit moment tensor solutions of the 2004/02/11 Dead Sea ML=5.2 earthquake from data of AMZI, CSS and EIL broad-band stations calculated using 1-D model of the crust in Israel of Feigin and Shapira (1994). The solid line corresponds to observed seismograms and the dotted line to synthetics. 13 Figure 4. (d-f) The same as in (a-c) but from data of HRFI, KSDI and MMLI broad-band stations. 14 Figure 4. (g-h) Comparison of inverse solutions of the 2004/02/11 Dead Sea ML=5.2 earthquake from data of KZIT BB station obtained in the two frequency bands, 0.01-0.05 and 0.02-0.05 Hz, respectively. Bandwidth narrowing allows us to escape long-period noise distorting the signal. (i) The combined inverse solution of this earthquake from data of 7 stations in different frequency bands. 15 regional networks deployed in Israel, Jordan and Cyprus (Figure 5) from signs of first P-wave onsets (Figure 6,a) using the standard program of Reasenberg and Oppenheimer (1985). Let us consider the results of moment tensor inversion of this event (Figure 4, Table 6) more closely. A few important moments should be discussed here. First of all, in our case two stations from seven (AMZI and MMLI) are placed in the intermediate-field range ( Δ < 100 km), whereas the Dreger’s routine applied for the far-field range (100 km < Δ < 1000 km). To continue to work in the far-field approximation, we should stay in the frequency band when a wavelength is at least less than an epicenter distance. It is possible if to shift our passband to the right in the more high-frequency area, since, say, 0.04 Hz up to 0.10 Hz. At larger frequencies the influence of lateral inhomogeneities and body-wave phases becomes too large. What is more, the amplitude displacement spectra calculated for these close stations (Figures 7,a,b) show that at these distances (65 and 85 km) the spectrum of a signal itself is shifted to the right in comparison with the far-field stations, EIL for example (Figure 7,c). On the one hand, it is less filtrated by absorption and attenuation on the ray path, and on the other hand, the longperiod surface waves are not formed yet. Finally, both these stations register the increased level of long-period background noise in comparison with the other stations. To escape the long-period microseism contamination of the signal we can only restrict our frequency band on the left by 0.04 Hz. But in the case of combine solution for 7 stations, despite its closeness to the Harvard CMT solution, we have got the very low percent of double couple (37%) in comparison with those estimated for single stations except MMLI when it was 52%. Moreover, Figure 8 shows how the variance reduction of this combine solution varies with the source depth increasing. This dependence turns out to be not stable comparing with all single station covers and has the sharp step with amplitude more than 60%. It may be explained by the noise distortion of the MMLI waveform even in the restricted bandpass (see Figure 7,b), or by the existence of some large-scaled heterogeneity on the trace, or by the deviation of the source from a point form. In any case, this problem disappears when we exclude MMLI data from the combine solution using data of only 6 stations (Figures 6,b and 8). This essentially increases the variance reduction and the percent double couple and in addition make the VR(h) dependence stable, more expressive and convex. The source depth estimated in this inversion (18 km) is close to that obtained from short-period regional seismic networks (17 km). This moment tensor solution was accepted as the final one for this earthquake. Another station KZIT is also rather noisy (Figure 7,d) but its frequency restriction may be more weak in the case of the given earthquake and equal to 0.02 Hz. Figures 4,g,h demonstrates the dramatic difference between two moment tensor solutions obtained for two frequency bands, the