LIQUID LEVEL DETECTOR PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION Khaleel Alkhabbaz Nicholas Klein Timothy Arellano Truong Pham Tuan Nguyen Version 1.2 10/23/2013 Liquid Level Detector VERSION HISTORY Version # 0.5 1.0 1.1 1.2 Implemented By Nick Klein Tim Arellano Nick Klein Revision Date 10/23/13 10/23/13 10/23/13 Nick Klein 10/23/13 Reason Initial Design Definition draft Added section 4: Product Requirements Changed 1/8th to 1/10th in regards to LED measurement increments. Added Group Member’s names to cover sheet Page 2 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Purpose of The Product Design Specification Document ......................................... 4 2 GENERAL OVERVIEW AND DESIGN GUIDELINES/APPROACH ............................ 4 2.1 Assumptions / Constraints / Standards ...................................................................... 5 3 ARCHITECTURE DESIGN ................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Logical View ............................................................................................................. 7 3.2 Hardware Architecture ............................................................................................ 11 3.3 Software Architecture ............................................................................................. 13 3.4 Performance ............................................................................................................ 13 4 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................ 14 4.1 Use-Cases ................................................................................................................ 14 4.2 Product Musts .......................................................................................................... 15 4.3 Product Shoulds ....................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Product Mays ........................................................................................................... 17 4.5 User Interface overview .......................................................................................... 17 5 PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION APPROVAL...................................................... 18 Page 3 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT The Product Design Specification document is meant to provide project management and design team with direction on how to proceed with prioritizing product features and design decisions based on “Must”, “Should”, and “May” declarations that refer to what a product must, should and may do. This document provides the requirements that a product will be measured against during and after the product launches to gauge if product development was successful and within the parameters established at the beginning of the product discussion and development. 2 GENERAL OVERVIEW AND DESIGN GUIDELINES/APPROACH The Product must meet the requirements specified in section 4 of this document as well as the requirements mentioned in Andrew’s slides during the second day of class in ECE411. This includes requirements such as the product at minimum must have one actuator, one input, and one processor. These basic requirements drive the approach to the problem. The approach will be once a product has been defined to determine which MCU is sufficient to fill this role. Since a processor come in all shapes and sizes this will be a critical component in determining the cost of the system. Page 4 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 2.1 ASSUMPTIONS / CONSTRAINTS / STANDARDS We are constrained by the fact we have rigid requirements in the practicum project requirements document. The constraints of our design are we will need to make certain decisions and justifications as are listed in section 4 of this document. The other constrains that have been given to us are defined in this section by Andrew. If you go to this link: You will find these restrictions: ◦ Design ▪ Have ≥ 1 sensor. ▪ Have ≥ 1 actuator. ▪ Have a digital or analog processor. ◦ Schematic ▪ Be in a schematic capture program. ▪ Be forward/backward annotated to your PCB design. ◦ PCB ▪ Have ≥ 25% surface mount components (NB: “assembled by hand” below). ▪ Be a 2 layer PCB with solder mask and top-side silk screen. ▪ Have the processor on your PCB (i.e., PCB may not be a daughter boards or “shield”). ◦ Assembly and debug ▪ Be assembled by hand (your hand). ▪ Be tested. ▪ Work. ◦ Documentation ▪ Be documented. ▪ Have all documentation and design files in a revision control program. ▪ Use collaborative documentation tools (e.g., Redmine wiki, Google Docs) ◦ Be safe Page 5 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 3 ARCHITECTURE DESIGN This program will utilize over the counter parts as a part of the design. We must select components that are readily available to us in the off chance that something goes wrong and we fry a part. Time to market and lead time are critical components in this project as we only have 10 weeks to complete it. We will be utilizing Atmel for our processor, over the counter buttons and LED displays. The key component that we will need to order is the Ultrasonic sensor. These types of sensors are widely available however they are generally only available online. We have a “should” statement that the sensor needs to be waterproof. Waterproofing sensors will lead to additional cost to the end product so design tradeoffs may occur since we are poor college students. Page 6 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 3.1 LOGICAL VIEW MUST HAVE diagram LED level Output Input Cylinder (8oz) Input All logic relies on: MCU Analog components (Filter caps, Batteries, etc.) Page 7 of 18 Revision 1.2 Button Liquid Level Detector Project must have two inputs: – Buttons • One to turn on device. – Level Sensor (Ultrasonic) Project must have one output: – LED bar graph • Increments of 1/10th Page 8 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector SHOULD HAVE diagram LED level Output LCD screen Output Input Cylinder (8oz) Button Input MCU Input Button All logic relies on: Analog components (Filter caps, Batteries) Page 9 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector Project should have three inputs: – Buttons • One to turn on device. • One to swap between LED bar graph and LCD display – Level Sensor (Ultrasonic) Project should have two outputs: – LED bar graph • Increments of 1/10th – LCD screen • Show Percentages of full Page 10 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 3.2 HARDWARE ARCHITECTURE We have selected components that are listed in the L1 Component research document on the Wiki. The MCU is Atmel and will be programmed with the number of inputs and outputs described in the Logical view section of this document. Since TTM is a key factor in this design we will be trying to minimize personal design decisions by using industry available parts. We will be looking to purchase ultrasonic sensors, MCUs, Buttons, and LED bar graphs. One key component in our HW design will be interfacing with the LED bar graph: This part works by individual LEDs acting as the level on the graph such as the below picture: We will be required to either use multiple pins or we will need some sort of decade counter to control this device. As of this revision 0.5 this is currently the best known component for the job. For the Buttons we will be using standard over the counter tactile Single pull single throw switches. For the MCU we will be looking to use a higher pin count MCU. Originally in Page 11 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector our project proposal we thought we could get by with the ATtiny85 however if we wanted to use an LCD screen we would need 8 pins and for an LED bar graph depicted above we need 10 pins. Based on this we have decided to go with the Atmega328 for a higher pin count and would reduce the number of external components we would need such as decade counters. For Ultrasonic senors they typically some in a transceiver package that includes some sort of logic that generates a 40kHz pulse. We are looking to utilize one of these packages. Our preliminary research turned up the parallax ultrasonic sensor: This device produces a proportional response on the Signal pin in relation to what it receives on the TX/RX speakers depicted above. One limitation of the device is it runs on 5.00V we are looking for a component that runs on a 3.30V coin cell battery. This in mind we ended up looking in to the MB1030 depicted below: This sensor operates on a lower voltage, has a lower footprint, and more options on getting the data from the range finder. We are still on the fence about which component to purchase so a later revision of this document will describe which piece of hardware we went with and why we selected it. Page 12 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector The reader should be aware of how these decisions are being made. The end goal of this project is to have an ultrasonic sensor that measures the distance between the sensor and the top of the liquid and gives a reading based on a uniform container and the energy returned by the ultrasonic pulse. After utilizing some mathematics we can determine the volume of the container. 3.3 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE For this design will be utilizing C code to program the MCU. The reason for this is C is widely used and for these sensors we can find example code that can speed time to market. 3.4 PERFORMANCE Since the intention of this design is to ultimately provide a value alternative to current industry standards of measuring containers a key performance feature will be accuracy and efficiency of the design. As a must the product must be within 20% of actual measurements. There are additional stretch goals for this measurement that are listed in section 4 of this document. Page 13 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 4 4.1 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS USE-CASES This product is intended to be used wherever liquid level measurement is desired. This can include, but is not limited to; gas tanks, water tanks, septic tanks, and hot water heaters. It is our goal to make a system that is robust enough to be used in most any environment and provide reasonable accuracy (within 5-10%). Ideally we want to be able to use this in opaque containers or where visual observation of liquid levels cannot be ascertained. Page 14 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 4.2 PRODUCT MUSTS The following table lists the Must haves for this product. This includes features and items that ensure a working product, but do not ensure a user friendly product. These are the bare-bones requirements for this product as well as the practicum project. Project Requirements: What Must it do Justification Priority Read liquid level Primary feature of design without this the design wouldn’t exist. 1 Report liquid level as percentage (LED bar graph) Provide visual feedback to user in the terms of percent of remaining liquid. 1 Have an MCU Practicum design requirement. Main function must be driven by an MCU 1 >25% SMD Practicum design requirement. Must be composed of more than 25% surface mount components. 1 Hand assembled Practicum design requirement. The main limitation is no BGA parts 1 Must be reasonably accurate (20%) Provides validity to measurements. 