1 Sandra Beam, Assistant Professor Sandra.Beam@CCUniversity.edu (please type PED 370 in the subject line) Cell Phone: 513.720.4023 Office Location: Rine Hall, Education Department Building Christian leaders to serve the church and shape the world. PED 370 Phonics & Linguistics Fall 2012 Hybrid Course - Wednesday 12:30-3:10 (3 semester credit hours) Required Course Texts Sound It Out!by John F. Savage Phonics They Use by P. Cunningham Phonemic Awareness in Young Childrenby M. Adams, B. Foorman, I. Lundber, & T. Beeler Required Extra Materials binder with tab dividers additional ½” or 1” binder 3x5 index cards red marker black marker Course Description This course is designed to provide the pre-service teacher an examination of the principles of phonemic awareness and phonics as they relate to reading, writing, and spelling. The pre-service teacher will also be provided opportunities to develop skills in assessment as well as application of the knowledge gained in the course. Additionally, the cultivation of the pre-service teacher’s appreciation for the value of the knowledge and skills of phonics and linguistics in the teaching of oral and written communication will occur. The course requires 10+ hours of directed field experience in an early childhood educational setting. Participants of the course must be admitted to the Early Childhood Education licensure program or obtain permission from the instructor. Course Rationale “Phonics and Linguistics” provides the infrastructure in language understanding for pre-service teachers who will be guiding the language and literacy development of learners from early childhood through young adolescence. Course Objectives Knowledge 1. Gain knowledge both receptively and expressively of the following: a. Name and sound of alphabet components b. Recognition of vowels and consonants c. Identify a phoneme’s position within a word (initial, medial, final) d. Visual and auditory recognition of: i. Blends ii. Digraphs iii. Hard and soft c and g Beam, PED 370 Fall 2012 2 2. 3. 4. 5. iv. Long and short sound of oo v. R-controlled vowels vi. S sound like z vii. Vowel combinations viii. Vowel diphthongs ix. Word endings x. Y as a consonant and vowel e. Diacritical markings f. Mechanics of: i. Accents ii. Grammar rules iii. Inflections iv. Sentence structure v. Syllables Discuss common phonemic generalizations inherent within the English language. Describe the stages of children’s development of phonics knowledge (i.e., phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonemic segmentation, the alphabetic principle) and how that knowledge impacts reading and spelling instruction. Develop a repertoire of strategies to engage students in the learning of foundational phonics. Explore linguistic knowledge including morphology and origins of the English language. Skills Through instruction, reading, and experience, the pre-service teacher will be able to: 1. Discern separation of vowels and consonants. 2. Discern alphabetic location of each letter in familiar and unfamiliar words. 3. Detect beginning, middle, and end sounds of words. 4. Use diacritical markings to pronounce words via reading, writing, and spelling. 5. Improve reading via phonetic learning. 6. Categorize writing samples according to stages of spelling development. 7. Critique current research reviewed in professional journals in the reading/ language arts area relating to embedded or systematic phonics, phonological or phonemic awareness, spelling, or word recognition/ word meaning. 8. Apply knowledge of grammar rules, syntax, accents, and syllabification to spelling, reading, and writing instruction. Dispositions Through readings, experiences, and observations, the pre-service teacher will: 1. Appreciate the importance of teaching the graphophonic cueing system within the context of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic components of language. 2. Perceive that knowledge of the graphophonic system of language is important in understanding the reading/ writing processes and in generating new ideas for language instruction. 3. Recognize the teacher as a model. 4. Realize the ability to read and write is important to every child. 5. Value the impact of classroom environment and its relationship to learning. Performance Outcomes To Be Assessed By The Course #7 Teacher candidate utilized Ohio Academic Content Standards to plan and/or implement content curricula. #8 Teacher candidate displays knowledge of how students learn and of the developmental characteristics of age groups. #10 Teacher candidate differentiates instruction to support the learning needs of all students, including students identified as gifted, students with disabilities and at-risk students. #11 Teacher candidate uses resources effectively, including technology, to enhance all students’ learning. #12 Teacher candidate knows how to present content in multiple ways, connecting to relevant experiences, and are able to articulate appropriate goals and rationale for instructional choices made. Beam, PED 370 Fall 2012 3 Course Requirements Attendance: In accordance with CCU policy, only 6 hours of this class may be missed as this is a three credit hour class. Absences for any reason in excess of this number will result in a drop from the class and receiving a grade of FA (failure due to absences). Please review the CCU Attendance Policy. If you do miss a class session, it is your responsibility to get notes and any other information you missed from a class member. If an assignment is due on the day of your absence, the assignment still must be submitted that day or it will be considered late.A late arrival or early dismissal exceeding 15 minutes will be counted as one hour of absence. *NOTE: Failure to complete an online course meeting will equal one full absence. Participation: Class participation is required. Participation includes: Reading the textbook prior to each class period and bringing the text and all other books required on a particular day. Always check the course schedule for books needed on that day. Reading and sharing good quality literature related to the genre being studied. Having chapter reflections ready prior to class and actively participating in class discussions or group work. Consistently displaying a professional attitude as seen through class presentations, written work, in-class demeanor, as well as being in class on time and staying for the complete class. Responsibly completing homework assignments in a timely manner. Notebook: A binder (1 ½ inch, 