recommended band 0.01-0.05 Hz and the constrained one 0.02-0.05 Hz. The constrained frequency interval 0.04-0.10 Hz may be used for routine purposes also at investigation of small events with MW=3.2-4.0, for which there is very little energy at periods longer than 30 sec. As a rule, their waveforms are registered on the very high noise, and additional filtration essentially improving the signal to noise ratio, almost do not cut the longperiod signal components. To simplify and speed up the further routine inversion procedures, a catalogue of Green’s functions prefiltered in the frequency bands, recommended and restricted (0.01-0.05 Hz, 0.020.05 Hz, 0.02-0.10 Hz and 0.04-0.10 Hz), was computed for the two described above 1-D models. These Green’s functions were generated over a range of source depth (since 2, 3 km up to 30 km with 3 km depth increments) and source-station distance (40-600 km) rounded to the nearest interval of 5 km. 16 Figure 5. Stations of the short-period regional networks deployed in Israel, Jordan and Cyprus which data was used in this report for estimates of P wave first motion plane solutions. 17 Figure 6. (a) The first motion solution for the 2004/02/11 Dead Sea ML=5.2 earthquake obtained from short-period regional data. Compression (up) first motions are pointed by circles and dilatation (down) by triangles. Red-colored signs correspond to the direct waves. (b) Cross-correlation results and combined best-fit inverse solution of the 2004/02/11 Dead Sea ML=5.2 earthquake from data of six stations (AMZI, CSS, EIL, HRFI, KSDI and KZIT) in different frequency bands. The black line corresponds to observed waveforms and the red one to synthetics. 18 Figure 7. (a-b) Input raw displacements (upper three on the left) and after bandpass filtration (lower three on the left) recorded at broadband stations AMZI and MMLI for the 2004/02/11 Dead Sea ML=5.2 event, and input displacement specters (on the right). Red, green and dark blue colors of lines correspond to EW, NS and Z components. 19 Figure 7. (c-d) The same as in (a-b) but at EIL and KZIT broad-band stations. 20 Variance Reduction, % 100 amzi 80 css eil 60 hrfi ksdi kzit 40 mmli 7 st. 20 6 st. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Focal depth, km Figure 8. Variance reductions for the 2004/02/11 Dead Sea ML=5.2 earthquake as a function of source depth from single-station inversions (AMZI, CSS, EIL, HRFI, KSDI, KZIT and MMLI separately), the seven stations inversion (blue solid line, all mentioned stations together) and the six stations inversions (red solid line, all stations except MMLI). Inversion results Waveform data for 33 earthquakes with the local magnitude M L greater or equal to 3.5, occurred in Israel and nearby during the broadband ISN existence since 1996, was investigated to evaluate the source parameters such as focal mechanism, seismic moment and depth. In this data set there were only 2 events with estimated moment magnitude M W>4 and 6 events with MW>3.5. Table 8 lists the event information, and Figure 1 shows the locations of the broadband stations and studied events and their best-fit mechanism solutions. As was discussed in previous chapters, the method that we used to determine seismic moment tensor utilizes data in the 0.01 to 0.05 Hz or narrower passband to reduce the impact of the Earth structure and source-finitness on the inversion results. If noise level is high in this passband then it becomes impossible to determine the seismic moment tensor. Unfortunately for many of the earthquakes in Israel the noise on their records was too high. This reduced the number of events that it was possible to obtain focal mechanism solutions for to only 18 (Tables 8, 9). For the other 15 ones we could estimate only the scalar moment (M0) and moment magnitude (MW) using only those stations which waveforms could be correlated with synthetics correctly on