Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan

Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Unit Title:
February4-8, 2013
Weekly Learning Targets:
K.CC.1 – Count to 100 by ones and by tens. (Knowledge)
Benchmarks will be set throughout the year to reach this standard.
Learning Targets:
K.CC.3 – Write numbers from 0-20. Represent a number of objects with a
written number 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects). (Knowledge)
Benchmarks will be set throughout the year to reach this standard.
Learning Targets:
· We can write numbers 0-10.
We can write numbers 10-20.
K.OA.3 – Decompose numbers less than or equal to 10 into pairs in more than one way, e.g., by using objects or drawings, and
record each decomposition by a drawing or equation (e.g., 5=2+3 and 5= 4+1)
Leaning Targets:
We can recognize regular dot patterns.
We can recognize irregular dot patterns to 10.
We can represent numbers in more than one way.
K.OA.5: Compose and decompose 5- 6(5 Structure).
Learning Target:
We can compose and decompose numbers to 10 using a ten frame.
Day One Activities:
Math Journals (Problem of the Day)
(Teen Numbers: Symbol, Tallies, and Objects)
Review 3-D shapes all week (As time permits, do
mini lessons for review.)
Whole Group: Decomposing the number 5
“Five Little Ducks” interactive chart
 Act it out with feather dusters and
number line. (5 children)
 Sing Song and glue ducks on 10-frame
as singing song.
 Individual charts and counters
 Recording problems with dry-erase
Day One Formative Assessments:
Counting to 50
Recognition of numbers to 20
Activities completed during Workshop
Five Frames
Ten Frames
Activities completed in whole group
Decomposing sheets for 5 ducks
Day One HOT Questions:
- How can we show numbers
- How do you determine which has
- Compare ___ (#) to ____ (#). and
which has more?
-What is addition?
What does “+” and “=” mean?
-How can you make the #____ a
different way?
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Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
Day Two Activities:
Math Journals (Problem of the Day)
(Teen Numbers: Symbol, Tallies, and Objects)
Review 3-D shapes all week (As time permits, do
mini lessons for review.)
Day Two Formative Assessments:
Math Journals
Counting to 50
Recognition of numbers to 20
Activities completed during Workshop
Five Frames
Ten Frames
Activities completed in whole group
Decomposing sheets for 5 ducks
Day Two HOT Questions:
Whole Group: Decomposing the number 5
“Five Little Ducks” interactive chart
 Act it out with feather dusters and number line.
 Use number 5 “duck” fuzzy sticks to act out the
story and record on decomposing sheet.
 Review “5” by introducing “Clothespin Ducks”
game. This will be added to math centers.
Day Three Activities:
Math Journals (Problem of the Day)
(Teen Numbers: Symbol, Tallies, and Objects)
Review 3-D shapes all week (As time permits, do
mini lessons for review.)
Whole Group: Decomposing the number 6
“Six Black Hungry Crows” interactive chart
 Each child will create his/her scarecrow mat.
 Individual charts and counters
 Recording problems on recording sheet.
Day Four Activities:
 Calendar
 Math Journals (Problem of the Day)
(Teen Numbers: Symbol, Tallies, and Objects)
 Review 3-D shapes all week (As time permits, do
- How can we show numbers
- How do you determine which has
- Compare ___ (#) to ____ (#) and
which has more?
-What is addition?
What does “+” and “=” mean?
-How can you make the #____ a
different way?
Day Three Formative Assessments:
Math Journals
Counting to 50
Recognition of numbers to 20
Activities completed during Workshop
Five Frames
Ten Frames
Activities completed in whole group
Day Three HOT Questions:
- How can we show numbers
- How do you determine which has
- Compare ___ (#) to ____ (#). and
which has more?
-What is addition?
-How can you make the #____ a
different way?
Day Four Formative Assessments:
Counting to 50
Recognition of numbers to 20
Activities completed during Workshop
Five Frames
Ten Frames
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Joe Harrison Carter Elementary School Lesson Plan
mini lessons for review.)
Activities completed in whole group
6 crows Recording Sheet
Whole Group: Decomposing the number 6
“Six Black Hungry Crows” interactive chart
 Each child will create his/her scarecrow mat.
 Individual charts and counters
 Recording problems on recording sheet.
Day Five Activities:
 Calendar
 Math Journals (Problem of the Day)
(Teen Numbers: Symbol, Tallies, and Objects)
 Review 3-D shapes all week (As time permits, do
mini lessons for review.)
Whole Group: Decomposing the number 6
 Using scarecrow mat children will come up with
his/her own problem.
 Individual recording sheets and fuzzy beads.
 Recording problems on recording sheet.
Sharpen Your Saw!
Day Four HOT Questions:
- How can we show numbers
- How do you determine which has
- Compare ___ (#) to ____ (#). and
which has more?
-What is addition?
-What does “+” and “=” mean?
-How can you make the #____ a
different way?
Day Five Formative Assessments:
Counting to 50
Recognition of numbers to 20
Activities completed during Workshop
Five Frames
Ten Frames
Activities completed in whole group
6 crows Story Mat
Day Five HOT Questions:
- How can we show numbers
- How do you determine which has
- Compare ___ (#) to ____ (#). and
which has more?
-What is addition?
-What does “+” and “=” mean?
-How can you make the #____ a
different way?
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