Newton International School, D-Ring An International community of learners striving for excellence and celebrating success Dear Parents, 3rd March 2014 This is an outline of what will be covered each week in Year 2 from the 2nd March to the 14th April 2014. This gives you an idea of what concepts are being taught and when. However, please be aware that this can change due to field trips, assessments, etc. A letter like this will go out each half term so you are more informed about what is happening within your child’s year group. 2-6 March Numeracy –Measures and Data – Measuring liquid. Literacy – Information Texts – Distinguish between fiction and non-fiction texts and key features. 9-13 March Numeracy – Multiplication and division – recognise multiplication is the opposite of division. Literacy – Information Texts – Using information texts. Science – Variation – Know that animals and plants can be recognised by simple features. Science – Variation – Know how to collect animals safely and to make a pictorial record of some animals. Topic – Katie Morag – Identify how an island is different from a mainland. Topic – Katie Morag – Identify types of transport. 16-20 March 23-27 March Numeracy – Multiplication and division – recognise multiplication is the opposite of division. Numeracy – Addition and subtraction – Adding 5 1 digit numbers looking for number bonds to help. Literacy – Information Texts – Plan and publish an information text. Literacy – Different Stories same Author – Read & discuss books. Science – Variation – Make careful observations and see similarities and differences between the animals and plants. Science – Variation –Know that people are similar in some ways and different in others. Topic – Katie Morag – Following directions. 30-3 April Numeracy – Mental addition, subtraction and money – Learning mental strategies for adding and taking away. Literacy – Different Stories same Author - Begin to evaluate books. Science – Variation – Know some ways of sorting human groups. Topic – Katie Morag – Differences between Qatar and other countries. Topic – Katie Morag – Using grid references and maps. 6-14 April Assessment Week Numeracy –Assessment Literacy – Information Texts Science – Assessment Topic – Katie Morag - Differences between Qatar and other countries.