the noise background. Prior to inverting the data, input waveforms are aligned with the fundamental fault Green’s functions (tss, tds, etc.) by cross-correlations varying the sample offset. Sometimes when the data is noisy this sample offset may become far from the real one and as a result not an earthquake but microseism wavelet is chosen as a signal to be inverted. If do not control this process the magnitude of the noise may be estimated. The minimum local magnitude that was processed is set at ML≥3.5. This value reflects the limits imposed by the background noise in the frequency passband used by the inversion. Really, as follows from the Table 8, we were able to obtain full solutions only for one event from five investigated with ML=3.5. And only for events with the moment magnitude since MW=3.7 we could obtain full solutions without missing. 21 Every time when it was possible, we used at least two or more well distributed stations, thereby minimizing the effect of the model uncertainty along any one single ray path on the moment tensor solution and improving its stability. We applied the distance weighting, so the more distant stations are given larger weights. It was noted also that close stations located at distances from epicenter less than 70-90 km often overestimate the moment magnitude of about 0.2 units. Table 8. Study earthquakes ML3.5+. The events which it was possible to obtain moment tensor mechanism solutions for are numbered (EV 1-18). EV 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Date (Yr/Mo/D) 2005/10/03 2005/09/07 2005/07/18 2005/06/01 2005/02/07 2004/08/08 2004/07/20 2004/07/09 2004/07/07 2004/05/31 2004/03/15 2004/02/24 2004/02/13 2004/02/11 2003/12/31 2002/02/24 2001/10/08 2000/07/05 1999/12/19 1999/10/28 1999/06/02 1999/04/11 1998/12/15 1998/12/14 1998/05/31 1998/05/24 1998/02/13 1997/05/29 1997/05/18 1997/04/06 1997/03/26 1996/12/03 1996/12/01 1996/10/15 Origin time (hr:mn:sec) 04:05:29 08:35:44 09:52:51 03:27:28 10:26:59 12:42:30 21:42:50 12:16:28 14:35:08 23:52:38 23:49:56 02:11:32 07:02:36 08:15:03 20:44:41 09:56:01 11:25:52 03:33:50 08:42:49 15:39:15 02:11:52 19:45:05 11:17:00 23:37:56 13:25:28 18:58:59 19:11:07 07:06:27 19:46:56 19:47:14 13:20:21 19:43:02 10:57:36 14:36:40 lat (°) 32.035 32.181 31.23 31.294 31.157 32.470 32.464 31.69 31.972 32.03 31.367 31.72 31.701 31.701 31.503 32.069 30.47 31.476 29.70 30.400 32.401 33.15 32.777 31.329 30.229 30.221 33.741 33.353 32.776 33.721 33.703 33.702 33.713 30.467 lon (°) 35.591 35.561 35.381 35.414 35.5 35.257 35.255 35.57 35.554 35.48 35.533 35.49 35.540 35.557 35.513 35.469 35.28 35.581 34.96 34.983 35.406 35.635 35.630 35.543 35.002 35.002 35.809 35.621 35.265 35.58 35.565 35.581 35.547 35.205 h (km) 15 9 11 11 8 10 10 16 13 2 13 17 16 17 16 2 9 12 17 9 10 4 2 11 3 8 5 8 10 1 3 2 1 9 ML 4.0 3.7 3.5 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.7 4.7 3.5 4.3 3.5 3.7 5.2 3.7 3.6 4.2 3.5 4.1 4.6 3.7 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.7 5.2 4.1 3.9 3.5 MW nst 3.8 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.1 4.4 3.2 3.8 2.9 3.4 5.1 3.5 3.1 3.7 2.9 3.1 3.8 3.6 3.2 3.5 3.3 3.1 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.5 2.9 4.0 3.2 3.3 3 1 5 4 5 4 2 2 4 3 6 3 3 6 6 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 Region Jordan Valley Jordan Valley Dead Sea Dead Sea Dead Sea Carmel Tirza Carmel Tirza Dead Sea Jordan Valley E. Shomron Dead Sea Dead Sea Dead Sea Dead Sea Dead Sea E. Shomron Arava Valley Dead Sea Arava Valley Negev E. Shomron Kinneret Kinneret Dead Sea Arava Valley Arava Valley Roum Roum Galilee Roum Roum Roum Roum Arava Valley Notes high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise high noise no BB data To verify the best fitting focal mechanism solutions obtained by the moment tensor inversion we also studied the P-wave first motion short-period picks recorded by the ISN and nearby seismic networks (Figure 5) to use them then for the focal mechanism calculation by the program of Reasenberg and Oppenheimer (1985). 