704 ORDINANCE NO. _____________ AN ORDINANCE ADDING REGULATIONS TO CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM TRAFFIC AND PARKING ORDINANCE #508 OF THE BOROUGH OF SELLERSVILLE, BUCKS COUNTY, COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR OPERATION AND PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES DURING SNOW EMERGENCIES AS DEFINED HEREIN AND DESIGNATED BY THE MAYOR, DURING SNOW AND ICE STORMS AND DURING SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL FROM BOROUGH STREETS AND SETTING FORTH PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE SAME, REPEALING INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES, PROVIDING FOR PARTIAL INVALIDITY, AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Council of Sellersville Borough, Bucks County, that the code of the Borough of Sellersville is hereby amended as follows: SECTION 1. Snow Emergencies. In order to facilitate the movement of traffic and to combat the hazards of snow and ice on the streets and roads of the Borough of Sellersville, the Mayor or his/her designee, in his discretion, may declare a snow or ice emergency (hereinafter referred to as a "snow emergency"). Information on the existence of a snow emergency shall be given by the Borough through radio, newspaper, or other available media, and information regarding the termination of the emergency shall be given by the use of the same media. A. After any snow emergency is declared, it shall be unlawful, at any time during the continuance of the emergency, for any person 1. To park a motor vehicle or to allow that vehicle to remain parked anywhere on any snow emergency route designated in subsection 2(a) below; 2. To drive any motor vehicle on any such snow emergency route, unless that vehicle is equipped with snow tires or chains. a. b. B. or EMERGENCY SNOW RESTRICTED PARKING ROUTES STREET SIDE BETWEEN Diamond Street Diamond Street East Church Street East Temple Avenue East Walnut Street Lawn Avenue Maple Avenue Noble Street North Main Street South Main Street West Temple Avenue Both West Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Both Tax Parcel 39-008-183 and South Main St. Tax Parcel 39-008-131 to 39-010-026 North Main Street and Borough Line North Main Street and East Walnut Street East Temple Avenue and Borough Line Maple Avenue and Borough Line West Temple Avenue and Borough Line North Main Street and Lawn Avenue South Main Street and Borough Line North Main Street and Borough Line Maple Avenue and North Main Street If at any time during a period of snow emergency declared under this Section a person shall park a motor vehicle or allow a motor vehicle to remain parked anywhere along a snow emergency route, the person shall be guilty of a violation of this Section, and subject to penalties as per Section 1 F. If, at any time during a period of snow emergency declared under this Section, a person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a snow emergency route, without having that vehicle equipped with snow tires or chains plus adequate equipment to provide sufficient traction to keep such vehicle in motion so that other traffic on such roadways will not be blocked impeded, that person shall be guilty of a violation of this Section, and subject to penalties as per Section 1 F. C. streets violation Any person who operates a motor vehicle upon any road or street or portion thereof listed in Subsection A, above, which vehicle shall become disabled upon any of the roads, or portions thereof listed above during a period of emergency declared as provided by this Section, if such disabling shall have been by reason of failure to have such vehicle equipped with the equipment prescribed in Subsection A above, shall be guilty of a of this Section, and subject to penalties as per Section 1 F. D. Any law enforcement officer having jurisdiction is hereby authorized to have any vehicles in violation of this Section towed away at the expense of the owner. E. In order to assist operators of motor vehicles in determining the highways affected by this Section, there shall be placed, on signs on the roads and streets designated in A, above, signs reading as follows: Subsection SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE SNOW TIRES OR CHAINS REQUIRED NO PARKING DURING DECLARED EMERGENCY VEHICLES TOWED AWAY AT OWNER EXPENSE F. Violations and penalties. This chapter shall be enforced by a criminal action in the same manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure. A person convicted of violating this chapter shall be sentenced to pay a fine not to exceed $1,000 per violation plus court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Borough of Sellersville, or to imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days or both. Violations of more than on provision of this chapter shall constitute separate violations. Each day that a violation of any provision of this chapter continues or occurs shall constitute a separate violation. G. If any provision of this Ordinance or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the provisions of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. ORDAINED and ENACTED into Ordinance this _______ day of __________ 2015, by Sellersville Borough Council. ATTEST: BOROUGH OF SELLERSVILLE _______________________________ David J. Rivet Secretary of Borough Council _______________________________ Robert C. Rudick President of Borough Council APPROVED this ______ day of _____________,2015. ________________________________ Thomas C. Hufnagle Mayor