1 Affordable We're poor college students 1 MUST work Practicum design requirement to receive a passing grade 1 1. Absolutely necessary for successful completion of project. This also includes any requirements for the Practicum project to receive a passing grade (i.e. Must work) 2. These are high priority items that will make the product more robust or more user friendly. These are not absolute needs but require strong consideration 3. These are features that should be looked at, time permitting. These will add features to make the product more desirable but are not necessary in the root functioning of the product. 4. These are stretch goals that should only be looked at if we complete priority 3 items. Page 15 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 4.3 PRODUCT SHOULDS This section outlines the parts of the product that would be nice to have but are not absolutely necessary for the product to work. These include items like user friendliness, actual amount readouts (liters instead of percentages), etc. These items will be a high priority but will be overlooked if necessary for timely completion of the product. Project Requirements: What Should it do Justification Priority Waterproof Protection from exposure to the liquid being measured. Sensor will be inside of a liquid container 2 Enclosure should be able to withstand reasonable impact (Fall from 3 meters) Prevents premature failures from short falls or impacts due to user error or shipping. 2 Have an LCD readout Provides options for: user friendliness, more feedback options (L instead of %), expandability (can add environmental sensors such as temperature) 3 PCB should have scalability options (connections for LCD, etc.) Allows use of one PCB for incremental featuring. 2 Be chemical and temperature resistant small/compact Must be more accurate (5-10%) Protects the circuit from measuring non-water substances at various temperatures. Ideally allow to fit under a gas cap/container lid. Smaller the PCB = lower cost Gives validity to measurements. 2. 3. 4. 3 2 Give option to wake from "sleep" state. Reduce overall power 2 consumption of device Absolutely necessary for successful completion of project. This also includes any requirements for the Practicum project to receive a passing grade (i.e. Must work) These are high priority items that will make the product more robust or more user friendly. These are not absolute needs but require strong consideration These are features that should be looked at, time permitting. These will add features to make the product more desirable but are not necessary in the root functioning of the product. These are stretch goals that should only be looked at if we complete priority 3 items. respond to user input (button) 1. 3 Page 16 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 4.4 PRODUCT MAYS This section outlines the features of the product that are really nice to have. They are the least necessary to the success of the product and only serve to increase user experience. For this product user experience isn’t our main focus, but we will look into it, time permitting. This feature set includes optimizing the product for specific uses, such as a motorcycle fuel gauge. Project Requirements: What Might it do Justification Priority fit under a lid/gas cap Allows for use model in a motorcycle fuel gauge application. 4 power efficient Reduce the battery requirements for the design. Increase battery life. 4 Must be absolutely accurate (0-5%) Gives validity to measurements. 4 Give more options for usability such as continuous or timed or 4 button press only readings. Absolutely necessary for successful completion of project. This also includes any requirements for the Practicum project to receive a passing grade (i.e. Must work) These are high priority items that will make the product more robust or more user friendly. These are not absolute needs but require strong consideration These are features that should be looked at, time permitting. These will add features to make the product more desirable but are not necessary in the root functioning of the product. These are stretch goals that should only be looked at if we complete priority 3 items. respond to user input for multiple operation states 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.5 USER INTERFACE OVERVIEW The main focus in user interface is to make it as intuitive as possible while providing the most feature rich experience. User interface will consist of at least one button that will serve as a reading. The system will remain idle until the button is pressed and only then will the system take a reading of the liquid remaining in the container. Other design updates may include a hard power switch to remove the power source from the circuit in order to reduce leakage power loss when idle. More operation stages may be included in later revisions, as well, to include continuous mode, burst (timed) mode, etc. Page 17 of 18 Revision 1.2 Liquid Level Detector 5 PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATION APPROVAL The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Product Design Specification document and agree with the approach it presents. Any changes to this Requirements Definition will be coordinated with and approved by the undersigned or their designated representatives. Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: Role: Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: Role: Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: Role: Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: Role: Signature: Date: Print Name: Title: Role: Page 18 of 18 Revision 1.2