Measuring Up To MAFS Family Night

Measurement Sentence Frames
By: Juril Johnson-Kindergarten Teacher
Measurement and Data
 MAFS.K.MD. 1.2
 Directly compare two objects with a measureable
attribute in common, to see which object has “more
of/”less of” the attribute, and describe the
difference. For example, directly compare the
heights of two children and describe one child as
Measurement Sentence FramesComparing Lengths
 The math sentence frames in this pack provide
opportunities for children to read sight words in
context while building math comparative language
related to linear measurement. Each frame can be
completed in several ways and support is provided
through pictures. This set includes the following 3
sentence frames:
 The ________ is longer than the ________.
 The ________ is shorter than the ________.
 The ________ is taller than the ________.
Measurement Books
 Measure It
 Me and The Measure Of Things
 Size – Many ways to Measure
Measurement Sentence Frames Instructions
 1. Choose two objects and compare their length.
Which is longer? Which is shorter?
 2. Use the word and picture cards to make a sentence
showing what you noticed.
 3. Read your sentence to a friend. Does it make
 4. Write your sentence and draw a picture.
Sentence Frame Example
GO MATH! Florida
 Daily Lessons
Activate prior knowledge
Discuss Essential question
Home learning reviews what was taught in class that