3 ring binder with class material organized using dividers for each of the below sections) is to be kept for the class. The contents of the notebook are to be as follows: 1. All class notes 2. All handouts from the instructor or fellow students 3. All returned assignments 4. Copy of the syllabus Notebooks will be checked in class on a specified date. Chapter Readings & Reflections Students are expected to read and reflect on any textbook information assigned. Reading and reflection assignments are outlined on the syllabus or the Moodle directions for the week. You are expected to be able to discuss that particular text in class assignments. Quizzes A total of 5 quizzes will be given as indicated on the course schedule. The quizzes will focus on individual letter sounds, letter combination sounds, and current information being discussed in class. Beam, PED 370 Fall 2012 4 Structured Language PowerPoint Each student will be assigned a structured language program commonly used in an educational setting. The professor will provide the names of the programs. You are to research the structured language program. If possible, you should speak to an educator to determine the benefits and pitfalls of a structured language program. You will create a fact sheet explaining what you have learned through your research. More information will be shared in class by the professor. Journal Reviews Students will read, reflect on, and apply information gained from reading two different journal articles related to the course. Throughout the semester, the professor will provide the articles to be read. Each review should consist of two full pages typed, double spaced. The first page should be a summary of the main topic of the article. The second page should be a reflection and application of how the information relates to you personally. A title page stating the title of the article, your name, and mailbox number should be attached to the front of each review. Reviews are due on the dates listed on the course schedule. Phonemic Awareness Lesson Present an activity from one chapter of Chapters 4 through 9 of the Phonemic Awareness in Young Children text. Further explanation and examples will be given in class by the professor. Field Experience Each student will tutor one hour per week throughout the semester in the Hampton Mentoring Program at Oyler Elementary in Price Hill. Keep a tutoring journal, which should brieflyexplain what occurs at each visit. Also, a time log and a professional dispositions report are to be submitted as part of the assignment. These will be given to you by the professor. More information regarding this assignment will be given in class by the professor. Writing Portfolio Students will be creating a personal writing portfolio, containing examples of different writing genres. Each piece will include all stages of the writing process. This assignment will need to be submitted in a ½ inch, 3 ring binder with tab dividers. A rubric will be shared and used to grade this assignment. More information about this assignment will be given in class by the professor. Final Project A final project will be created integrating phonics and the multiple intelligences.More information will be shared in class by the professor. Final Grade Evaluation Participation 5% Quizzes 15% Journal Reviews 8% Field Experience 10% Phonemic Awareness Lesson5% PowerPoint Readings & Reflections Notebook Writing Portfolio Final Project 15% 10% 5% 12% 15% 100 % total Beam, PED 370 Fall 2012 5 General Information All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12 point font, and have1 inch page margins. An assignment will be considered late if it is not submitted by the start of the class session on which it is due. A 10% penalty per day will be given for each late paper/ assignment. Late workwill not be accepted after December7th. Americans with Disabilities Act Statement Students who require academic accommodations due to any documented physical, psychological, or learning disability should request assistance from the Academic Support Director, Marie Reeves, within the first two weeks of class. The Academic Support Office is located in the lower level of the Worship and Ministry Building (room 153). You may also contact the office by phone (244-8420). No texting during class. Please refer to the Cincinnati Christian University Academic Catalog for general academic information, including the university’s grading scale used to determine the final letter grade for the course. Please review Cincinnati Christian University’s policies on cheating and plagiarism. The professor reserves the right to change anything in the course; including curriculum, schedule, assignments, and grading procedures at any time throughout the semester. Please feel free to contact me whenever you have a question or concern. Beam, PED 370 Fall 2012 6 Course Schedule for PED 370 Phonics and Linguistics Fall 2012 Class Sessions held in person will be on campus on Wednesdays, 12:303:10pm on the following dates: August 22nd, August 29th, September 5th, October 10th, November 7th, Finals Week All other weekly class sessions will be held on Moodle. Date August 22 Topic Class Information Location nd Introduction Create Sound Deck Early Reading Activities read the syllabus bring index cards, markers, and class texts Rine Phonemic Awareness Sound Quiz #1 Sound Quiz #1 bring Adams text Rine Teaching Letters & Sounds Sound Quiz #2 Due: Phonemic Awareness Lesson Sound Quiz #2 Rine The Place of Phonics instructions online Moodle High Frequency Words Big Words instructions online Due: Journal #1 Moodle Syllabication instructions online Moodle Phonics Theory & Research instructions online Moodle August 29th September 5th September 12th September 19th September 26th October 3rd October 10th DIBELS Sound Quiz #3 Essay Writing Sound Quiz #3 Rine Beam, PED 370 Fall 2012 7 October 17th Learning to Read instructions online Moodle Embedded or Explicit? Due: Structured Language Power Point Moodle Assessment instructions online Moodle October 24th October 31st November 7th Spelling Sound Quiz #4 Essay Writing November 14th Sound Quiz #4 Rine Writing instructions online Due: Journal #2 Thanksgiving Break no assignment Essay Writing instructions online Moodle Multiple Intelligences instructions online Moodle Final Project Share Portfolio Sound Quiz #5 Sound Quiz #5 Due: Writing Portfolio Final Project Oyler Paperwork Notebook Moodle November 21st November 28th December 5th Week of December 10th Rine Beam, PED 370 Fall 2012