unit materials tools/systems Texas A&M universi ty HS, DVD, blurays, etc, audio Voyager music, audio books, books on tape and moving images; Internet video servicesmediamatrix:http://imedia.tam u.edu/mediamatrix Longw DVD, VHS, and CD ood Univers ity marc Housto n Commu nity College DVDs, DVD-ROMs, videocassettes, a few audio books, music CDs, CD-ROMs, LPs, streaming videos and ebooks Innovative Interfaces, Inc (III)’s Millennium http://library.hccs.edu/ TV news and production Nesbit Media Library program photos, newspaper headlines, filemaker pro for MAC illustrations, and other images for documentary film research School still image of Informa tion Science Univers ity of Pittsbur gh MSAccess database run on a MYSQL server (in use but problematic ) looking at MAVIS and Canto Cummulus WITNE videotape, digital video, and SS digital still images 80 Hanson Place, 5th Floor Brookly n, NY 11217 FileMaker Pro Albert Steg Cambri dge, Filemaker 8mm and 16mm films MA Wash Univ The Giugni Archive at the Univers ity of Hawaii (film, video, photos, book, papers and manuscripts, artifacts, digital materials, etc.) Comput video files. Windows media, er Flash FLV, MPEG4 Science Veterin ary Medici ne Comput ing Service s Filemaker MAVIS Ensemble on a limited basis collections of lecture stored locally and indexed through iTunes recordings from the didactic U portion of our curriculum along with a smaller collection of vignettes covering anatomy laboratory exercises;300 GB of media per year Fortuno video ff Video Archive for Holoca ust Testimo nies Yale Univers ity Voyager (MARC 21), AACR2, and LOC subject headings Jerome the DL community McDon ough Greenstone (www.greenstone.org) PYTHEAS (http://web2.uwindsor.ca/library/leddy/peo ple/art/pytheas/index.html) and Qubit (http://qubit-toolkit.org/wiki/index.php?titl e=Main_Page) archive Archivists' Toolkit (http://www.archiviststoolkit.org/), Archon (http://www.archon.org/) and Archivematica (http://archivematica.org/wiki/index.php?tit le=Main_Page) The audio/visual community Media Archivi st Wiscon sin Public Televisi on Collection Workflow Integrated System (in use) Collective Access(planning to switch to) On the production side we do use Avid Interplay for storing some digital media with minimal cataloging Cyn.In from Cynapse (http://www.cynapse.com/cynin) EnterMedia (http://entermediasoftware.com/) ResourceSpace (http://www.resourcespace.org/)