22 Table 9. Moment tensor inversion results and first motion solutions for ML3.5+ earthquakes 1 h hinv MW MO strike (°) dip (°) (km) (km) (dyne cm) NP1/NP2 NP1/NP2 20051003 15 15 3.8 6.38e+21 73 / 164 88 / 67 2 20050907 9 24 3.3 9.75e+20 3 20050601 11 12 3.4 1.19e+21 4 20050207 8 6 3.4 1.68e+21 5 20040808 10 21 3.7 4.12e+21 6 20040720 10 15 30 3.3 3.5 9.10e+20 2.24e+21 7 20040707 13 18 4.4 3.78e+22 8 20040531 2 3 3.2 6.15e+20 9 20040315 13 12 3.8 5.81e+21 10 20040213 16 15 3.4 1.23e+21 11 20040211 17 18 5.1 5.94e+23 12 20031231 16 18 3.5 2.17e+21 13 20011008 9 21 3.7 3.59e+21 EV YrMoD 60 / 152 80 / 172 77 / 170 338 / 142 355 / 149 278 / 8 275 / 181 337 / 83 335 / 73 151 / 60 331 / 62 340 /250 181 / 86 85 / 60 86 / 68 80 / 75 47 / 44 40 / 52 88 / 86 80 / 70 69 / 54 80 / 50 84 / 80 86 / 75 75 / 90 76 / 73 341 / 250 313 / 189 328 / 170 278 / 8 70 / 85 59 / 48 71 / 20 89 / 78 265 / 355 88 / 293 115 / 295 86 / 343 90 / 80 55 / 38 75 / 15 72 / 54 80 / 344 270 / 179 265 / 173 87 / 264 80 / 60 81 / 81 80 / 80 52 / 38 rake (°) P (°) T (°) % % dc N bandpass (Hz) NP1/NP2 az / plng az / plng VR st 157 / 2 121 / 15 26 / 18 86.3 65 3 0.02-0.10; 0.040.10 150 / 5 110 / 16 12 / 24 15 158 / 4 128 / 12 34 / 18 57.7 69 1 0.04-0.10 164 / 10 124 / 3 33 / 17 17 -79 / -101 320 / 82 60 / 2 71.5 86 4 0.04-0.10 -70 / -106 7 / 75 250 / 6 17 176 / 2 323 / 1 234 / 4 70.4 86 5 0.04-0.10 -160 / -10 139 / 21 46 / 6 18 -39 / -154 295 / 42 33 / 9 64.2 81 4 0.04-0.10 -40 / -167 286 / 34 30 / 18 16 -170 / -6 16 / 11 285 / 3 24.1 94 2 0.04-0.10 -15 / -176 286 / 13 17 / 8 24.7 61 2 0.04-0.10 0 / 165 295 / 10 204 / 10 16 18 / 166 313 / 2 44 / 23 92.1 91 4 0.02-0.05; 0.040.10 5 / 160 297 / 10 204 / 17 26 -128 / -45 168 / 58 69 / 7 30.8 89 3 0.04-0.10 -97 / -70 227 / 63 64 / 25 14 168 / 1 324 / 8 233 / 9 85.0 93 6 0.02-0.10; 0.040.10 170 / 0 310 / 7 219 / 7 11 -105 / -70 314 / 75 189 / 9 55.2 49 3 0.04-0.10 -90 / -90 24 / 60 205 / 30 19 -142 / -22 310 / 39 211 / 12 83.8 59 6 0.01-0.05; 0.020.05 0.04-0.10 -150 / -11 306 / 28 208 / 13 31 -171 / -9 134 / 13 225 / 0 82.7 79 6 0.04-0.10 -170 / -10 129 / 14 219 / 0 -88 / - 93 8 / 83 176 / 7 90.4 63 2 0.04-0.10 faulting stile strike-slip strike-slip normal strike-slip oblique-normal strike-slip strike-slip oblique-normal strike-slip normal strike-slip strike-slip normal 23 14 19991028 9 12 3.8 5.26e+21 15 19980213 5 9 3.3 1.13e+21 16 19970326 3 9 4.0 1.18e+22 17 19961203 2 9 3.2 6.96e+20 18 19961201 1 9 3.3 1.11e+21 ?/? 204 / 101 211 / 85 26 / 290 20 / 284 259 / 350 ?/? 260 / 350 ?/? 66 / 64 38 / 65 78 / 64 85 / 40 87 / 76 ?/? 90 / 74 ?/? ?/? -151 / -27 63 / 37 -136 / -60 37 / 58 27 / 167 156 / 10 50 / 172 141 / 28 166 / 3 305 / 8 ?/? ?/? 164 / 0 307 / 11 ?/? 332 / 1 153 / 14 251 / 27 255 / 36 214 / 12 ?/? 214 / 11 ?/? 64 / 334 ?/? ?/? 88 / 85 ?/? ?/? -175 / -2 ?/? ?/? 199 / 2 ?/? ?/? 290 / 5 ?/? 84.3 77 2 18 46.4 36 1 8 94.4 90 2 26 72.5 76 2 65.8 88 0.04-0.10 strike-slip 0.04-0.10 strike-slip 0.02-0.05 strike-slip 0.02-0.05; 0.040.10 strike-slip 11 1 0.04-0.10 10 strike-slip 24 Figures A1-A18 in Appendix 2 and Table 9 show cross-correlation results and best-fit moment tensor solutions obtained for 18 events listed in Table 8. For comparison the first motions focal mechanisms are also presented here. In most cases these solutions agree to within 20º scattering of strike, dip and rake. It being important, that the moment tensor inversion method gives as a rule more exact results especially in the cases of insufficient short-period data. For example for the 2001/10/08 earthquake in Arava Valley (Figure A12) only teleseismic Pwave onsets fitting in the center of the focal sphere could successfully resolute data but due to small magnitude of this event they did not observed. Another example is when all short-period