Key Dates: Please mark your calendars: August 20th—Peer Observer Led Whole Group IRR August 21st—Peer Observer Self-Selected PD Part 2 in rotating groups August 22nd—Green Day Support in Schools. If a school has not asked for your assistance, please report to Del Pueblo for alternate activities. August 23rd –No Nonsense Nurturer--Two simultaneous NNN presentations for interested schools 4:00-6:30 @ Del Pueblo Jeff Leah and Karin Joanna (optional for those who are interested or have not attended) August 23rd—Peer Observer Led Content Specific IRR August 24th—No Nonsense Nurturer Leah, Peggy and Bev to facilitate at Ashley ELE 811. (optional for those who are interested or have not attended) August 24th—Work with the CAO office (location TBD) August 27th—Whole Group IRR led by Todd August 28th through September 7th—small group IRR in schools and meeting your caseload September 5th—P.O. Meeting at Del Pueblo from 8:00 until 11:00 a.m. All sessions are at Del Pueblo from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., unless otherwise noted. Key Dates: GOAL—MEET 100% OF OUR CASELOAD BEFORE SEPTEMBER 10TH. RELATIONSHIPS, PERSPECTIVES AND POSITIVITY! ISSUE 3 VOLUME 1 August 20-24, 2012 % Complete: 0% % of Time Remaining: 100% % of Time Past: 0% THOSE INTERESTED IN LEAD PO RESPONSIBILITIES SHOULD P.O.W.R. PLAN TO MEET FOR LUNCH AUGUST 27TH. THOSE INTERESTED IN WORKING ON THE PO FEEDBACK RUBRIC SHOULD PLAN TO MEET AUGUST 27TH FROM 4:00 TO 5:00 PM Team Peer Observer Weekly Report QUOTE OF THE WEEK—“WHAT IF THE HOKEY POKEY REALLY IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT?” FROM FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS BY CHERYL CALDWELL Dear Todd(y), “Dear Todd—I am working on a committee in my content area for the district. We are developing materials for use across DPS. Are you willing to review some of the materials?” --Just Wondering Part of my job is to support you! The short answer is “absolutely!” I will do my best to give feedback. One of my goals is to help you think through instruction as it relates to your responsibilities. Always ask! If I can help, I will! (Series) 5 Ways to Make a Killer First Impression Most people will judge you within the first second of meeting you and their opinion will most likely never change. Making a good first impression is incredibly important, because you only get one shot at it. Princeton University psychologist Alex Todorov and co-author Janine Willis, a student researcher who graduated from Princeton in 2005 had people look at a microsecond of video of a political candidate. Amazingly, research subjects could predict with 70-percent accuracy who would win the election just from that microsecond of tape. This tells us that people can make incredibly accurate snap judgments in a tenth of a second. How can you ensure people are judging you accurately and also seeing your best side? You never want to give people an inauthentic impression — many people can intuitively feel if someone is being fake immediately. However, any time you meet someone for the first time, you always want to start on the right foot. Here are a few ways you can make sure people’s first impression of you is a good one: First--Set an intention. The most important thing to do for giving a good impression is to set your intention. This is especially important before any kind of big event where you would be meeting a lot of people — i.e. conferences, networking events or friend’s parties. As you get ready or when you are driving over think about what kind of people you want to meet and what kind of interactions you want to have. This can be an incredibly grounding experience and works very well to focus on what kind of energy you want to have for your event. (More next week.) From: Mandated--- All employees are required to complete the Student Safety Mandated Reporting Training by September 7th at 3:00 pm. After you have completed viewing the PowerPoint, please send an email to Tonia indicating that you have viewed it. This is a requirement of DPS and there are no exceptions.