Creating an Illustrated Myth Name__________________________________ Period____________ Date turned in ______ Scoring Criteria Ideas Structure Exemplary DM/AM Proficient P/AP Emerging D/B Incomplete The myth cleverly explains the reason for a natural phenomenon or why something natural was created with consistent detail and sensory images. The myth explains the reason for a natural phenomenon or why something natural was created with some detail. The myth has a weak explanation of the reason for a natural phenomenon or why something natural was created. The myth does not teach about a natural phenomenon or the creation of something from nature. Key attributes of character (actions, thoughts and feelings) are consistently revealed throughout the story. Key attributes of character (actions, thoughts and feelings) are included in parts of the story. Key attributes of character (actions, thoughts and feelings) are unclear or lacking in the story. Key attributes of character are confusing or rarely shared to help the reader understand the story. The myth contains realistic dialogue that consistently reveals information that helps the reader understand the action in the plot and characterization. The myth has some realistic dialogue that helps the reader understand the action of the plot and characterization in places. The myth has very little dialogue or the dialogue is not realistic. It does not help the reader understand the action of the plot and/or characterization. There is no dialogue in the story. Symbolism was connotative and was imaginatively weaved throughout the story. Symbolism was clearly connotative and was used in part of the story. Symbolism was not clear and seemed to be more denotative than connotative. There was no symbolism used in the story. The myth embeds many (3 or more) vivid illustrations that enhance the ideas using presented in the myth. The myth is well organized and contains the following: The myth includes at least 3 illustrations that connect with the ideas presented in the myth. The myth includes less than 3 illustration or the visuals are not clearly related to the ideas in the myth. Does not have any visuals. * An exposition that clearly describes the setting and a thorough background that helps the reader understand the rest of the story. • An exposition that describes the setting and gives the reader a bit of background to understand the story. The exposition gives little information about the setting and background. The exposition is not clear or helpful for the reader to understand the story. *detailed rising action • coherent rising action The myth is organized and contains the following: Structure continued Use of Language Writing Process *Well explained internal and external conflict • a conflict The myth is somewhat disorganized and is missing a few key elements of plot structure. The myth is disorganized and not coherent. *A suspenseful Climax • a climax *Engaging falling action • falling action *A clever and detailed resolution • resolution *A lesson that is clearly connected to the plot and is meaningful to the reader. • An end that teaches a meaningful lesson. The myth lacks a meaningful lesson to be learned. The myth does not have a recognizable lesson. Uses transitions to skillfully guide the reader throughout the story. Consistently and effectively uses proper gods, diction and situations that enhance the story/genre. Uses some transitions to move between main ideas. Includes few transitions to help guide the reader through the story. Does not include purposeful transitions. Includes proper gods, diction and situations that fit the story/genre. Includes gods, diction and/or situations that are confusing to the story/genre. Contains details that do not fit the story/genre. Writing is virtually error free. There are a few errors in conventions, but they do not detract from the readability of the myth. Writing contains errors that detract from meaning of the myth at times. Writing contains errors that interfere with the meaning. The writer has very few errors in punctuating and formatting dialogue. The writer has some errors in punctuating and formatting dialogue. The writer has many errors in punctuating and formatting dialogue. The writer does not have dialogue or made no attempt to punctuate or format the dialogue. The writer has no errors in formatting. The writer has one error in formatting. The student fully and intentionally participated in the revisionary process of the writing group by asking questions and gave helpful feedback, The student participated in the revisionary process of the writing group and gave some helpful feedback. The writer has 2 or more errors in formatting. The student lacked some participation in the writing group or gave feedback that only fixed mistakes (editing) and did not help the group to possibly improve writing. The writer has more than 2 errors in formatting. The student did not effectively participate in the writing group. The myth demonstrates extensive evidence of the various stages of the writing process. The myth demonstrates adequate evidence of the various stages of the writing process. The myth demonstrates little evidence of some stages of the writing process. The myth does not include a proper plot structure. They myth demonstrates very little evidence that the writing process was utilized.