stations being one-side located relatively the epicenter fell into the one or two focal quarters (the Roum earthquakes, Figures A15-A17). Notably that moment tensor solutions for these mentioned earthquakes were found from data of only one or two broadband stations. Very often a number of short-period data is too small and insufficient for getting of an exact location of nodal lines and only the principal solution is possible (Figures A1, A8-A10, A12, A15). On the other side, it is clear that in the case of a weak earthquake, when broadband data is noise contaminated and the variance reduction is very low (e. g., Figures A2, A8, A10 and A18), the additional short-period data may be very useful, especially when inverting waveforms of only one or two stations. For example, in the case of the Carmel Tizra M W3.5 earthquake 2004/07/20 (Figure A6), we found two best-fit moment tensor solutions (from the broadband HRFI and KSDI data) with mutually changing P and T axes, both with the equal but low meaning of the variance reduction VR=24%. The short-period P-wave onset signs distribution on the focal sphere allowed us here to choose the correct solution. Discussion Depth variations We have shown here through the examples of 18 earthquakes that a source depth can be resolved with the long-period data. To be more precise, it is the centroid depth, or the depth of emission of maximum energy generated by the moving during the shock fault. The source depth or the depth of the first movement in the source may differ strongly from the centroid one in the case of strong earthquakes. For small and intermediate events like those we have in our study, both these depths must be close for well constrained moment tensor solutions. But in practice, as can be seen from the Table 9, they differ sometimes very strongly, up to 15-20 km. (b) 20 20 15 15 dh, km dh, km (a) 10 10 5 5 0 0 3 3.5 4 4.5 Mw 5 5.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nst Figure 9. (a) Differences between source depths estimated by seismic short-period networks and centoid depths estimated from moment tensor inversion, as a function of moment magnitude; (b) the same as a function of number of broadband stations used for inversion. 25 Figure 9 shows the distribution of difference of all depths (dh) estimated in this study from moment tensor inversion and those given by regional short-period seismic networks, over moment magnitude (a) and number of broadband stations (Nst) used for inversion (b). The depth estimates from the seismic networks are assumed to be good because their reliability pointed by the system in the phase-lists is high or acceptable. The largest outliers of dh (20 and 15 km) are the EV6 (MW3.5 Carmel Tizra 2004/07/20) and EV2 (MW3.3 Jordan Valley 2005/09/07) which moment tensors were determined with low (24%) and medium (57%) value of the fit parameter (variance reduction), respectively. We can see from this figure the clear and distinct trend of decreasing of the depth discrepancy with increasing of both, the moment magnitude and number of stations taking part in inversion. This means that the main reason of a bad resolution of the source depth are the noise of a signal due to the different kind of background oscillations of the surrounding medium, and heterogeneities of this medium itself. As a result, this resolution is improving firstly with increasing of the signal-to-noise ratio in the data which we have with magnitude growth, and secondly with increasing the number of observations participating in inversion, thereby minimizing the effect of the model uncertainty along any one single ray path. MW/ML relationship The comparison of the reported local magnitude ML measured by the coda duration from the short-period seismic network ISN data and the moment magnitude MW calculated from the scalar moment M0 using the equation of Kanamori (1977) MW 2 lg M 0 10.7 , 3 (11) through the estimations made in this work and presented in Table 8 reveals that generally MW is less than the reported ML, and their estimates differ by at most 1.2 units of magnitude. The relationship of moment and local magnitude is shown graphically on the Figure 10,a. For lack of statistics for intermediate-sized earthquakes in Israel and its full absence for large ones, we can only conclude from this figure that for earthquakes with M L=3.5-4.5 their moment magnitudes are less than local ones in the average by 0.4 units of magnitude. This magnitude discrepancy does not show any essential dependence from the number of broadband stations taking part in inversion (Figure 10,b) but clearly decrease with magnitude growth (Figure 10,c). The 1.2 unit outlet on the last figure corresponded to the earthquake EV16 MW4.0 located to the north from Israel in Roum (Lebanon) some disturbs this regularity. The reason of such a big difference is unclear but probably is connected with the one-side location of stations. This idea is supported by the second 0.8 unit outlet observed for the EV14 M W3.8 earthquake in Negev, id est again on the country and network boundary. In any case, the rest 31 moment estimations confirm the found dependence without any doubts. What is more, it is follows from Figure 10,c that there is possibly a scaling break at MW~3.5 if to approximate MW/ML relationship linearly. Tectonics The style of faulting corresponding with the obtained moment tensor solutions is listed in Table 9. From these results it follows that about three quarters of the found solutions yields a strike-slip mechanism. Another quarter contains normal and oblique-normal events. All the strike-slip sources except one EV14 MW3.8 located in Negev are left-lateral relatively the near meridian nodal plane which coincides with the left-lateral character of the inter-plate movement along the Dead Sea transform. The EV14 is located on the Paran fault stretched sub-latitude, so most probably, the active nodal plane was the east-west directed with left-lateral faulting. That 26 supplements with the results of Hofstetter et al. (2005). Another mechanism solutions found in this work are in a good agreement with the tectonic conclusions made in the mentioned paper. (a) (b) 5.5 1.4 5 1.2 1 dM MW 4.5 4 0.8 0.6 3.5 0.4 3 0.2 2.5 0 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 2 4 6 8 Nst ML (c) 0 1.4 1.2 dM 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 Mw Figure 10. (a) MW obtained from this study is plotted against the ML provided to this study (Table 8). The line corresponds to the case when MW=ML. (b) Difference between local and moment magnitudes as a function of a number of broadband stations used for inversion. (c) The same magnitude discrepancy as a function of moment magnitude. Conclusions In this study we computed the catalogue of calibrated broad-band Green’s functions prefiltered in four frequency bands (0.01-0.05 Hz, 0.02-0.05 Hz, 0.02-0.10 Hz and 0.04-0.10 Hz), for the two 1-D models most suitable for the crust in Israel. The last frequency band is restricted and used for noisy and/or local distance data. Using these Green’s functions and broadband ISN data, we made moment tensor inversion for 33 earthquakes with the local magnitude ML greater or equal to 3.5, occurred in Israel and nearby since December 1996. Due to high noise contamination of data of events with moment magnitude MW<3.7 it was possible to obtain focal mechanism inverse solutions, depths and scalar moment M0 for only 18 events. For other 15 ones we estimated only the scalar moment. It is shown that for sufficiently strong events (since MW=3.7) moment tensor inversion method gives compatible or even more exact focal mechanisms than those from first motions especially in the cases of insufficient or badly configured short-period data. For weaker earthquakes the quality of inversion results depends on the noise level of a data set. It is demonstrated through the examples of 18 earthquakes that a resolution of the source depth found by the moment tensor inversion is improving with increasing of the moment magnitude and number of stations taking part in inversion. 27 It was found also that for earthquakes with ML=3.5-4.5 moment magnitudes are less than local ones in the average by 0.4 units. 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Code of the script “data-prep” #! /bin/csh # Shell to prepare data for TDMT_INV input set path=($path .../TDMTinv/PROGRAMS) # Command line arguments reading (station name, name of channel, the latitude # and longitude of the event, and the highpass and lowpass filter parameters) set NAME=$1 set CHNL=$2 set LA=$3 set LO=$4 set F1=$5 set F2=$6 # dt – the final step of discretization in sec, npts – number of points in input # data rows set dt =1.0 set npts=200 # Setting of sensitivities 30 if ( $NAME == 'EIL' ) then set sew = 5.9354e+08 set sns = 5.9435e+08 set sz = 6.0614e+08 else set sew = 6.0207e+08 set sns = 6.2793e+08 set sz = 6.1734e+08 endif # Setting of overestimated stations coordinates and coefficients to convert data # to cm and correct polarities if ( $NAME == 'EIL' ) then set STLA = 29.6712 set STLO = 34.9520 set polar = 100 endif if ( $NAME == 'JER' ) then set STLA = 31.7724 set STLO = 35.1981 set polar = 100 endif if ( $NAME == 'CSS' ) then set STLA = 34.9620 set STLO = 33.3310 set polar = 100 endif if ( $NAME == 'MRNI' ) then set STLA = 33.0118 set STLO = 35.9321 set polar = 100 endif if ( $NAME == 'KSDI' ) then set STLA = 33.1920 set STLO = 35.6585 set polar = -100 endif if ( $NAME == 'AMZI' ) then set STLA = 31.5491 set STLO = 34.9123 set polar = -100 endif if ( $NAME == 'HRFI' ) then set STLA = 30.0364 set STLO = 35.0370 set polar = -100 endif if ( $NAME == 'MMLI' ) then set STLA = 32.4379 set STLO = 35.4216 set polar = -100 endif if ( $NAME == 'KZIT' ) then set STLA = 30.9067 set STLO = 34.3978 set polar = -100 endif if ( $NAME == 'BGIO' ) then set STLA = 31.7219 set STLO = 35.0877 set polar = 100 31 endif sac << eof # Reading input data in the SAC format r $NAME*.${CHNL}E.* $NAME*.${CHNL}N.* $NAME*.${CHNL}Z.* # Synchronize and remove the mean meaning synch rmean # Remove seismometer STS-2 response and filter data trans from polezero s sts-2.zp freq 0.001 0.005 5 10 # Polarity and sensitivity correction, convert data to cm/s mul $polar div $sew $sns $sz w ew ns z # Data headers correction setbb la $LA getbb la setbb lo $LO getbb lo setbb stla $STLA getbb stla setbb stlo $STLO getbb stlo r ew ns z ch lpspol false ch file 1 cmpaz 9.00e+01 ch file 2 3 cmpaz 0.00e+00 ch file 3 cmpinc 0.00e+00 ch file 1 2 cmpinc 9.00e+01 ch knetwk IL ch stla %stla stlo %stlo ch evla %la evlo %lo ch iztype IA setbb NM and,kstnm getbb NM setbb N0 and,npts getbb N0 setbb d0 and,delta getbb d0 setbb DIS and,dist getbb DIS setbb BAZ and,baz getbb BAZ setbb AZ and,az getbb AZ # Note of the azimuth and distance in the file “azim.dat” getbb to azim.dat names off newline off NM DIS AZ qdp off ylim off # Point P-wave arrival manually ppk m on wh # Integration of data rmean int # Bandpass filtration bp co $F1 $F2 p 2 w over # Cut signal from the input rows, npts sec in length cut on cut a -50 149 r ew ns z 32 rmean taper w 0.1 w over cut off # The horizon data rotation to the epicenter r ew ns rot w r t r r t z ylim all ppk q eof # Decimation to dt= 1 sec if ( $CHNL == 'SH' ) then sac << eof r r t z dec 5 f on dec 4 f on dec 2 f on w r t z setbb N and,npts getbb N setbb d and,delta getbb d q eof endif if ( $CHNL == 'BH' ) then sac << eof r r t z dec 5 f on dec 4 f on w r t z setbb N and,npts getbb N setbb d and,delta getbb d q eof endif # The final data file preparation SAC2BIN in=t out=tan SAC2BIN in=r out=rad SAC2BIN in=z out=ver cat tan rad ver > tmp MAKEASCII ntr=3 format="(6e12.5)" dt=$dt nt=$npts < tmp > {$NAME}.data \rm ew ns tmp tan rad ver z t r File sts-2.zp: CONSTANT 6.0077e+07 ZEROS 2 POLES 5 -3.7004e-02 -3.70016e-02 -3.7004e-02 3.70016e-02 -251.33 0.0 -131.04 -467.29 -131.04 467.29 33 Appendix 2 Figure A1. (a) Cross-correlation results and best-fit moment tensor solutions of the 2005/10/03 Jordan Valley ML=4.0 earthquake (EV1 in Tables 8-9). The solid line corresponds to observed waveforms and the dotted one to synthetics. (b) The first motion solution for this earthquake obtained from short-period regional data. Compression (up) first motions are pointed by circles and dilatation (down) by triangles. Red-colored signs correspond to the direct waves. On the small focal sphere on the right the P (compressive) and T (tension) axes possible location areas are shown. 34 Appendix 2 Figure A2. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2005/09/07 Jordan Valley ML=3.7 earthquake (EV2 in Tables 8-9). 35 Appendix 2 Figure A3. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2005/06/01 Dead Sea ML=3.7 earthquake (EV3 in Tables 8-9). 36 Appendix 2 Figure A4. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2005/02/07 Dead Sea ML=4.0 earthquake (EV4 in Tables 8-9). 37 Appendix 2 Figure A5. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2004/08/08 Carmel Tirza ML=4.0 earthquake (EV5 in Tables 8-9). 38 Appendix 2 Figure A6. (a-b) Cross-correlation results and two opposite moment tensor solutions found for the 2004/07/20 Carmel Tirza ML=3.6 earthquake (EV6 in Tables 8-9). Due too small magnitude, the broadband data is noise contaminated and the variance reduction is very low in both cases. The shortperiod P-wave onset signs distribution on the focal sphere and corresponded to it the fault solution (c) allows us to choose the correct moment tensor solution (b). 39 Appendix 2 Figure A7. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2004/07/07 Jordan Valley ML=4.7 earthquake (EV7 in Tables 8-9). 40 Appendix 2 Figure A8. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2004/05/31 E.Shomron ML=3.5 earthquake (EV8 in Tables 8-9). 41 Appendix 2 Figure A9. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2004/03/15 Dead Sea ML=4.3 earthquake (EV9 in Tables 8-9). 42 Appendix 2 Figure A10. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2004/02/13 Dead Sea ML=3.7 earthquake (EV10 in Tables 8-9). 43 Appendix 2 Figure A11. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2003/02/31 Dead Sea ML=3.7 earthquake (EV12 in Tables 8-9). 44 Appendix 2 Figure A12. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 2001/10/08 Arava Valley ML=4.2 earthquake (EV13 in Tables 8-9). Note that the first motion solution for this earthquake is mistaken. Only teleseismic P-wave onsets fitting in the center of the focal sphere could successfully resolute short-period polarization data but due to small magnitude of this event they were not observed. 45 Appendix 2 Figure A13. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 1999/10/28 Negev ML=4.6 earthquake (EV14 in Tables 8-9). 46 Appendix 2 Figure A14. (a-b) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 1998/02/13 Roum ML=3.7 earthquake (EV15 in Tables 8-9). 47 Appendix 2 Figure A15. (a) The same as in Figure A1,a but for the 1997/03/26 Roum ML=5.2 earthquake (EV16 in Tables 8-9). (b) The short-period P-wave onset signs distribution on the focal sphere. Note that in this case it is impossible to construct any confident fault solution because all short-period stations being oneside located relatively the epicenter fell into the two focal quarters. 48 Appendix 2 Figure A16. (a) The same as in Figure A1 but for the 1996/12/03 Roum ML=4.1 earthquake (EV17 in Tables 8-9). (b) The same as in Figure A15 but all stations fell into the one focal quarter. 49 Appendix 2 Figure A17. (a-b) The same as in Figure A16 but for the 1996/12/01 Roum ML=3.9 earthquake (EV18 in Tables 8-9). 50